The S-Classes That I Raised

Owner of 377R Territory (6)

A massive battle axe blows in the wind and swings heavily toward the Undead. Phew! The undead burst out with a heavy voice.

‘That's how they use it. ’

Usually the axe raises its blade to attack the enemy. But Noah wields his axe, not on the blade, like a broad iron club. A simple blunt object can continue to move away from the body, but a zombie that explodes just as wide as an axe blade cannot stand up straight.

Noah's body rises lightly into the air. You twist the sack with both hands and drop down toward the undead, aiming at the wider side as well.


In addition to the power of the descent, the zombie presses down flat as if it were a large press.

- Whoo-hoo!

Another dead hunter lunges at Noah. Bodies come from both sides screaming an unknown sound. The sack of dough in Noah's hands is gently carried into his left hand, and a flanged mace is held in his empty right hand.

Bingler, a double-edged axe, spins halfway around the world, and throws it right in front of the jumping zombie. A high-ranking hunter who can jump over obstacles like that. However, the Undead, who was losing cognition, fell and sacrificed my leg on the day it was erected at an angle.

At the same time, Mace's hard head collides roughly with the zombie's head in the opposite direction.

“Noah, I'm used to it. ”

I heard you're not really good at catching zombies once or twice. I was worried about the undead paintings of higher hunters, but they said they were similar to the monsters in the S-grade Undead Dungeon.

“Don't overdo it! You can't even use skills. ”

“I'm fine.”

Noah smiles brightly as he blows the zombie away.

“I don't have attack skills in the first place! ”

It is, though.

“I've been to the Undead Dungeon a lot before I got the title. ”

It was also possible to apply assistive and healing skills directly to the body. It turns into a dragon, which is impossible because it changes your body so much.

“Senior Undead is essentially poisonous, so you'd better watch out for Hae Yeon's guild leader. Slow compared to stats, but do not approach as much as possible. However.”

The corpse that was crushed about a decade ago is rising again. Noah's eyes narrow slightly.

“Fast playback speed. Undead regeneration is common in Class S dungeons, but it's not that fast without an atypical slime. ”

Obviously, it was endless.

Did the military kidnap me for this? ’

If you tell a Class S Hunter there to be you, zombie, no matter how loyal he may be, he will risk his life and flee China. Class A and Class B are the same. However, if we attracted Korean hunters, we were able to recover quality corpses without much repulsion.

Hunters who are slightly weaker than they were alive, but are constantly resurrected and never betrayed.

‘I think I knew the forest, and I really didn't know the color of the portrait. ’

I knew it until the skill was nullified. But the hunters here were in charge of the portrait. He probably didn't know that he was going to make them undead.... or, I know, mid-level hunters who didn't think there was much difference between a corpse and a body. If it's human nature, hmm.

Yoohyun hugged me and jumped over the debris. What my brother was holding was not the sword as usual. One of the items I picked up was a remote-type weapon with a large blade at the end of a sturdy rope made of monster tendons.

It is never easy to wield a weapon at the end of a rope. It was also a weapon in the style that Yoohyun did not use. However, thanks to your use of the grinding sword, one arm grabs me and slashes the zombie with its remaining hand skillfully.

Unlike Noah's axe, the blade is thrown at the bridge with only a weak level of destruction. The rapidly approaching zombie's ankle slits open. Yoohyun's wrist twisted and pulled the rope, and the retrieved blade rotated greatly over our head and split the air again.

Suddenly, a zombie loses both feet and collapses. However, that kind of wound will regenerate shortly.

‘... I can't even use my skills, so I'm really interrupting. ’

The words, "I'm uncomfortable," forcefully swallowed it up to my throat. I'm going to say it's not him or Noah. Nevertheless, my heart became heavy. It's getting weaker. I want another cigarette.

“If you push it into the fire, it won't regenerate. Still can't, right? ”

Yoohyun nodded, removing the undead's head.

“I'm having a hard time controlling it, and if I do, my brother will get hurt. ”

“I'm afraid I have no choice but to run. You said the helipad was closer to land. ”

“Yes! We'd better go that way. ”

The undead won't be able to swim, but just in case. Moreover, there was also the possibility that something else would appear.

"First class horsemen. ’

Never seen, never heard of it. There was no such thing as a First Class Horseman before the regression. There were no Horses in the beginning. Just once.

‘There was a time when Yun had changed. ’

A Demon King. I opened the skill spear to confirm it. Yoon Yoon (S). And that's when the nameless Demon King disappeared to the last piece.

So it shouldn't be Yun, but I didn't think of any first-class horses that would come out of nowhere. Since Yun absorbed the wheel or something... Did you even separate it? Damn it, you're gonna be okay, right? You're still on the emotional list, so your life will be spared.

“If what the Yellow Forest says is true, there is a possibility that SS class monsters will appear. That, too, is a luxury.”

Then there was no answer but to bounce. I'm glad it's not in the dungeon. It's China. It's military controlled. I'm gonna do this shit.

“It seems that creating the Undead right now is a grade 1 Horse skill, but it doesn't seem to protrude from it. So it's best to at least get out where you can use your skills ─”

Krrrrrrr ─!!

A terrifying sound rang out. Light rises high in the sky, splitting the darkness. The flashing lights that spread like the roots of an upside-down tree disappeared in an instant, and a burning smell flowed in here.

No time to be embarrassed by him. Knng! Continuously, there was a commotion. What the hell are you doing?

“That, that doesn't sound right! ”

Yoohyun agreed with me.

“There's too much waste. ”

“It's not the style of the World Guild Master. ”

Noah said something. Did any of the First Horses show up there?

“Let's go! ”

“It's dangerous, brother. ”

“I'll take the lead. ”

There is no resistance to attributes, but Noah rushes forward, saying he can handle the current that spreads like that since it's Class S and healing skills can be used. Yoohyun also chased Noah for a reasonable distance with me. Soon after, I noticed a rough burning ground. Burning corpses struggle to regenerate.

In the middle, there was a holy agent. It was somewhat unpleasant. Damn, that guy's pissed. Well, you wouldn't like a situation where magic control isn't working properly. It appears that the search party's chains have been broken at the feet of the Holy See.

- Glug.

An undead burned from the ground up with both arms. Beyond that, you can see the walkers are fine. Sunghyun reaches out to the hunters who have monstered with a cold face. The current's bouncing.

Guaguaguaía ─!

A lightning storm sweeps through the land for a long time. Usually, it would have been plunged straight into the Undead. But now the light is raging like a wild horse. He dug through the floor, bounced up into the sky, and then zigzagged.

A force far from sophistication burns the zombies. The goal was cleared, but the facial expressions did not look satisfactory at all. The cold eyes gave me chills in my spine.

An annoyance for an opponent who destabilizes his magic. Or is it just an unpleasantness to not be able to handle your own power properly with these obstacles?

“Seung Hyun-jae! ”

It was only after calling out that the golden eyes turned towards us. I purposely shrunk my body.

“What are you so grumpy about! I'm freaking out. Honestly, I'm pissed off because I'm better. I... ”

I swallowed the drought and then screamed.

“It's completely useless! I can't defend myself! ”

Brother, and Yoohyun shouted. You're not wrong.

“Relax, your little static splash is killing me! ”

Sunghyun bent his eyes. Your expressionless face is a little loose.

“I'm sorry. I feel tangled up in a web of spiders. It's more annoying to get on my nerves in the middle. ”

“That's right. Do you have any pears in your inventory? ”

“There's a wool thread. ”

“Not yet?”

Why did you do that, Han Yoo-jin? One basket was enough.

“And the watch that Han Yoo-jin refused, and the flipping dog that Han Yoo-jin gave me. ”

“Oh, I was wondering where that went! ”

It was specially crafted as a piece of Dungeon Byproduct for kids to use. It was lost during Thanksgiving. You took it with you.

“And then, a helicopter. ”

“… Yes? ”

The helicopter's in my inventory, but I can hear its wings in my ears. The helicopter twists and flies dangerously across the lake. That's it. Get that thing and get out of here.

“Who can fly a helicopter? ”

The Holy Father and Noah raise their hands. Yoohyun also said that he had learned. You guys are amazing.

Meanwhile, a horde of undead march towards you. If you don't, all the zombies on the island will flock to the helicopter at the top of the location. First, I approached the Holy See. The Holy Father's eyes were on my legs. But I didn't say it out loud. It was just a slight frown.

“Did you kill that many? That's a lot.”

Suddenly, hundreds seemed lighter. It seems that most of the soldiers in Norway have become undead.

“No. Some of the undead are still alive. Maybe they had a contract or something. ”

“A living person, crazy. ”

What do you know about people's lives? There are so many numbers, so a few hundred people can just push them away and be fine. That's when the helicopter came over our heads. However, the zero condition was strange.

“Song Tae-won couldn't control the helicopter. ”

What? The helicopter door opens, staggering halfway down. No, it exploded. A corpse smashes the helicopter door into the air. It's a zombie. A helicopter pilot turned into an undead.

Then, a familiar face sticks out from the inside of the door.

“Senior Song! ”

You wave your arms at him.

“You said you took a vacation! ”

Song Tae-won grabbed the side of the helicopter instead of answering. He clenches his fist at the wing of the helicopter, which is still swirling. Bang! The main rotor was smashed to pieces like a paperback.

A helicopter that has lost all its wings crashes over an approaching horde of zombies. Phew! An explosion erupts and sets foot on the ground one foot before Song Tae-won heads for the half-blown helicopter. One leg hits the ground firmly, and a weighted kick pushes the helicopter forward.

Kuku Gugu ─ A large army helicopter that has been pushed out roughly rolls around like a fallen leaf with zombies swept off the broom.

Speaking of which, Director Song uses skills that apply directly to his body. Plunder can be used on the body, not the weapon.

You stare at the remaining undead horde and turn your gaze to the rubble of Song Tae-won's building. Traces of a storage unit attached to the helipad. Approaching the wreckage, he checks the sloped steps and raises his fist. Thick shoulders are pulled back and Song Tae-won's body slightly rises in the air. Keep your knees bent.


A fist strikes the ground. The damn floor splits apart and starts pouring down with the building debris. It was as if a landslide had happened. Heavy waves hit the undead, hard to avoid, even for an ordinary hunter. Dirt splashes up into the sky.

He's dead anyway, but he'll crawl out again, but he'll buy us some time. Maybe there's nothing to see, so they're just sitting there.

“So we're all here, right? I'm glad Yerim didn't come. It's too scary.”

“I went underwater. ”

“… What? ”

“And here comes Piece. ”

My brother told me. Piece?

“Underwater! Piece is here? ”

“There's nothing to worry about. Class S Fire Horn is faster than a Class S Hunter. ”

Besides, there's a Yerim? He said, "Maybe he's already peacefully out of the lake." Yerim, it's Piss! Song Tae-won approached me to give me the head of how to find the children.

“It is estimated that the range is slightly larger than the lake. Your physical abilities can escape quickly with these Vine Sand Leaves. ”

“Do you have it? I don't use it well when it's intermediate. ”

Sand leaf the size of two palms, often found in lower dungeon ponds, was strong enough to withstand an adult man. That's why the lesser hunters used to love hunting on lakes or rivers.

However, there will be more items and skills to support you when you're above intermediate level... Are you out of money?

Anyway, it's not an item, it's a type of organism, so you can use it. The air rang blah ─ terribly, thinking it was good.

That's exactly what it feels like. Two-Face.

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