The S-Classes That I Raised

Owner of 375R Territory (4)

Stats are definitely superior. The practical experience was also not obsolete. No, I've dealt with more Class S Hunters with more portraits than Han Yoohyun, so there was a lot more data. However, the weapon was of low grade, but it was enough to withstand the addition of skills to the highest grade of Sword from China.


The red blade slides on the black blade long. As each day passed through each other's bodies, the footsteps of the portrait flew. Speed was also dominant, so I had to be able to avoid it at this close distance. However, Han Yoohyun predicted the attack and lightly sent an attack that aimed at his knee with the accelerating ability of the suit. At the same time, a long, dark blue flame spread beneath the feet of the ultraviolet.

“You don't want to look like your brother. ”

You tread lightly on a flame spread wide on the floor like a thick carpet. I didn't even feel this small fire tickle because I was wearing a high grade fire resistance item. It felt like a strangely colored lawn that was caught in the wind.

“About here.”

The tip of the portrait tapped the floor. The rubble of the building collapses and is caught in the fire.

“Pretty big roll. ”

It was not the usual nagging nature. However, it was hard to endure my temper without being sarcastic.

A class F captured from a small country. I was able to do that until I didn't turn. But what was most disturbing to him was that he didn't see Class S Hunters as special. A portrait that has been specially treated since birth. Humans were said to be equal, but reality was different.

I couldn't understand that it was the same with such weak and incompetent abilities. As the Awakening One appeared, the question of the portrait became certain. How dare you call Class F and Class S your own? The lesser one deserved to bow before the higher one. It was like the providence of nature. No matter how big a rabbit gets, it has to fall in front of the tiger.

But it's not advanced, it's not intermediate, it's F-rated. I looked at the portrait not as the strong man standing far above me, but as a common dog who swings violence around. I was annoyed by it, saying to leave it alone. It's as if you encountered a gangster in a neighborhood that couldn't even be armed.

“I can't even stand up straight like I hurt my other leg. ”


It is the impact of a blade that is not even a finger thick. Nevertheless, a thunderous sound spread out. The debris settles at the feet of the two. If the pillar was bent or bent, a spherical arch was formed, with a large hole that was almost one meter deep.

“I crawled all over the floor. ”

The portrait laughs. Even though he was wielding a dark blue flame, Yoohyun's expression was cool as ice. However, unlike before, they are definitely targeting the enemy. I felt a lot of strength in my forearms of the portrait. Han Yoohyun's footing goes a little deeper.

Han Yoo-jin rising on a golden dragon. Eventually, if I miss him, but I catch him and throw him out in front of my eyes, I will walk back on my feet.

Kang! The portrait strikes him hard with his sword and takes a step back. And I used a straight tilted scale skill. It was a skill that pushed half of its total stats into one stat in a row.

An enormous power has seeped into the screening of the portrait. Han Yoohyun instinctively avoided the body. His shoulders were shredded and his clothes torn apart, as well as his wardrobe.

Kuaang -!

The recesses around which the shooting is fired. Wide craters have emerged, not small parts. It seems to have fallen off a giant meteorite. A lump of concrete crumbles like sand and crumbles and scatters like a leaf caught in a gust.

The red sword, which dug into the ground, ruptured and split the air again. It was originally about three stories tall because of one pile of debris. But we're almost down to the first floor now. The debris surrounds the deep pit like a wall in the Colosseum. The dark blue flames were still spread out, illuminating the fucking space.

“Either way. ”

Han Yoohyun said, stepping down on the slanted wall. In the scattering of the swirl leaves, the corners of the grave are also tangled. The portrait that understood the short question answered.


A magical spear was caught in the portrait's hand. Throw the window by rotating the body large and simultaneously kick down Yoohyun's wall. Khurrr! The wall collapses and the sword bends for a long time. I bent like a poisonous young snake to the portrait below without stopping at throwing out the spear.

“But you. ”

Thud! The portrait rushed towards Han Yoohyun, throwing out the sword roughly.

“I cannot repay you. ”

He said he had quite a name in Japan, but he was also from a small country, against a small country. South Korea and Japan's S class Hunters add up to less than half of China. I can't believe I have to do this. After all, it is a frog in a well.

Han Yoohyun ducked his torso and avoided the fiercely flying blade. With one foot firmly planted, swing the softsword by turning low and adding rotational force. With a sharp sound of wind, I grabbed hold of the grip on my waist with my ultraviolet handcuffs. A black scale plate of SS grade handcuffs was painted with a white line, but that was it. I even recovered from a small scratch. The user blames this item for its high defensive effect against the blade.

The portrait tried to snatch the sword away.


At the moment of pulling, the sword of the Monarch turned red like a refusal. The supercharged heat melts to the handcuffs, and the sound quickly drops its hand and pulls back.

“Not bad for a weapon. ”

Han Yoohyun raised his eyebrows slightly. An opponent that can be doubled as an SS class item, except for weapons. Nevertheless, Han Yoohyun hasn't written the last door that has melted yet. Instead.

The blue roundtail leaves are roughly thrashed. Excellent pours out almost like it covers between Han Yoohyun and the portrait. A trivial technique for obscuring vision twists the corners of the ultraviolet mouth. I can feel it rushing towards me. It's even a straightforward charge.

Is it a lack of experience, or is it something else? However, Han Yoohyun's stats were definitely weaker than that of the portrait. There's no reason for a frontal assault.

Blub-ub, the blue blonde leaves scattered sparsely and Han Yoohyun reached right in front of the portrait. The sword of the portrait rises. If the collision had been like this, it would have been a big hit on Han Yoohyun. Right then.


With a faint sound, Yoohyun's collar moved. And then his appearance disappeared.

“ ……? ”

The eyes of the portrait opened wide. No, it's not gone. It's smaller. Han Yoohyun, who had been reduced to a tenth the size, jumped over the inspection without even having to avoid the ultrasound. Roundleaf is about ten centimeters long. It was enough to hide the appearance of Yoohyun even if only a few of them were together. Even as it got smaller, it became weaker.

Suddenly, I stepped over the shoulder of the portrait and behind him, Han Yoohyun returned to his original size. A black blade reveals its teeth toward the right leg of the defenseless portrait.

“... Hehe! ”

The portrait tried to escape quickly, but it was too late. Even with a high agility stat, the attack is more difficult to escape than a teleportation level. Screaming.

The short gap takes away the bridge of the portrait. With extreme pain, the portrait grips its teeth and plunges its left foot into the ground. He quickly withdraws and pulls his spear out of his inventory, placing it on his cane instead.

“Space, movement, humans can't use...! ”

Movement in moments is simply moving quickly. Even with an object the size of an adult male, it was hard to feel the movement behind my back in class S. But there was definitely no such big move.

I stepped on the bridge where Han Yoohyun was cut, looking at the portrait that raised my caution while bleeding out the potion.

“That's it. ”

As the flames rose, the right leg of the portrait turned to ash below the knee. Once the cut is lost, the best potion cannot be restored. I had to find a healer who could use an elixir or regenerate my body.

“Touching my brother. ”

It was an absurd voice. The sweetness was faintly wrapped inside Yoohyun's mouth. The previous method was taught by Han Eugene. Using a mini cookie, I was impressed at the moment when I was out of their awareness, and Yoohyun gave me a cookie to try as well. You said it would be better if you used it with the blue Willow Leaf.

The portrait opened its eyes fiercely. He pulls the wire out and ties the spear tightly to his thigh. I don't know how it happened, but even if it was space travel, it wouldn't be a continuous method. If you use it briefly once, you'll have time to wait for reuse, so it should be used now.

The advantages of stats remained the same. If the same method could not be used in succession, the odds were still high. The user's maneuverability drops, closing in on the target. The ultraviolet aura spreads the tilted scale skill to the agility stats. The other stats fall and the agility rises tremendously.

The left foot of the portrait lands firmly on the ground. Almost momentarily approaching Han Yoohyun.


The body of the portrait leans up sharply without standing properly. The spear that replaced the right leg suddenly disappeared by half. A lizard clings to the other half of the spear, and slurps, disappearing into the flames on the ground.

Even stats other than balance and agility fell, Yoohyun's fist was dug in at the point of the ultrasound.


With a strong upward punch, the body of the portrait shifts into the air. Subsequently, the leg, bent knee, pierced the side of the ultraviolet aura. Yippee, the soft sword catches up to the body that bounces off the side with the sound of the broken bones. The left arm of the portrait cuts through the air, along with a heavy sound and strangulation.

I looked at the ground, with Han Yoohyun's calm eyes, picking up the sword that was stretched out.


Fires up like grass and weaponizes. The portrait slowly noticed the blade and spear protruding. It desperately twisted. You can barely avoid the fatal wound, but you can still see your arm and leg in one piece.


Weaponized flames fade away, and the portrait rages with blood and rolls around the floor. I pushed the red sword that had fallen from Han Yoohyun's toe to the side and stopped right in front of the portrait.

“Clever, cool, not bad.... ”

“Just the stats are high, and you'll never beat my brother. ”

The cold voice makes me smile.

“Will the farmer think so, too, Han Yoo-jin? I didn't just break his legs. I trampled him several times. I'll never forget it. ”

Han Yoohyun raised his head. The golden dragon is approaching him. His eyes widen and a bright smile spreads from his mouth.

“It's a gift.”

“… What? ”

“This is my gift to you. ”

So I didn't kill him. To leave it in the hands of Han Eugene.

“My brother will think of you and think my brother prepared it for me. ”

“Well, that's ……. ”

I would laugh in wonder. Han Yoo-jin prioritizes Han Yoo-hyun in everything. So it shouldn't be hard to cover up the memory of this. The portrait vomited blood again. A gift to Class F?

“I, Class F Awakener……. ”

The portrait called out to kill him with your hands, but I couldn't reach Yoohyun's ears. The hunt is over. I'll give it to my brother instead of killing him.

As he had already forgotten about the existence of the portrait, Han Yoohyun looked at the coming golden light with a joyful young gaze. Han Yoohyun's only beloved creature came down to give me a hug and a compliment.

It was then.


The earth is ringing. One faint wave, then another louder and louder. A strange energy spreads and the golden dragon staggers in the air. The long unfolded wings disappeared and became human, diminishing in size.


Han Yoo-jin on the back of the dragon crashes. Han Yoohyun's condition was also not fine. Strangely, my whole body was heavy and weak. His flames were also quickly extinguished.

Nevertheless, I ran somehow. I reached out my arms to Han Eugene, who was falling away from Noah. As soon as I got close to my brother's body, I hugged him and rolled the ground to relieve the impact of the fall.

“Brother! Are you okay?! ”

“It's okay, man! You, shoulder! What about Noah?”

“Class S. My shoulder's fine. ”

I gathered my eyebrows like Han Yoo-jin blamed her for answering that she would be fine, and then I smiled kindly. However, for a moment, Han Eugene's face hardened again.

“But... what the hell is this? ”

An unknown power was hovering in all directions.

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