The S-Classes That I Raised

Owner of 372 denominations (1)

The light and the sound of the wings of the helicopter faltered beneath the night sky. In the late hours, more than five helicopters have already been to the island in the middle of the lake. Baggage was unloaded, and on the contrary, it was taken off the island. All the luggage was double-wrapped and placed in a sturdy black box that cannot be looked into.

The eyes of the soldiers carrying the luggage sometimes turned to one side of the helicopter. There was a man with glasses standing in the position of a bystander.

No matter how much luggage is packed, it's still a military operation. Of course, we have to stop outsiders from getting in, but the opponent is a Class S Hunter. If you were an Awakened person, you might be able to tell them to move aside, even in fear. But the soldiers here are all medium-degree Awakened, encountering Class S Hunters on a daily basis. I couldn't keep my mouth shut because I was so clear about the power gap. One of the reasons why the bosses didn't react so well.

One helicopter carrying luggage left and two new ones landed in a row. What I unloaded this time was people, not burdens. It was also a uniform, not a dungeon, but a full-body hunter wrapped in equipment just before attacking the dungeon.

“We're going to rob Shanghai. They're all here. ”

“The airport is paralyzed, and there's a pile of dungeon by-products piled up all over the place, and there's no way you won't touch them. ”

“Let's get this over with and get back to work, or Suzhou and Hangzhou will be robbed of all the Nanjing. ”

It was a precious piece of equipment I kept aside, but it was not a common byproduct. Inventories were limited as well, and mid-level Hunter's inventories could eventually become incinerators, not storage areas. If Hunter dies, the contents of the inventory will also disappear.

One of the S class hunters from all over eastern China looked at one side of the helipad.

“I think it's Class S. Who is it? ”

A strange face. Another Class S Hunter turns his head to his words.

“You're new. ”

Even a rare class S hunter was not one or two within the Chinese military. Moreover, there were hunters who didn't even know the S rank hunters like security. But if you carry out the same operation, I'll give you an impression so you won't be mistaken.

Most of the Class S Hunters have moved indoors once the helicopter is back up and down. However, the two doubters approached a strange Class S Hunter.

“I ─"

“No, if you're new, they'll have to find out first. Class S Hunter, right? What's with the glasses? Fashion?"

“You know, there's a class" S "with glasses on it. ”

“You won't be able to use it in battle either. This is why civilian class S sucks. If you have good skills for the captain from the start, you can't teach them in public... ”

The Class S Hunter's voice suddenly snapped. He pauses and touches his back neck with his hands. It was because I felt something creepy. The other Class S Hunters who were walking next to him also stopped together.

The eyes beyond the impossible eyeglasses point to the two hunters.

“You... No, there! Who the hell is this guy? ”

Class S Hunter asks for a soldier carrying a load.

“We are guests of General Hwang! ”

“What? Of the Forest? A guest?”

The impression of a class S hunter frowned.

“Are you with the Mafia, then? I heard you were negotiating a cigarette. Why are you out here? ”

The silent mouth slowly opened.

“It is said that the tale of Cinderella spreads throughout the world. ”

“... What are you talking about all of a sudden? ”

“Twelve o'clock in China. ”

Class S Hunter carelessly looks at the watch. There were still about five minutes left until midnight. The last helicopter carrying the luggage will fly with a loud noise.

“If you are a guest, enter the room quietly. ”

“That won't work. I was told to wait. ”

Without hesitation, a class S hunter sharpens his teeth in a blunt voice. Strangely, I felt even more dirty thinking that the man in front of me was underestimating me.

“You bastard! ”

“Hold on, he's a guest. Don't you know that bastard's temper is yellow? He smiles up front and stabs himself in the upper back. ”

I'd rather stab you openly. It was time for the Class S Hunter, who had been slashed in addition to the left-wing because of the plausibly wrapped horse, to just say let's go. The man in front of them puts his finger on the rim of his glasses. The glasses are peeled off and the dark brown eyes are not human like gold. Dark black hair also fades lightly.

The expressions of two Class S Hunters who recognized the man with their characteristic dark appearance, even though they did not know and could not do so, were hardened.

“You ─! ”

“Soon. ”

It's scheduled time, instead of twelve bells.

Kuaang ─!!

A boom erupted. The S rank hunters, who quickly took their weapons away, look back in panic. Once again, Kuang, this time, smoke rises from the basement.


The building collapses and blazes. Something golden appeared in the flames that began to burn. A golden object that fades while wearing a cloaking skill through dark smoke.

A distinct smile was placed on the mouth of the constellation that had been firmly established all along. A golden chain coils around him.

Charr - Immediately ahead of the enemy, a clear ringing metallic sound, the S rank hunters snap to their senses.

“Shit, wait! ”

“What did you do with the portrait? I can't believe I let this guy plant a bomb! ”

“A misunderstanding. My Cinderella is capable. ”

Phasezig! The current is bouncing. Class S hunters leap backwards, reflexively avoiding them, but it is not an attack that will hurt them. Instead, they spread widely and paralyzed the surrounding electronics. Soldiers who were trying to announce the appearance of the Holy See held up a broken communicator and rigged it.

Kwaang, bang!

As if it were the last, the castellan agent began to move in the thunderous and simultaneous explosion.

* * *

The succession seemed natural, and I threw it in my mail. I was a little upset even though I knew it would be when I got a reply, "Please think a little more and make a list of candidates." Anyway, I was sure it was an email from me. I chose the names that had been repelled by the stone statue on purpose, so it made sense to find out.

“Is that so weird? Huh?”

The persecution rate quieted down in my words. The Korean language security officer who was standing next to us, who was watching us, was also vague. Korean language has a different culture! What do you know about that face?

“Got it, damn it. No, except for the damn thing. So tonight, at 10: 00, or until midnight, we'll send you a new list, so don't go home and sit tight. Write it down.”

“Well, should I come back at night? ”

I was dumbfounded. What are you doing here?

“I'm not sending you. ”


“Don't go home. Just turn on the garbage while you wait. ”

“… That's a little harsh, bro. ”

“That's too much. I was trying to watch it at 3: 00 in the morning. Hey, I'm working late even when I'm kidnapped. ”

Of course, if you put him to work really late, I'll ask him. I have a little brother waiting for me at home, working long hours and weekends.... It's a long time ago, but I'm getting insults out of my mouth. We have to feed the baby! XXXX doesn't even cover overtime!

He would never force himself to work overtime. I'd have paid for all the overtime.

“Let's say three in the morning, or five in the morning. No, five will get you to work early, so I'll call you back at 4: 00. ”

“… I'll just do it at midnight. ”

“The kidnapper's pretending to be nice. ”

He grumbled but did not stop writing at midnight. I was gonna do it anyway. If it's a meteorite, I'll notice it and pass it on to Yoohyun and Sunghyun. He doesn't seem to have any sense at all, but it doesn't matter if he finds out. The mail has already been sent. At midnight, I'm guessing a Korean Hunter's raid.

“Peppermint rate You said it was false, but the basic stats are high, so they're strong, right? ”

“Yes. You were fine jumping then!”

“Yes. Strong. ”

You won't be harmed by the persecution rate when the bomb goes off. Even though the geckos didn't want to hurt people, they couldn't use Class A and Class S bombs because of the persecution rate. If I thought the persecution rate was gonna hurt, I might tell it all with my own mouth.

But I'll only scratch it if I have to, queek.

“Do you like fireworks? ”

“Yes? Yes! ”

That's great. Let's call it a surprise. So there's no need to warn them.

I announced for seven hours and returned to my room. I then checked that the security cameras were attached to the bathroom the same way as last time. Since it was originally used in the training room, there was nothing in the bathroom, as well as in your room. It could leak stats after recording it. Now there was a temporary one in the room.

There were several shower compartments side by side in the bathroom as it was attached to the training room. I took off my clothes and turned on the shower. A piercing body is illuminated by the elongated mirror attached to one wall.

‘… should I use potions? ’

I was treated with the excuse that my legs were inevitable and my hands were uncomfortable taking care of my children. However, to avoid using the potion as much as possible, you leave it alone. You might not see it if you wear it. It's nothing compared to a bridge. What about the legs? They're gonna be pissed.

"A colossal asshole. ’

Then came the doppelgangers one by one.


“Hello, Kim Seo-wan! ”

“Hey, hey! ”

Among them, a red bead roared forward.

“I'm ready! I've been practicing a lot! ”

“Very well. In a moment, I will feed my children and soil Pegasus' wings. When you come in to wash up, you can change it. ”


“And you guys. ”

I lowered my body and asked carefully.

“I know a way to break the curse. ”

The geese blink at the sound of silence. It was probably because he had written a contract that he had not been able to say properly and was hiding something.

“It can be solved even with a high grade. Really.”

If the price is too high, I won't be able to accept my words even if I can't believe it. But now I've seen it a few times, and I've applied some keywords. When I said something I didn't want to believe, the green light opened my mouth.


“Yes, it's true. ”


“Just come to me first. The details are classified, but I can get you out of there. ”

“What if I can't go to Kim Seo-wan? ”

“What if it's far away? ”

“Well, you can't do that. ”

The lizards shrug and shake their heads at the same time.

“You can't do that. ”

“As promised, give me something delicious! ”

“A lot!”

“I'll carry it! ”

... If you can't come to me, then you're in league with the captured lizards. You've been a real jerk. Then we must escape and find a place of incarceration without the help of the Lizards. It won't be easy... but there won't be many people who know and won't be able to say it lightly.

Even so, I couldn't ask Yerim. I don't want to see a human memory like a portrait. I hesitated to ask Min Ji Soo. We just have to get in there and canvass the area.

While I was thinking about it, the quiet, green-lit eaglefish faded away. We've got a lot of work to do. We can't waste too much time.

“There's only one person left to take the Red Bead and the baby horse, and the rest of the lizards go to the kids. You know what you have to do. ”

“Yes! Leave the baby to Little Brother Kim! ”

There are only two of them left, and they're all gone. Water Dragon is uncomfortable without water, so Yerim needs to help, but Pegasus needs to hide in a suitable forest.

After washing, I went out and opened all my black Chinese clothes instead of my pajamas. After switching Pegasus, I spent time pretending to put the children to sleep. Ten o'clock, 11 o'clock, 11 o'clock. I long yawned and got up from my seat.

“Can I go out for a while? ”

The watchman chewed on my words. He pulled out the cigarette case he received from the forest and said again.

“Just down the hall, have a smoke. I can't run away from this bridge alone. I'll give you one each. I heard this is really expensive. Through a superior Awakening. ”

The watchmen look shaken. They can't even taste a regular cigarette because they're medium-scale. Plus, the portraits are burning. I'm sure you're curious. Nevertheless, I contact the superiors wisely and get their permission.

I only went out into the hallway, so my permission fell. I also handed them out one by one to the guards who followed me out.

“Here, here. It's no fun being alone. I don't have a lighter. Let me light a light for you. I can't believe you didn't get me a lighter while you were giving him a cigarette in the forest. ”

Even the Watchers didn't have a lighter, but one of them had a Flame System skill and set it on fire. It reminds me of Yoohyun. Of course, don't ask your brother to light a cigarette. No cigarettes, no death! I told you.

Smoke touched the ceiling of the hallway. The bronchus is too tight. I'll smoke two and chew them if I feel weak.

Twelve o'clock. Ten minutes. I went back in on time. All but the dragons were asleep. It won't do any good, but I took my clothes off and went to bed. The watchmen stand relaxed.

“Good evening, come here. ”

You hugged the baby fox and Riffnyl. Fear Resistance skill has been disabled. I had some difficulty breathing, but it was okay. I was a little dazed in my head, so I didn't have a deep thought. The persecution rate, he's annoying and annoying.

“Noah. ”

Blue dragon raises the body.

“I'll take care of it for you. ”

- Yes, sir.

Without surprising the watchman, the Blue Dragon's appearance changes. The color of the scale fades rapidly and is golden. All the fake fins fell apart and quickly turned into a blonde young man.

Nearly simultaneously, Noah's appearance disappears. Hidden Skills. And within.


The two sentries' throats are marked at the same time. The poison seeps in before the screams, and the choking soldiers collapse powerlessly. Three minutes now, no, this guy.

“Eugene, are you okay? ”

Noah approaches me and unravels his Hidden Skills, which he would have been frustrated with. Then he tried to hold me and stopped.

“It's become a habit, in the meantime……. ”

“It's okay. Let's get out of here. Red Orb!”

The young Pegasus turned into a torch and Noah into a dragon again, holding the young bull on his front foot. I climbed on Noah's back, calming the startled buffalo instead of sleeping.

Meanwhile, the clock needle on the wall points to the right angle. You hear footsteps coming this way, see if you've seen any surveillance cameras. The door slams shut.

“I owe you so much. 5 star listings! Minus the front. ”

Bomb switch pressed.

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