The S-Classes That I Raised

367K Abducted But Working (1)

It was unfair. It was very unfair.

“I'm just normal. ”

Then why is everyone telling me not to name anyone but my brother? Isn't it most common to name kids after eye color or fur color in the first place? Black fur means chocolate.... Black doesn't sound like much of a castle. I should have gone with chocolate cream instead of black and white.

Anyway, some of the names on the Rider's Quartermaster's Names contest were the ones I showed to the Stone Age. At first, he smiled softly and generously and gradually remembered the expression of succession that was not managed. You said it was my senses.

“Look, look. It's the same name I gave you, and you got a recommendation. ”

Not one or two. That means you built it well. Do I still have any regrets about the succession of Humans? It didn't look like it. The persecution rate that was looking at the laptop with me was subtle.

“Hey, bro. Recommendations don't just mean what my brother thinks.... ”

“Yes? Then? ”

“… Hae Yeon Guild makes the final decision anyway, right? ”

“Hey, I'm the head of the ranch. ”

“What's your name?! ”

“No, but I'm sure it reflects a lot of my opinion. ”

When he said that I couldn't miss out on my ranch, he seriously thought about it and asked me to pick a candidate for the election. As many as possible. And they said they'd cover it up. I wondered if it would keep them fresh until they found a candidate they liked……. I should have limited my candidacy to three re-elections.

“Why can't I name my place of business? ”

I looked back at the contest page while grumbling.

I had to work, so I was naturally refused to give me a laptop that was on the Internet. But if you were going to use me as bait anyway, there was no reason to completely block external contact. Instead, I'm here as an unofficial route! You have to come and find me.

It's a network address. It's easy to change. You can connect anywhere you like. I don't put a finger on the keyboard. After persuading me to tie it all up, I was able to get the laptop.

“Han-Redacted Deli? Strangely close to the mouth. ”

“I'm used to it. ”

“At least Korean would be good. Except that starting with H overlaps with Yeon-yeon. ”

His team leader advised him by cutting off the words of the stone period and saying, "How about tying them with the English initials H." Do not overlap with large guilds for independent facility imagery. So, except for S and B.

… I think H would be good, too. Let's put a few on the candidates list. My hands couldn't reach the laptop, so the persecution rate let me log in by email instead.

“Is it the guild leader's birthday after the password? ”

“Well, habit. Everything is different in front of us, and we'll change it when we get back. Then why aren't you his birthday? ”

“It's easy to remember. I did a birthday commercial last year. But she had a birthday party at Eve's. ”

“Oh, yeah. ”

I remembered my brother who appeared as a dream.

“... I'll probably do it at Eve this year. ”

I want my sister to get along with a lot of people, but Yoohyun won't. So for this birthday, I was going to let you spend it alone like before. My brother would like that the most. I said I would give you a bonus for 24 or 25 consecutive days of Christmas season, but I stayed with them for 25 days a year.

I used to get a lot of birthday presents from school, so I asked her if she would invite a friend, and she shook her head. I still had a smile on my face that said it was good to be with my brother. I stayed away from him for many years.

‘So you want to be alone with me more than any gift. ’

I had a big party the other day, and as soon as I had 12 o'clock, I emptied out the whole day. I haven't boiled seaweed soup in a long time. Let's practice. When I think of Yoohyun being happy, my mouth tail also rose gracefully by itself.

“Dean, I think I like the guild leader a lot. ”

The persecution rate sent an email to the succession.

“He's my brother. He's a good boy. I studied very well. If the dungeon hadn't blown, I'd have gone to med school. I've never missed first place without going to school. He said he'd let me go to a nearby institute for free. ”

Yoohyun had to wait for his brother at home, but he refused because he would rather do part-time work while he was in school. What's the big deal? But the Dungeon, damn Awakening......

‘If Yerim was originally going to attack the dungeon, I was going to slow it down. ’

It's not a safe world, so we need to evolve and level up and equip ourselves. Moreover, I can't stop him from wanting to become stronger, and it's right to help him grow up because he needs to be alive before his age... But sometimes my stomach gets complicated.

Yerim is enjoying himself, but it's the human heart. Besides, in China, you'll be bumping into people who aren't monsters. But I feel like I can't tell you not to come.

I shouldn't have been doing this in the first place. Kidnapped. Or kidnapped.

“... Are you pretending that the Sewers are ignorant? ”

He looked at the recession rate covering his laptop. A clumsy creature that cannot be vigilant with fear resistance turned on. You may be rationally reluctant to use dangerous skills, but it was a matter of a sloppy face and a screw.

“Uh, brother. Have you noticed the condition of my skills? ”

“Well, roughly. ”


The persecution rate was purely admired. I don't know why it's so pure, but I'm amazed. Here. Be vigilant if you get caught on skill conditions. And then he laughs in Bangkok.

“But you're still the same. ”


“I expected that. I didn't expect it, and he said he wouldn't be able to get away from my skills because he was fine with the S classes. ”

Was it his sister who predicted it? Who is this? I purposely pretended to be pathetic and told the persecution rate.

“I couldn't escape even if I knew the terms like you said. So, Hoyul, take care of me. Look at me. ”

When I tapped my thigh, I felt sorry for the persecution rate.

“Should I ask my brother to behave rather than rebel against the portrait list? You'll be fine ─”

“No! No! I refuse!”

If one of the remaining legs is broken, it's broken. If it weren't for the resistance, it would have sprung up goosebumps on your back. Is he really that stupid?

“Then how long are you going to leave me like this? ”

“I know. I think you know everything now, and my skills are hard to break. ”

The persecution rate has attracted me and whispered in my ear.

“There are dangers in the Chinese military. ”

Yoon Yoon.

“That's why I want to attract Korean hunters to weaken the military and deal with the guild leader. ”

The persecution rate seemed to belong to Muslims or other forces aiming at China. Wait, I thought you were working with the kids. You can't be serious.

“... Why is the guild leader Seung Sung. ”

“Are you just a grudge or a sympathy? Other people than you. ”

Uh, mm-hmm. I have nothing to say about that part.

“How many people hold grudges? ”

“I told you, a lot of people are abandoned. I cut it off for a second, and I turned around, and it felt like I was running out of value, and struggling to get my attention again would be pointless. ”

“… technically, it's not the gender fault. ”

“But it's good to be crazy. The Seung Guild Master still looks perfect, so it's even more difficult. I felt abandoned like it was his fault. He said it's an average month, three or four months. The Chief of Staff is the only exception. ”

I can hear it in my ears, that sound. Then why is Director Song the only exception? It's unusual for a Class S Awakening, but you'll get tired of it eventually.

‘By the way, your side is aiming for fishery. In simple terms, it seems to be blinded.... ’

It is strange that a military-powered Muslim blind man would go after the Holy See with a vendetta. Sunghyun is the one who's going back to Korea anyway, so it's better to cooperate and hurt the military a bit more. So it was likely that it was another external force unrelated to China.

Like the CIA or the FBI? I don't know much about the American hunter system. Or the EU. Private vengeance. It could be an individual guild or a multinational guild alliance.... The Guild Alliance looks pretty convincing. Damn partner, you should have guessed how many times you've left me behind.

“But you keep saying all this, and you don't get any doubts? ”

“Me? I can't fight at all! ”

Peppermint rate was clear.

“Only stats are high, it's false. I wrote a contract to prevent me from using my skills without permission for someone in the military. There's more and more. ”

A low laugh touched my ears.

“I'll tell you more when I'm sure you can't get out of my skills. ”

“Uh-huh. ”

“Will you come with me when this is over? ”

“I have to go home. ”

“No, no, no. Come with me."

I followed you, broke your leg, rolled up in a ditch, punctured your hand. As my expression grew fierce, he took his laptop and slipped away. If it wasn't for his skills, it would be three or four. Even if it hurts my hands.

‘Is that really an act? ’

He's strange and confused. I woke up in the garage with my tongue clenched. I followed the waiting to the rising blue dragon. Two wings spread out and cover me.

“Don't you feel uncomfortable being stuck? ”

- Grrrrr.

“No matter what happens next, we'll just have to watch. ”

Thankfully, the Water Dragon has grown! Nothing's happened since. I gently stroked his head. Then, in front of me, a faint figure appeared between the dragon's forelegs. The torpedo flies. Covered by its wings, the watchman shakes a piece of paper in an invisible space.


A familiar handwriting with a smile on its short face. You've come a long way. I quickly took out the pen and wrote on the back of the paper.

[Preparing. Wait, what about the father?]

It was as brief as possible, as there was a chance that the shrew could spill paper at a glance.

“What a good boy! I'm doing you a favor. The most beautiful woman in the world! If you go outside, I'll buy you anything you want. You're the best, man! ”

As he pretended to praise the dragon, the doppelganger widened his beady eyes and laughed silently. I shrugged as if I wanted to be a shoulder.

“Take good care of me from now on, okay? It's really just you. I'd be stuck in a cramped room if it wasn't for you. Thank you. I love you! ”

The gecko sighs and fades away with a paper. I wonder if the baby Su Dragon went to the children. You may not have been able to move cookies for a long time. They'll take good care of the food.

“My dragon, aren't you hungry? Should I ask for some food? It's gonna be awkward, but nice. ”

The dragon flaps its wings and praises you, even after the doppelganger disappears without a doubt. Watchers stare at this a few times a day, and the guards are just blinded. But the blue dragon was always shy. You deserve to get used to it.

‘The best way to find Yun is to fly off the island and join the dragon escape, children and partners. ’

The problem was I couldn't hold on long enough to turn off the fear resistance. If they are poor, they may escape and come crawling back and disturb the children.

‘I should shut down all resistance to fear and swallow sleeping pills. ’

Wouldn't it be okay without me?... What if it's not okay? I was also nervous to give up stats twice as much as my attack skill. What you believe in was Yoon, but it was probably not Yoon.

‘... I also have to apply the keyword to the forest. ’

It's a little dangerous, but it's also a way to find out the location of Yun, as well as the number of spleens. He didn't seem to have a grudge against his upbringing, but I think he'll be okay.

Then the watchman rings a tone on the comms. The Watchman, who received orders, told me.

“Follow me. Leave the non-dragon. ”

What's going on? I paced the insecure dragon and followed the soldiers. Climbing up the stairs, you hear helicopter wings. Soldiers are getting us off the helicopter.

- Glug!

This sound, no way. The forest that came out first approached me.

“You said you could raise several at the same time. Looks like they've wiped out all the young monsters because of their achievements. ”

... No, I don't want to run more humps here right now.

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