The S-Classes That I Raised

353pm Special Zone (2)

The man who opened the door pressed the emergency button on the wall and grabbed my collar in an instant.

“How did you do that? ”

“What are you gonna do? How could I? ”

He stared at me and said, "Why the fuck?"

“I don't think stats F can do anything. I don't know what happened. I didn't get a good look. If I had the ability to deal with them both at once, without sound, I wouldn't be here. ”

Several more came after listening to the emergency alarm. You grumble more and more bitterly at those who look at the fallen hunters.

“I wish I had taken him down, too! Really! Then the guy with the collar broke his thumb and escaped from the side of the plane. If that's not chocolate coated walnuts in your head, think about it. ”

Real walnuts taste good. The man who caught my breath frowned and threw me away. I sat down in the corner of Cheap Chuck's bed. Put a little pillow on your body.

Two fallen hunters are heard, and a new watcher takes over. Even if the two fainted woke up, they would not be able to reveal the truth easily. He's confessing that he tried to take a bribe from me. I didn't escape, so it's better to just shut up and take the recipe.

The exact time was unknown, but approximately two hours later, the plane began preparing for landing. The phone hasn't been jammed, so location tracking should continue. I felt the plane shake and held the pillow in my arms as naturally as possible.

“... You know, if you ask me where I am, I won't tell you where I am. ”

You flinch at the watchers, pretending not to be a little scared. I put more strength into the arm that held the pillow in silence. Hopefully we can make it to the final destination.

With the rattling, the plane landed on the runway and stopped completely shortly after. Chinese hunters pulled me up and took me outside. Luckily, you didn't take my pillow.


The persecution rate welcomed me with a reflected face.

“What's with the pillow? ”

“A new friend. ”


“It's the same thing that they don't say, or the kid, or even the kid. She's fluffy. So it's better to be friends with him. ”

It's harmless and gentle. The more you look at it, the more rich it is. It was then that I got off the plane, being watched back and forth.


The corner of the airport building was smashed with the thunderstorm. Hunters dressed in military uniform rush out to the Urr Airport building as if they were waiting at the same time. This is a familiar move, as if this raid was frequent.

Someone pops out through the rising dirt.

“... What's that? ”

Wiggles white cloth and long black hair. The man in the white robe leaps into the air, pulling out his sword in a cool posture. The sword rings and swings at the soldiers. Soldiers form a formation in a daze. You see the soldiers at the front using their defensive skills.

Bang! The sword falls over the double-layered shield, and another loud bang echoes out. I don't know what's going on.

“... Why do I look like that? ”

What's with the white? It was the same outfit from a no-nonsense movie or drama. I think I'll be curious about the door and name right now…….

“I am the moonlight of the great leader of the Musketeers! ”

… White man, presumed to be a class S hunter, shouts loudly. Towards me. Sio cheeks. I'm embarrassed. Don't look. Go away. I don't want to get involved.

A man called the Fourth Moon leans lightly over his toes, piercing his spear against him, and springs back into the air. The skill that follows is blocked by the sword and explodes like a firecracker.

“You must be Misa Han Yoo-jin, the brother-in-law of the Sea Dragon! ”

I don't know anyone like that. What the hell is a Sea Dragon? You're from the Middle Ages. I'm from the future.

“... Hayul, what the hell is that? ”

“I'm a Muslim against the military. ”

The peppermint rate was palpable. What do you mean, it's the 21st century?

“... Why did the Muslims come out of here? ”

“The Civil Awakening Society is called self-immolation. But in China, the Awakeners are fighting because they have to be part of the country. ”

Yes... I see. Then why... why...?

“Why... why would he do that? ”

“Image management. ”

Peppermint rate explained.

“They're more Muslim than modern armorers, and they're less threatening to the general public. If you're a Muslim, you can fight an officer, Rana. I have familiarity.”

After listening to the words, it seemed quite plausible. It is much easier and faster to bring an existing organization than to create a new positive group image. If you're an awakener with a lot of physical skills, you'll feel like a no-brainer in a no-show movie.

Even in the United States, I imaged a superhero with a superior awakening, and it looked the same way.

“Son of a bitch!! ”

The airport rang out with a loud shout. I admit that's a good thing, but I don't like being involved. Moreover, he was unwilling to get involved with the Chinese internal affairs here. I asked the persecution rate if I should avoid the position. The whole body of the fourteen moons was covered in black light. And then...

Bang, bang! Bang!


“Stop him!"

The fountain moon starts to rush towards me with loud footsteps. The soldiers try to stop him, but he bounces off like a rat hit by a rhino. Weapons and other attack skills did not cause damage to the limbs. It appears to be a powerful defense skill.

You cut through the troops and move quickly towards the crescent moon. You can't be kidnapped here again. A little nervous, someone stands in front of the moonlight. A foot wrapped in military boots firmly steps on the floor, twisting and swinging one leg. A full-body kick strikes toward the moonlight.


The Palm of the Fourth Moon clashed against the soldier's foot. The air vibrates violently and the floor cracks. The four-month man stops himself and laughs at the man.

“Long time no see, coffin reader. ”

“The Boar on Fire in the Tail. ”

Along with a cold voice, a new Class S Hunter kicks you out of the air as soon as one foot is caught in the air. Another loud noise rang and the two workshops were crowned. Class F stats made it impossible to keep track of even the eye's movements.

“Did you smell that? ”

Suddenly I heard a strange voice next to me. The man looks sharp as he turns his cheeky head. He moved his eyes and looked down at me. Even though he had a handsome face with a smile on his mouth, he was not too cold.

Suddenly, it's too much. A medium-scale Awakener who doesn't treat humans well.

“Oh, Mr. Portrait. ”

The persecution rate pretended to know him. I don't know what it is, but it must be high. The Chinese hunters around me were frozen solid. Peppermint rate is not even as tense. Maybe he's dangerous to touch. I glanced up at the portrait.


But a Class S Hunter wouldn't just treat me like a rider. Meanwhile, a plane was destroyed. There was debris flying so far, it burst out in front of my eyes with a thump and a large plane debris. Class S must have stopped him. I didn't see any movement.

“Only one Thursday? The other party.”

“I don't see any rangers outside of Jupiter. ”

“Search the streets. They might be lurking around. ”

The portrait gives the order. Only three Class S Hunters here. Given the airport status, it doesn't look like much of a city.

How many Class S Hunters are there in China at the moment? There were nine officially, but there were actually a lot more than that. Simply a population is more than ten times the population of my country. I wanted to be at least twenty-thirty, even though Korea has a lot of Class S Hunters.

‘... I'm a little worried. ’

I said it's okay if it's not a transcendent opponent, but there's no business in front of the numbers. I want you to tell the kids to be careful.

My abilities did not predict victory or defeat, but the Fourth Moon was getting closer and closer, rather than closer. It seemed to be wary of joining even the portrait. After examining the fight between the two, the portrait moved ahead. The persecution rate and I followed after that.

“Where are we going now? ”

“There's a big lake called Lake Chao. ”

Peppermint rate replied.

“No civilians allowed in or out of the Special Zone this afternoon. ”

There was a car waiting in front of you. I looked around the airport. In addition to one plane, it was destroyed for two generations, but the airport itself did not seem to have a major impact. I got some gold on the floor.

Even though there are no riders in China yet and there are riders, airplanes are much faster. I mean...

I quietly pressed the explosion button.

Guava Madness -!!

“Ahh, brother! ”

“What the hell!”

The plane I was on and the whole area flew away with a terrible thunderstorm. A grenade placed underneath the bed just before landing. Fragments soaring high in the sky pour down like meteor showers. The runway, as well as the airport building, was baptized and wounded by debris. I hear a series of broken windows.

“Ooh, here we were! ”

The persecution rate was frightened and shouted. I nodded with a surprised expression.

“I'm scared... Really... ”

Wow, that's creepy. The neighborhood is too harsh. The face of the portrait became stiff. This airport will be hard to use for a while.

“Investigate all those who were there and those who approached the plane. ”

That makes you one, too. The ultraviolet ash was driven in the car in the front and in the dark suntan car in the back. This time, I also climbed the persecution rate. The car left.

“The conflict between civilian hunters and military hunters is severe. ”

“You can't attack a dungeon without the government. China is so vast that there are many unregistered dungeons, but if you get caught, it's over. You shouldn't even be an unregistered hunter when it comes to Dunb. ”

That was harsh, at least when the dungeon blew. I didn't know much about China before the regression. I've never heard of a Chinese hunter called Gargoyle.... Is he dead? I can't remember the portrait either.

‘There's been a lot of conflicts between Hunters that have killed many Class S Hunters. ’

This isn't the time for us to be fighting.

“Do you know how many Class S Hunters there are in China? ”

“I don't know exactly. Military affiliations are highly confidential, so there must be more than ten of them. He said there were more than five blind people. The Mafia's got a couple of them, too. They should be free. ”

Anyway, there are many, and the persecution rate replied.

“The dungeon management is good.... ”

The Peppermint rate silences Hunter, taking a glance across the street. There are confrontational forces, so it's no wonder it's not working. It was also a global problem, not just in China. If the main force is attacking the dungeon, there is a chance that the remaining headquarters will be robbed. This fact required more power than simply attacking a dungeon.

In fact, it was an extra manpower. Let's not hurt each other. If the deal is good, we can all go to the dungeon at the same time without any Hunters left. Well, if this was possible, the army would be gone. Let's not invade each other, because there is no agreement and belief in it.

The car that was running for a long time stopped. When I got out of the car, there was a sunset in the sky. A vast lake unfolded before my eyes was filled with scorching water. Is this Lake Chao? It's a big lake once. If I didn't know better, I'd be at sea.

“There are no boats here. It used to be there, but it got rid of it. ”

As I approached the railing on the lake, the persecution rate said. If you're saying there's no boat, then there's a facility in the middle of the lake. I looked at the sleep and threw in the pillow I was holding.


“I'm just annoyed. ”

The pillow cotton sinks slowly after drinking water. If your cell phone stops working here, you'll think you've reached your destination.

We're on a chopper. Even from the air, the lake was really big. Soon, an island surrounded by high wire fences appeared. It was hard for me to run away alone.

‘It's impossible to swim out with my stats. ’

No ships, no helicopter control. Even with a Stealth Skill, they'll do a thorough search before the helicopter takes off. It was fortunate that such a difficult environment to break in and out of would loosen my surveillance.

Let's just go inside and steal the information and wait for outside help.

“I'm so tired, why don't you go to bed early today? ”

I got out of the helicopter and asked the persecution rate. The harsh hands grabbed my arms, saying, "I'll tell you what." Then came the command of the portrait.

“Search the body again and put a locator on it. ”

That's my underdog. Be gentle with the persecution rate! I'm dragged away, and I'm stripped again, and I'm running a tracker down my ankle. Thank you for placing it outside your body. "

I was really tired, not just talking, but being dragged around for a long distance in a row. I wanted to let you rest for dinner, but it wasn't the bedroom that was guided along the dry hallway without any decoration. A middle-aged man was sitting at a small room table around the interrogation room.

“... I think I've seen him somewhere. ”

A middle-aged man smiled at me.

“It's been a long time, General Han Yoo-jin. ”

The accent and mouth shape were Korean. Korean, that one.

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