The S-Classes That I Raised

348 Idr, I'll be right back (4)

If I disappear voluntarily, don't come to the most likely place to find me. Yoohyun and Yerim told Noah that. I didn't get into the details, but if I can't get out of the way, there's not much I can do about it.

- Peek! Peek!

Grace swirled around me in embarrassment. I pulled my leg and dropped the blue jewelry next to me on the floor. Before I opened my mouth, someone quickly noticed stopped moving.

“I'm breaking my legs. I'm a fragile class F. ”

There should already be marks on the bridge. The chain can't be pulled any further, but it is loosened. You turn your head. The first thing you notice is a big black dragon. Kang So-young riding on comet and the like. He probably followed them as soon as he saw suspicious behavior while watching Cometro Blue.

If you had expected me to be a duck here, it would be better to chase after him than to block Blue's trail. If I didn't see Blue, I would have kept my mouth shut. I took care of it.

In front of the Black Nondragon, the Holy Spirit stands. The light-colored hair turned against the black scale and looked even brighter. His gaze is set on a blue jewelry and grace that has cooled down. He said without giving me any time to hesitate.

“Or you can have my legs. 3, 2. ”

The chain is loosened before the countdown ends. Unlike I expected, one leg won't kill you. I opened my mouth with a slightly stiff face.

“I won't hold you back. Take your blessings. ”

What are you talking about? Grace is crying out loud. Why don't you hold on. Why did I tell the kids not to come? Yoohyun and Yerim, Noah, of course not. Moon Hyun-ah was nervous because the keywords were applied. Kim Sung-han was the same. Even if the keyword effects disappeared, the memory is still there.

So Seong-hyeon, or Song Tae-won. I thought it would be possible for these two.

“… how can you believe that? ”

A loud voice came from my mouth. If my legs are torn off, the persecution rate won't take me to China. Even if you kill someone with a potion, you won't last more than two hours without using the precious Dungeon Slip. They won't kill you, so they'll give up. Even if the persecution rate was stubborn, it was likely that Blue would not listen to orders. If he thinks I'm dangerous, he'll refuse his orders and take care of the treatment first, asking for help from people he used to be close to.

So just hold it to the end.

“Han Yoo-jin.”

Sunghyun stood motionless in his place. The air is tugged tightly, although there is little movement. Bring it on. The chain is already broken, but he will be able to lock me up again faster than I can use the item. So there's still a chance.


A chain that was stretched out endlessly picks up the sound of metal. I enter the inventory at all.


The castellan agent bites one foot backwards. Your palms look up toward the sky with a slight bend at your waist and a hint that you won't do anything.

“Please take it. ”

I smiled at him. I used an item I had in my hand instead of collecting grace. It's a one-time teleportation item. I would look pretty miserable if I wore my legs chained to the chains, but now I can move up Blue without any injuries. It held me as if the persecution rate was waiting.

“Bro! Let's go! ”

Blue was left in a shout close to cheering. The Pokémon can't attack until it's at full speed. I don't have the strength to defend myself right now. The earring's shield is Class B, so it cannot be stopped if the attack is enough to stop Class S monster Blue.

Ultimately, the golden griphon quickly sped up without interruption, crossing the sky.

“I thought I was stuck! ”

Even the big non-dragon disappeared completely from view, and the persecution rate shouted in relief.

“... I see. ”

I should have. My head was numb. Where did it go wrong?

“I thought the guild leader wouldn't let you go. ”

That's what I thought. However, the Holy Father freed me as he had already caught me. I quickly realized and gave up that I was trying to rebel against myself as a hostage.

Not what I expected.

“… damn it. ”


I expected that Sung Hyun would not hesitate even if I was hurt a bit too much. But it wasn't. I really didn't know this was going to happen.... No. He's obviously been threatened by him a few times and he hasn't been treated like one, but lately. It's been different lately.

The same was true of Song Tae-won, who might have succeeded in forcefully holding me back. But what about him? He was the one who deliberately faced his own image that he didn't want to see and didn't want to hurt me. It's okay to have Director Song hurt me so much anyway. How?

“The Holy Father couldn't hurt me. ”

“But we got him. Is your leg okay?”

Then I felt a slight tingling of my right leg.

“Be careful of Class S Hunters. ”

“Don't say that. I'm fine.”

“I got lucky. I've seen it from afar, but it was so harsh. I thought you were being dragged away. ”

“No, even a Class S Hunter……. ”

“I heard that chain is SS-grade, but isn't the stats too low for your brother? Not once or twice. I can't believe you handled my brother like that. I heard that the guild leader is scary, but I'm not joking. ”

I kept my mouth shut just because I was caught up in the persecution rate. You may find yourself reluctant to consider Class S Hunters more hostile than you are now. The children were still fine, but it would be better to be careful if the Class L adopter keyword was preferred over the Peppermint Rate skill.

Horses become stronger the more repeated they are.

“Give me a map and a compass. ”

I checked the direction and instructed Blue. My mouth was bitter.

‘... They'll take care of you. ’

But I couldn't believe it at that moment. I felt like I would attack again if I had the grace. It was still the same emotionally. It's just that I've already gone through something so easy, I hardly think it's rational.

“... Let's prepare well. What is this? I finally did everything for you. ”

I said, the persecution rate sitting behind me smiled beautifully.

“Well, after Seok-won died, the Chinese were giving up because there was no answer. A few grades of S around you. Even monsters can be scary. There were no more S's in Korea, so I wasn't really prepared. ”

“You just bludgeoned him? To kidnap me?"

“No, I have my brother's stealth skills, so I can come out and get him if no one notices me for just two hours, so I'm here. All I have to do is get the plane ready to escape. ”

But I didn't know my brother was going to be locked up because I was caught, so I was excited about the persecution rate. Well, if the Holy Father hadn't noticed, he would have flown in quietly without all this commotion. A number of senior hunters increased their chances of getting caught, and it was more advantageous to form a kidnapping team with persecution rates and a few less Korean nationalities.

“Hey, if you didn't know better, you'd better evacuate quickly and look for your next chance. We can make a fake killer, sacrifice him, and try again when it gets quiet. ”

“That's what my sister told me to do, but I wanted to seduce you one more time. ”

“… Sister? ”

Suddenly she's a sister. My words hesitated and I opened my mouth.

“I haven't told you the details yet, but I have a great sister. She's a little old, but she's cool. ”

I can't even imagine a great older sister. Awakening.

“Are you a saint? ”

I took out the most famous of the older women hunters, but the persecution rate shook my head. Who the hell are you?

“I thought you were working with the Chinese. ”

“For now! I'll tell you later, brother. ”

It looked like there was someone else behind the persecution rate. Perhaps her sister sent persecution rates to China, and they kidnapped me pretending to be from China.... I kidnapped myself, to be exact.

As the altitude got higher, the swift tapping of the cheek became colder. Reflexively, my body trembles.

“… cold. ”

“Oh, because you have low stats. What do I do? Do you want me to take my clothes off? ”

“Enough. Clothes... ”

It was in my inventory. I pulled out a hot pink hairball. It was a long cardigan, and a long, long scarf.

“My brother has a peculiar taste. ”

“I got you a gift. ”

“If you're going into an Inventory, it's handcrafted, but it's also a good one. Who made this? ”

“Any useless good human being. ”

You wrap two scarves around your cardigan and get warm quickly. The sudden pace has loosened a bit.

‘Yeah, well, you're dealing with someone. ’

You don't have to worry so much if you're not a transcendent. The inventory is well stocked and there is a point shop as well. Points were limited, so I had to save myself, but I was confident that I would take care of myself wherever I went.

Well, it's my body, and the people who are after me will take care of it. So if I don't make it look like Acates, we go to the castle. It's a pity I don't have grace, but I'm more likely to get caught if I use it once or twice.

“If you're going after me in China, you've got a few monsters waiting for you, right? ”

“Yes? I think so. ”

Some Class S Cold Resistance monsters. There's a lot of land and population in China, so there 'll be a lot more Class S equipment than Japan, so we'll have to empty out the inventory and fill it up. Whatever I did, it was wrong to kidnap him. Maybe poking kidnapper masters can figure out a way to escape their persecution skills. I'm confident of splattering by myself if it's not for my skills.

‘I hope they don't worry too much. ’

I've already told you something. You'll be fine. You can take your time, guys.

* * *

Beep, beep, beep! Beep, beep!

The little bluebird cries bitterly, saying, "The little bluebird flew up and down." He looks up at the sky and spins around, not far from his body. My shoe heels are closing in. A smooth fingertip grabs a blue jewel tucked away in the dirt.

- Beep, beep.

Looking behind his boss, Kang So-young was worried that he might run away. I had the urge to make Comets fly right away, but I wasn't sure I could handle the pain. Her jaw tugs slightly under tension.

I felt like I had faced a real monster that I couldn't even stand to stand up to, even though I was a hunter dealing with monsters stronger than myself. A warning from instinct creeps down your spine. If he was a simple Class A Hunter, he would have run away without looking back. Comet, a class S monster, was also raising small thorns.

“... I've never felt so dirty. ”

You look like it, "Kang So-young muttered. It was hard for her to speak out of her mouth, unlike usual. The pressure of the stirring agent turning around and pressing even the air heavily fades. Suddenly, a sigh came out between Kang So-young's lips.

He must have calmed down for a while.

“Why don't you just hold on. ”

There were several opportunities. From the beginning, it was possible to tie up Han Eugene's whole body without cause and make him immobile. However, Sung Hyun acted incorrectly.

The Holy Spirit approaches Comet and looks down at the blue jewel in his hand. The whimpering grace fades into jewelry. Then the jewelry changed to its original basic shape, blue light, and sensitivity to the glass sword.

“You can't just shove her down the stairs to catch a runaway Cinderella. ”

“That would make you a thriller, not a fairy tale, but the guild master thought the latter would be better suited. ”

“I don't want Han Yoo-jin to lose any more points here. Even if your psychic skills are unlocked, you'll still remember them. ”

“It's useless without a party. ”

In Kang So-young's words, "Wasn't he kidnapped?", Seong-hyung slightly raised his lip.

“I'm going to deliver the lost. ”

“Somehow there are many dragons in China, for babies when they come. ”

Kang So-young stroked her fingertips without any tension. Anyway, it's going to be fine in the country.

“Though I do wish to intervene. ”

“It's not far, so if you're bored guarding the house, come with Miss Leight. ”

“There's no dean of music in China to be ticketed. ”

“I can't stop you from being arrested after returning home. ”

“Ah, Guild Master. You're irresponsible. But the guild leader was also handcuffed a few times. ”

I've never been to a prison or prison, not the airport, to greet a guild leader returning from abroad. Every time I let him go, it was nothing.

“How's Warden Han, by the way? ”

“Unless your psychic skills are stronger than expected. ”

“The one on the Blue is the skill, right? Why didn't you just arrest him first? ”

“Some psychic skills don't work after the caster's death. I don't want Han Yoo-jin to continue to be wary of Class S Hunters. ”

Therefore, it was better to release it in a form that relaxes vigilance. Since it's not just Han Eugene who will stand idly by, she will try to find a way to escape her skill. Help yourself to it. Be my partner.

Despite that conclusion, the dark unpleasantness was unavoidable.

Kang So-young, who saw his boss's eyebrows narrow, rushed to fix Comet's beep.

“Let's get back! Should I call the Cabinet?”

“No, I'll do it myself. ”

Sunghyun climbed on Comet's back. The black dragon flies lightly up into the sky with its long wings spread.

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