The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 76: Variety of Lingpi

Chapter 0076 Variety of Lingpi

To be honest, Li Xun, who once lured and killed a high-level mage, didn't really think too much. After all, the harvest was far from meeting his expectations. If it wasn't for the soul weaver to reach the level of the Archmage Staff, he could even Say nothing.

But when he came to the front of Ericus' high-level enchanter's warehouse, his eyes widened instantly. Is this a high-level mage's warehouse? This is a physical exhibition of the Encyclopedia of Magic Materials!

Dozens of cabinets with a height of more than three meters and a width of three meters are staggered back and forth. Each cabinet is divided into 5 layers and each layer is divided into ten small grids. There are items, minerals or precious stones placed in each grid. Or scrolls, or protective gear ... There are a lot of people, dazzling.

Li Xun walked obsessively in the middle of the cupboard, left and right to touch, and this annoyed heart was also a high-level master. He knew there that most of the value of the Necromancer is reflected in the creation of the Necromancer, and the high-level enchanter in front of him is reflected in the wealth. Many high-level magic items must be completed by a special high-level enchanter. The necessary mage gathers the materials and then finds the high-level enchanter to make the items he needs. In addition to the necessary rewards, the materials prepared can only be as much as possible. Little, once the processing is complete, the rest will not be repaid in a sense of embarrassment, one or two, and decades later, Ericus has accumulated a private collection of this size.

Li Xun didn't know much about the magic material, but from the few things he knew, Ericus's collection was already amazing. A large ball of fine gold is about 10 kilograms; Mithril fist size is also about 3 kilograms; all kinds of gems are not mentioned, even the abyss scale copper that I just got is here, and it is my own 2 More than times; other death finger scroll, escape scroll, heaven gate scroll, ogre power belt, elven cloak, broken dragon skin, sacred horn made by unicorn beast, deformed spirit skin, petrified mask, Phantom boots ... All kinds of strange and strange shapes that Li Xun knows and does not know are displayed there, making people pick and pick. It is always a great loss to give up any one.

I like too many things, but there are too few places. Picking is a kind of torture.

Li Xun raised his head several times and gazed affectionately at the old mage. They all exchanged the old mage's head and shook his head flatly. Li Xun understood that where the reward is the biggest punishment.

After walking around many times, Li Xun was able to think calmly. Picking the most expensive is of course no problem, but it will undoubtedly make Ericus greatly discount his own goodwill, and then he can only choose the one that suits him best. But what is right for you?

My current identity is the master of the cemetery, and the possibility of close combat on the battlefield has become smaller and smaller. I have turned more into a strategy and a grasp of the overall situation. I can do specific tasks by the heroes. , You just have to wait and wait for the acceptance, so the offensive and defensive reaction is not so important. The ones that are more suitable for you are those with auxiliary and distinctive characteristics ...

With the refinement of his thoughts, Li Xun stopped in front of a grid and began to repeatedly look at the wonder.

Variety of spirit skin, singularity, it is said that it is made of the skin peeled off from the adult spirit suction monster. It can change the shape according to the owner ’s mind, and also has the function of isolating magic detection and magic detection. It can also be slow after injury. Self-healing.

With this singular thing, you don't need to use foreign objects or magic to disguise yourself in the future, and you can disguise yourself better.

Thinking was settled, Li Xun took the changeable spirit skin without hesitation, and walked in front of the old mage without squinting.

"My Excellency Ericus, I have chosen this, this is it."

"Yes!" The old mage nodded: "You are a child who can always be unexpected, and can perfectly control your desires. At your age, I am far behind you!"

Li Xun held a variety of spirit skin in his hand, and his heart hit abruptly. When he thought of the production of another creature's skin, there was always a daze in the snack. With his hands, light as nothing, light finger pressure, smooth and smooth flow, it seems there is a certain ability to deflect physical attacks, Li Xun curiously extends mental power into it, and slowly injects mana, the spirit skin is like The swimming fish began to fluctuate and extend, swimming along Li Xun's skin to the whole body. In the process of extension, Lingpi absorbed enough mana and began to become transparent, and under the control of Li Xun's mental power, he pulled the muscles of the whole body to twist it slightly. After the tea time, another old mage appeared on the spot.

The place where Li Xunxing also recruited water mirrors was fine-tuned from various angles, so another identical old master was born.

"Lord Ericus, what do you think?"

The old mage rolled his eyes and didn't have a good air: "Fortunately, there is a link to verify the imprint of the soul in the mage's magic alert, otherwise I dare not give you this thing."

Li Xun giggled, and his interest began to transform again. He found that the effect of this spirit skin is somewhat similar to the spell "transformed self". However, "transformed self" requires the specialization of the change department to be able to master, but this spirit skin does not have this trouble. I don't know if it will have the special ability of a beast if it changes into a beast. It is just my own delusion, otherwise the druid should be unemployed!

The time of this change is much less than last time, it seems that regular exercise can continue to increase the speed. A male sea goblin appeared in the house. The old mage twisted his beard and asked with a smile: "Why, did you meet the sea clan on the road? Did you find anything good?"

Li Xun adjusted the water mirror and felt that he had something like a seven or eight points. After hearing the old Master's question, he felt that there was nothing to bear, so he took out the abyss.

"Good boy, what are you doing with this kind of thing? This thing is extremely difficult to handle! Do you want to create cursed items?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I just think that this kind of thing is scarce. I can't let it go when I encounter it. The specific use needs to be carefully considered."

"Okay, your kid's net worth is good. It's the small middle-level mages who dare to smash all their net worth on this singular thing. It's better to add some magic equipment to yourself. The kid, as a mage, is alive. This is the last word. Since you have taken the path of a battle mage, you must strengthen your life-saving defense skills, otherwise no matter how brilliant a genius is, it is also false! "

Speaking of the last sentence, the old Master's eyes leaked infinite sadness, and it seems to be a person with a story. In an instant, the old mage returned to normal and waved: "Go to Casas to pick a unique spell that rewards you! Remember, everything is alive!"

It took Li Xun two hours to select items, and Casas had already chosen the spells to wait for them there. Casas handed the association's spell catalog to Li Xun and went straight to the old mage to discuss the chosen spell. Li Xun took the heavy catalog and began to look at it quietly and meticulously.

The so-called unique spells are mostly new spells transformed by mages based on an existing spell, and are designed to adapt to a particular environment or special situation. The power is not necessarily great, but it is more targeted. As long as the organized spell associations will carry out the exchange mechanism, use the basic spells they master to exchange the transformation spells in the hands of the mage, only in this way can they continuously expand their magic reserve and attract more people who want to acquire new knowledge and new abilities. Caster.

For the caster, learning spells and transforming spells is a process of continuous progress. Those life-saving and unique transformation spells are not easy to hand over, but some auxiliary classes are not too critical, and it is still very cost-effective to use them to exchange something useful for yourself.

Li Xun, as a contract master of the Principality, learns and masters basic spells in various libraries. Such transformation spells can only be obtained by special means, such as taking on dangerous tasks.

"Light body technique", 1st-level spell, the effect is weaker than 2nd-level spell "Cat's Elegance", can consume less magic, reduce the cast level by 1, which is very cost-effective in all aspects.

The breeze blows the surface, and the 1st-level spell directly releases the breeze blowing effect in the range of hundreds of meters. The wind is much weaker than the 2nd-level spell-making wind, and it has a wider range, which is more suitable for victory celebrations.

Hair removal, a 1st-level spell, can instantly make contact with hair fall off. A barber in a different version?

Shared perception, a 1st-level spell, can perceive all physical consciousness touching the target.

Quick burst, 1st-level spells, you can use special methods to urge accelerated items to get double effects at the cost of destroying items.

High-temperature field, 2nd-level spell, create a high-temperature stand within 5 meters around you, any moving objects will be affected by high temperature.

Local defense, a 2nd-level spell, can change the mage shield from a full-shield type to a local type, achieving the effect of a 4th-level defensive spell.


Looking at the wisdom creation of the previous people, I sincerely feel that the mage is really a group full of wisdom. If these spells can continue to be transformed and extended to the human life other than the mage, the mage is a well-deserved human leader. By. It's a pity that class restrictions make mages disdain to communicate with "mortals", let alone use their knowledge for them.

After expressing emotion, Li Xun focused his attention on several unique spells of level 3. It is not that he does not want to pick a higher level, but that he is now reporting to a 6th-level mage. For self-protection considerations, Li Xun does not intend to identify his own mage level in the short term.

Revenge gaze, 3rd-level spell, stare at the opponent within 5 meters, and let the opponent take the same damage as yourself. This spell cannot reduce the damage you receive and the opponent cannot be shielded.

Mana Chaos, 3rd-level spells, detonates all mana, creates mana turbulence within 5 meters, interferes with the operation of all spells and spell items, and the releaser must take the damage of the spell's counterattack.

Phillip's love, 3rd-level spells, and kissing the lips of the other party can make the other party treat the caster as her lover.


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