The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 58: Splitting and harvesting

Chapter 0058

As the darkness neared, the whole battle ended completely. The bandits in the Red Beard camp escaped from a hidden passage in the rear. The two major mercenary regiments paid more than 100 deaths, and the cost of more than 200 injuries eliminated 700 red-bearded bandits and successfully occupied the enemy ’s nest; the city guards who did not participate in the attack became the heaviest casualties, 500 There are only 270 men remaining in the City Guard, but there are also many gains. It is estimated that only three hundred thieves can escape alive, including the Gray Wolf Cavalry who fled the battlefield early.

With the collection of various materials and spoils, it was time to divide the money. Li Xun had been hiding for a long time on the ground of excessive mana loss. When he saw the key point, he had to sulkily and squirm into the central tent. Seeing Casas at first glance, he ushered in a big thumb, and even the middle-aged mage who had always been serious was playing a joke on himself, 5555555, it seems that this time he really lost his face! Li Xun smirked at Casas with a head-to-head smirk, and saw Siles flipping through the books with a blank expression on one side, and quickly found a seat in the most remote corner.

The weird atmosphere among the wizards was not yet the time for the Antok Knight to explore. He could only clear his throat and attract the attention of everyone in the tent to himself. Then he lifted the parchment in his hand and began to read the harvest today. :

Enough for 1,000 people to eat and drink half a year of food

Leather armor, bust armor, chain armor, full body armor

Swords, maces, long guns, contradictory cards, etc.

Various types of jewelry appliances, not less than 100,000 pan-continental gold coins

Various archers and crossbows

Magic Crystal 4 boxes of 200 pcs

2 boxes of various casting materials

Directly seized 70,000 gold coins

The battlefield retrieved 5 special folding crossbows (intact) and equipped with 19 special crossbow arrows, the effect is unknown

Elf-style Mithril Chainmail (intact) 2 pieces, several damaged fragments

Only Antok and two other deputies, two heads of mercenary regiments and three mages can participate in the camp. According to the agreement in advance, all the things must be selected by the mage first, besides being able to get rid of the red beard nest in one fell swoop and hit the gray wolf and vulture thieves in one fell swoop, the three mages have contributed. The mage chooses first.

The three people of Casas briefly exchanged, and removed the 2 boxes of casting materials, 2 pieces of Mithril Chain Armor, 3 sets of folding crossbows and all special crossbow arrows. As for the magic crystal, only 2 boxes of 100 pieces were taken. No longer reaching out. The restraint of the Masters relieved the 2 mercenary regiments, and half of the rest would fall into their hands, plus the remuneration agreed by the city master in advance, their 2 mercenary regiments would be considered profitable this time. The pots are full. Antoque is an old orthodox knight, so he did not know the little scheme of the master he worked for, so he was very happy for this huge harvest. After arranging the guard sentry, he began to indulge in carnival with everyone.

Casas ordered people to move all the selected things into their tents, yelling Li Xun and Xi Lisi to start the internal processing. Hillis deserved to be a princess, with a rich family, and she couldn't look at these messy things, but refused with a smile. Li Xun was polite and had no spellcasting materials. He took 2 pieces of Mithril Chain Armor and 2 sets of folding crossbows and all special crossbows. The rest were left to Casas, and each was considered necessary. Mithril chain mail and special crossbow mage can't be used, but as a mage, there is a willingness to not let out of this weapon instinct that can threaten the caster.

As soon as the things were finished, Li Xun returned to his tent with a full dimensional bag. After sitting quietly on the wooden chair for a while, gently spreading out his left hand, a storage ring slowly flew out of the shadow behind him and fell on the palm of his hand.

"You have worked hard, ghost!"

Li Xun nodded to the shadow and began to concentrate on the space in the storage ring. This is the biggest gain today. 5 kilograms of fine gold, 6 kilograms of mithral silver, 200 white crystals, and 400 magic crystals, all the inventory of a dark elf family on the ground is in it. Adamantite and Mithril are all top-grade precious metals. In the transaction of the surface, grams are often used as a unit. The dark area is worthy of the underground world. The mining volume of precious metals is much higher than the surface. But Li Xun didn't know that in any dark elf city, 5 kg of refined gold and 6 kg of mythril were also considered a bulk transaction. A dark elf family is willing to take out the same amount of goods for trading, which usually means betting on the fate of the family, but what is it about yourself!

As for the female priest, the guy with **** and big butts, Li Xun originally wanted to cut the grass and eradicate the roots, to avoid the family behind him looking for home to seek revenge. Idea.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, it's time to make plans! Yongye City is a must, because you need the growth of strength, but now it is a bit tasteless. The main reason is that the location is too close to the human world. Although Yongye City is located in a whispering forest with few people, it is only 17 miles away from the edge of the forest. According to the statistics of the Skeleton King and the Butcher, more than a dozen hunters or drugmen have entered the dark sky, although they have been permanently left, but the outside world has begun to spread the legend of the terrible area in the whispering forest, which will sooner or later cause Novis Attention of the Principality. It is conceivable that when the Principality frees its hands from the south, it will inevitably clean up areas that are not "clean" behind it. In view of the above considerations, the second stronghold should be planted early so that the development of his cemetery forces will not be suddenly cut.

After thinking about it, this suddenly dark area is a good space for development. First, chaotic, evil creatures live here to avoid the sun. The dark area is full of cities and countries of Dyro dwarves, dark elves, gray dwarfs, and flayers. It is also home to some of the more rare races, such as benthic fish, eye demons, and Kou Tao fishmen, as well as some smart humanoid slaves from the surface. There is no psychological burden for these evil and cruel guys to kill themselves, which is much easier than picking up the heads and picking them on the ground. Secondly, there is no most evil here, only more evil. Your cemetery will not be naturally rejected in this kind of place. At least there will be no siege of the people before the development of your own forces. You do n’t need to be as careful as the surface to let out. head.

Considering this comprehensively, this dark area development plan is basically feasible. The only thing that is lacking right now is to discredit the situation there. I do n’t know how to choose the target, so the female sacrifice becomes the only cooperation goal.

The direction of development is set. Here is how to achieve it. The first problem encountered was how to reach a mutual assistance agreement with the female priest. Come forward and trade with her, and get what you need. This can only be the next choice. After all, the reputation of the dark elf is there! Lies, deceit, and betrayal are an instinct, not a skill, for them. They are simply natural believers of the prince Lire, Shirek. When you have a green head and talk to them about a deal, just wait for them to be eaten and wiped away. !

It seems that a certain major force needs to be impersonated, otherwise it is not enough to deter them. Ha ha, then you can only let your "above people" out. To impersonate the subordinate forces of the Undead Council with their own cemetery troops, meeting someone who just yells "I have someone on it" is enough to make the other party think twice. As long as you avoid the biggest dark elf forces, just the idea of ​​hitting gray dwarves and minotaurs, it should not cause a rebound in the underground world!

Going back and forth or back to the question of how to control the female sacrifice. There are indeed a variety of soul contracts in spells, but that requires you to be much stronger than the other party. You are currently a 7th-level mage. If the other party uses the contract loophole to control it, you will become the most tragic and embarrassing tomb. The owner of the garden. Well? I already have 3 heroes under my control. My control over them depends on the blood contract in the cemetery tavern. Can the blood contract be applied to non-cemetery creatures? When signing a blood contract with a cemetery hero, the other party ’s soul is a newly born chaotic state, and it is only through the template transmitted in his memory that they shape their different personalities and skills, so they have a natural intimacy for themselves, but now this The female sacrifice is a canvas full of sewage, whether it is possible to achieve a similar effect remains to be seen!

Yeah, just stop here! After struggling with the development idea, Li Xun only calmed down and examined himself. In today's battle, Li Xun has been honored to upgrade to become a 7th-level wizard. There are too many messy things, and I have been busy until now I haven't dealt with the upgrade points yet.

Adding the free attribute points to the spirit, Li Xun now has 5 points of spirit, and can carry 50 direct men with him. This is followed by strategic skills, magical insights, luck and leadership. Li Xunlue chose Magic Insight after thinking about it. With this skill, he can learn the skills without barriers and across schools. Haha, imagine that a mage commanding a lot of undeads, but sprinkling bright spells everywhere, can scare a group of people.

Going to the door of the tent, aside the corner of the curtain, noisy sounds immediately poured in. Well? By the way, they seem to be celebrating victory. Cough, I am also a young guy, and I really want to participate in it to see the excitement, eat Haisai, but there are so many things waiting to be done by myself, 555555, bitter!

After performing stealth flying, Li Xun slipped out of the camp secretly, watching the blazing bonfires in the central open space at high altitudes, and the crowds of slapstick and playful figures, with a feeling of emptiness in his heart, looking up Looking at the full moon in the sky, which is many times larger than his hometown, he turned around and went straight to the place where the female priest was.

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