The Rise of Plants

Chapter 764: Your blood is pure

Day after day, Chi Nan didn't know that one day he would be trained like this. , Access to the latest chapter: ШШШ.79xs.СоМ. I'm very happy to see the soldiers training hard, but Chi Nan feels bitter when it's his turn.

"Chi Nan, stop for a while, Olna and Miria have something to do with you."

On this day, Wei Wei Si finally came here and called to stop. Silken Kaye, who seemed to be on vacation next to him, looked at Wei Weisi strangely: "Is there something that I have to stop him, he is doing well now."

Good egg, Chi Nan cursed secretly in his heart, but without Slinka’s order, the members of the envoys would not stop at all, and there was no way he could only follow their rhythm. Otherwise, if you slow down a bit, you will definitely be hit. Maybe it won't be hurt, but if I don't know what means Slinka used, it will be very painful to be hit.

This is definitely not a plant toxin, because I am immune to the golden level and the following plant toxins.

"It looks like a submarine has been made. Will you come to see it together."

Silinka's eyes lit up and immediately nodded and said: "It depends on it. I have heard that they are'getting' some submarine. I must go and see it." Silinka jumped up all at once. .

Chi Nan strongly suspected that Silinka was retaliating against herself by dealing with herself now. Isn’t it just that you didn’t give you the permission to use the energy pool? How can you ‘hand over’ such an important thing to other people casually.

It's not that I don't believe in Silinkaye, but I am worried that once Silinkaye'gets out' something, it happens that he doesn't take it seriously, and it will have a great impact on him. Moreover, for the semi-"jing" spiritual empire, if Slinka Ye, as a princess, had no "selfishness" at all, Chi Nan would never believe it. Therefore, Chi Nan is determined not to compromise.

Since that day, his training volume has doubled, which must be revenge.

Silin Kaye was cursing secretly, didn’t he just want to use the energy pool to study the food? Even this requirement is not satisfied. What kind of friend is this? If you don’t give you a look, you won’t know. This girl is amazing.

As a result, the two of them met. In the past, I had no choice but to rely on Chinan to transform plants. There was no other way. However, it is strange to see that other people can modify the plants according to their own wishes as long as they have the authority. However, Chi Nan is too unkind.

Although Weiweisi has this authority, Weiweisi is really not good at research, and has just taken over some work and has no time for busy, so it is impossible to help Slinka research food at all.

I really don't know what is going on with Weiweisi, it seems like a workaholic during this time. In terms of enthusiasm for work, he was even more enthusiastic than Hermilla, which made Chi Nan somewhat puzzled.

But that’s fine, the "female" people will get busy if they have something to do, otherwise they will be busy all day long, and maybe one day they will catch fire in their backyard. To keep the "women" busy, this is also a way to manage the red palace...Ah, what harem, I must have never thought of this word, Chi Nan denied this idea in his heart.

Because of the submarine, Slinka finally stopped people at night, and Chi Nan was finally able to rest.

"Really, if you don't treat you as a friend, how could you be allowed to ‘practice’ like this." Chi Nan muttered in his mouth.

"What are you talking about, hurry up, don't ‘wave’ it takes time." It’s not close to the coast, so it’s a bit more ‘spend’ time. The latest airship needs to fly for at least an hour to reach the sea from here.

An hour later, the group finally arrived at a port next to the ‘Mis’ foggy forest. There are a lot of people here at this time, and many people are busy here. It was Olna and Miria who hadn't seen her for a long time.

Milia was enthusiastic, screaming and drinking, like a proud ‘chicken’. Seeing Chi Nan's arrival, Miria waved at this side. "Here, here, hey, who is this sister? Is it Princess Slinka."

Miria looked at her with wide-eyed eyes, her curiosity was so exuberant. After all, she is the princess of the semi-jingling empire. As a semi-jingling, how can she not be excited when she sees it, but the reaction of the two of you is too strange.

Orna looked even more blankly, not knowing what she was thinking. Suddenly, Olna said: "Your breath is pure, not a normal half-"fine" spirit." After hearing this, Silinka was startled.

Such a keen ability to perceive, this semi-‘jing’ is not simple. "Haha, of course it's different. The other half of our blood is as noble as the'jing' spirit clan." This is the publicity of the semi-'jing' spirit empire.

Before Olna continued to inquire, Chi Nan explained through the plant brain: "Don't ask, the semi-'jing' spirit royal family is the real'jing' spirit, but the bloodline has changed." Olna nodded slightly, it turned out. That's it.

Silin Kaye was also surprised, because Silin Kaye discovered that Olna's bloodline was extremely pure. Although it could not reach the true concentration of'jing', the bloodline was close to 80%. This kind of blood lineage is only available in a few ancient big families in the semi-‘jing’ empire, which is refined through special cultivation methods.

I really didn't expect that a semi-"jing" spirit group in a small place could have such a pure existence.

Milia does not have such a strong blood line. At this time, Milia is spinning around the night of not as a princess at all, but as a very Interesting research products are the same.

I'm so curious, can I still do research? Well, it seems like that. Chi Nan coughed slightly.

"Ahem, that, you said that you have already made a submarine, and you don't want to let me see it. You can announce it now."

"Your topic shift is really blunt." Orna said calmly and stimulated'excited'.

Miria jumped up all at once: "Oh, I almost forgot, this is a model made by our'fine' heart, waiting for you to combine and strengthen it. The submarine we worked so hard to make It's definitely not weak, just watch if you don't believe it." The people around also stopped and looked at this side quietly.

When they were studying the new submarine, they worked together and everyone put in a huge effort. Now I can finally see the results, and everyone's mood is very exciting.

"Okay, let's show it. If you do well this time, the reward will definitely be indispensable." They don't care much about the reward. After all, the semi-"fine" spirit is inherently weak. They just hope their research can Recognized.

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