The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1302: We also have the development of spells

The more he understands, the more excited the spirit of the violent beast god. Faintly, Chi Nan felt that the spirit of the violent beast **** seemed to have risen to a limit. I am afraid that it would not take long before he could break through to the middle god.

The violent beast **** who has always regarded himself as a race to protect him, as the race develops and grows, the violent beast **** is far from being comparable to ordinary gods in terms of strength and speed.

This kind of racial **** is like this, everything is based on his own race. It can be said that the gods are tied to this race. If the race can reach the most powerful and most numerous race among the heavens and all realms, then as a race god, he will definitely be able to become the most powerful god. This is inevitable.

However, the shortcomings of the racial gods are also obvious. Once the race is hit, the gods can hardly improve.

If the race is close to destruction, even if no one goes to kill the racial god, the **** will fall into an eternal slumber with the demise of the race, or perish in the slumber, nothing will be left.

This race of mad orcs is very special, it can be said that it is difficult to develop on its own, but combined with its own plant weapons, it is completely different. It can be said that the mad orcs can exert their most powerful strength in their own hands.

Of course, if it is to cooperate with undead bugs, it should also be able to play a good effect. However, the undead and insects are too xenophobic, and it is impossible to unite with a race like wild orcs.

Even if it is a god, after becoming a god, he will still be affected by his racial origin, whether physically or mentally.

"Great, in the future, under the crown of God, our wild orc race will definitely develop better."

There is no problem with weak strength, or in Chi Nan's hands, the strength of these wild beasts is not worse than those under the beast gods, because Chi Nan has more resources available for them to use.

But these guys are really problematic, and it's too difficult to have a legendary level. Even Chi Nan can only rely on a huge number of bases, from which so many are born.

Until now, there is no demigod level mad orc under Chi Nan. Chi Nan didn't want to waste divine power crystals on these guys, even if they were cultivated, what would happen.

Chi Nan waved his hand: "It's okay. I was originally my subordinates. I should help them. But you should also find a way to improve your race bloodline ability. After all, their minds are a flaw."

"I can't help it, the bloodline of the wild orc can only move in the direction of physical development, mentally..."

The violent beast **** can't do it himself. As a racial god, he can actually increase the strength of the racial bloodline bit by bit. But he really couldn't help it, even if the bloodline power was increased, these mad orcs still only developed their bodies.

It seems that there is a problem with the natural spirit and has been abandoned. Among intelligent creatures, mad orcs are definitely a kind of mentally retarded race. Most races have a much higher IQ than them.

"Forget it, let's take your time, but let me show you a good thing." Chi Nan simply shifted the picture.

In the picture, a mad orc is attacking a monster in front of him. But the mad orcs not only used the fighting energy on their bodies, but instead condensed the elements of flames on their bodies, increasing their power.

"This, what's going on." The violent beast **** widened his eyes. When will the mad orc be able to use elemental power.

In other words, how to use the elemental power when it has not reached the legendary level. Creatures reaching the legendary level, because their spirits are very powerful, it is instinct to mobilize a little elemental power, and the difference lies in whether they are willing or not. Even those fighters, after reaching the legendary level, can easily mobilize elements that are opposite to their own element attributes.

Of course, it's just mobilization, it's impossible to use it perfectly. But what's going on right now, a mad orc with only silver level actually mobilized the fire element naturally, this is the attribute of the mage type.

At this moment, a mad orc's whole body gleamed, and a light fell on the other mad orcs. In the next moment, all the mad orcs have a layer of light power attached to them, and their speed and strength have been greatly improved.

"This, this is a light-assisted spell, how is this possible? This is not a totem sacrifice, nor an element sacrifice, let alone a warsong sacrifice. What is going on, it seems to be a mage or a sorcerer."

Looking at the violent beast **** with a surprised look, Chi Nan's mouth twitched slightly. If you talk about the understanding of your own race, Chi Nan is not as good as a race god. However, in terms of the development and research of power, the violent beast gods can't compare to themselves.

There are a lot of resources, and there are a lot of alchemists and wizards under his staff. It is too easy to study these things. Of course, Chi Nan wouldn't say how many mad orcs died because of studying these things.

In fact, the research is public, and the participation of the wild orcs in the experiment is also voluntary. These simple-minded guys, in order to gain strength, even life will not take it to heart. Had it not been for the mad orcs' ability to reproduce really well, the mad orcs under Chi Nan would have been annihilated by those crazy researchers a long time ago.

"Hehe, we also have the direction of spiritual development. This is the result of our research over the years."

Chi Nan pointed to the mad orcs on the screen and said, "Is there any patterns on their These are all modeled on totems and magic patterns, and they can inspire the power of the mad orcs. "

"Through these special runes, the mad orcs can directly communicate and mobilize the power of the elements. Although they cannot use them freely, they can use several specific spells to enhance their own and other combat abilities."

Then Chi Nan said with some dissatisfaction: "Unfortunately, the totem research of these totem warriors has just formed a system. It is far inferior to those with mature systems of sacrifices and mages, and can only be a little closer.

The violent beast **** said excitedly: "Enough is enough. It is enough. With these, their danger will be much less in the future. Even if some people are lost, they will be able to survive more easily."

With the ability to reproduce and solve the problem of not having a legal profession, the future of his race has been shining. In the eyes of the violent beast god, Chi Nan is simply the **** sent to them by the heavens, a **** in the true sense.

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