The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1292: Quietly enter the village

Chi Nan secretly calculated that on the road inside the vein, some inconspicuous grass appeared from time to time. But there are always gods passing by, and the vibrations on his body can shatter his own grass, and Chi Nan dare not make too much movement.

So many things can only be calculated on their own. There are too many incarnations of lower gods here, and there are also many incarnations of middle gods. There is no upper **** incarnation for the time being, but it still cannot be taken lightly.

The strength of his own incarnation is really too weak here. Had it not been that the veins of fine gold in the sky were not so easy to mine, with the strength of the gods, it would have been hollowed out a long time ago.

Finally, in Chi Nan's calculations, another group of gods had just entered. "With their strength, fighting all the way, it will definitely clear everything around. So I have three minutes, very good, that's it."

Chi Nan's heart moved, and at the location he determined, a small grass quickly grew, and soon formed a channel that could be transported. Chi Nan had already passed through the passage as soon as he moved. "There are two and a half minutes left, hurry up."

While muttering, Chi Nan had already started digging forward. The stones here are very hard, and with the strength of Chi Nan, they can only dig in bit by bit. Every time a piece is excavated, Chinan will collect a piece. The little golden light in this ore is the luster from the sky's fine gold, which needs to be smelted before it can be used.

This is not the high-purity ore inside, just take it out and use it. Digging down quickly, more and more golden light spots appeared on the stone wall. At the same time, a large number of plants are multiplying around, and Chinan is not afraid of being exposed at this time.

"There are still so many corpses of the incarnation of gods, who left them, why haven't they been picked up by the demon gods. No matter what, if you have time later, just take some away." Chi Nan muttered, holding hands. His movements have not slowed down at all.

"It's been two minutes. Seeing that the purity isn't much longer, I'm wasting time by digging down. In about half a minute, collecting a little corpse of the incarnation of the gods will benefit me even more."

The corpse of the incarnation of the gods is inferior to the gods themselves, let alone the kingdom of gods. But letting one's own kingdom of God absorb it can also add some unusual laws and increase the foundation of one's own kingdom of God. If it weren't for this ability, this kind of incarnation corpse, Chi Nan would not be interested. Except for the devil who can offer sacrifices, other gods will not be interested in incarnation corpses.

Immediately leaving the place, Chi Nan looked for some corpses on the ground along the direction set by his own grass. Chi Nan didn't even look at some of the dead bodies on the ground, so he put them away. Running all the way, Chi Nan felt heavier and heavier.

"This vein is really strange. No wonder the speed of those people in it is so slow, it turns out to be suppressed."

Within the mineral vein, a force was suppressed on his body. The deeper you go, the greater the pressure on your body. Once inside, I'm afraid it is not certain even how much one's strength can be displayed.

This is definitely not the ability of Sky Fine Gold, and Chi Nan has not heard that the Sky Fine Gold Mine has this ability. Therefore, this phenomenon is due to the relationship of the central plane. The deeper the underground, the greater the suppression.

Chi Nan thought of two possibilities. One was because the laws of this world were like this. There is another, that is the huge mother tree, the roots of which are spread all over the world. It may be the root of the tree, which limits the power of these gods. These were not studied by Chi Nan, he just wanted to obtain more corpses.

Suddenly, Chi Nan raised his head. "Why is the speed so fast? It won't work, there is no time."

Chi Nan suddenly felt that someone had entered this place, and his little grass gave him a warning.

On the other side, a small team also came here and naturally saw the plants in the cave. "What is this? There is no one before. No, there is someone in front of us. This is for warning. It is very likely that something has been discovered."

Thinking of this, several gods looked at each other and immediately accelerated. The divine light burst out from his body, as if the grass was soaked in sulfuric acid, it quickly corroded and disappeared. At this time, both parties are in a hurry.

"Damn it, why came so soon, earlier than I calculated. But it's right, after all, this is not a program, there are no hard and fast rules." Chi Nan thought, speeding up, and soon came to the transmission channel. side. You know, in this environment, it is not easy to create such a transmission channel.

If this is ruined, it will take a lot of time to make one again. This is the result of Chinan carefully protecting the grass, and then injecting a large amount of natural divine power into it for a long time to create it in a short time.

"I finally arrived, but unfortunately I was a step faster by you." Chi Nan looked at the faintly appearing shadows, entered the space channel without looking back, and disappeared instantly. Chinan disappeared, and the space channel was slowly closed.

The few figures in the back finally came to this place. Seeing that the passage was closing, the face of the headed one looked ugly.

"Damn, they must have got something." The team leader who came a step late, waved his hand in anger, and countless spikes rose from the ground. It looks like ordinary stabbing magic, but it's not the same thing at all. The ground thorn hit the space channel, tearing the space channel to pieces with ease.

It's a pity that they can only watch Chi Nan run away, even Chi Nan's appearance does not see the breath left by, because the special environment here is disturbed, and there is also a slight deviation. . In this way, even if they suspected that Chi Nan had taken something, they couldn't find Chi Nan in the end.

As they stepped forward, the eyes of the headed person flickered: "This is this place. There was no trace of being excavated. Look inside, the content of this ore is very high, and there must be a lot of ore in the place that was excavated before."

"Damn it, we didn't find it, but now there is one more thing. Are we going to dig here."

The captain thought for a while, nodded and said: "Move fast, don't let people find out. Although there are not many here, it is safer than going inside." Several people quickly started to move.

Instead of thinking about what has been lost, it is more appropriate to focus on what is in front of you. As a god, everyone is not a fool, knowing how to choose is best for you. Soon, the big pit left by Chi Nan was dug out. I don't know if more people will dig here in the future and make this place bigger.

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