The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1290: The first battle of God ended

After thinking about it for a while, Chi Nan nodded and agreed: "Okay, I agree, you can take this guy away."

Chi Nan is not a greedy person, he knows where things are going and should stop. After all, the gods are not mortals, and it is impossible to spend a lot of time bargaining, which is simply cursing.

Treat the gods like people in the market, not let the gods take a high look, only disgust them. Especially for creatures like elves that have a quiet personality, bargaining will make them even more offensive.

"This kingdom of God is my trophy. If there are no special requirements, this kingdom of God is mine."

Ya Luo didn't object, and said directly: "Of course, this Kingdom of God and the things in it are yours according to the rules of God War." As a leader of the Elf God System, the Goddess of Harvest still doesn't appreciate this benefit.

"In addition, when I leave, I can warn those around me that they will not attack you at this time."

The elves are not in the chaotic area, but they still have a powerful voice. At this time, if anyone does not give face, people from the elven gods will come to them to make a theory, but that is not the way to speak well.

Although the elves are not such a tough and domineering race, once they agree to something, the elves will do it.

Chi Nan nodded slowly: "Thank you then." Chi Nan didn't say much.

"I'm going back with the beetle god, if you have anything, you can contact us at any time. Speaking of which, there are many elves under your hand, which meet the requirements of our elven gods, haven't you thought of joining us?"

Although Chi Nan is not an elf, the **** of the elf **** system can feel it all at once. Gods are not like mortals. Seeing that Chi Nan can use natural spells, he thinks he is also a half-elf.

Chi Nan shook his head: "I don't have the idea of ​​joining the **** system for the time being. If I have one in the future, I will definitely consider you first."

"Then wait and talk about it later." Finally, he threw down a bead, and Ya Luo took the big beetle and left here. Just after appearing, a bright light burst out, and the surrounding kingdom of God seemed to understand something, and quickly backed away, indicating that he had no intention of attacking. In their eyes, the elven **** system has become Chi Nan's backstage.

Many people even think that Chi Nan is the nail deliberately planted by the elves and gods. This kind of thing has not been done without the gods, on the contrary, there are many others. In a short time, they will not attack.

"Hehe, the elven gods are indeed one of the least aggressive gods, this communication device really has no traps."

After feeling it carefully, Chi Nan was also relieved. The elven **** system is completely different from Guangming Deep Inhalation, and has nothing to do with it. Chi Nan can take this bead home with confidence, this will not leave hidden dangers to his kingdom of God.

Chi Nan believed in the sacred tree in his body very much, especially when faced with the power of plant attributes, there was nothing more powerful than this sacred tree. Chi Nan took the wood that records knowledge back temporarily, and will study slowly later.

And that huge supporting cloud wood. Supporting Yunmu is also very famous among the gods. The kingdom of God that relies on its own development is often unstable when it is developed, and it needs to be supported. This supporting cloud wood is used to support the best treasure of the newly opened kingdom of God. And its own texture is also a good thing for making artifacts.

Chi Nan never thought of using it to support the kingdom of God, so it would be best to use it to build his own arrow.

I have the means to create arrows, but there has been no good materials. This support Yunmu is a good thing. "Next, we need to find some special metals to make arrows. Feathers are not very difficult."

As long as you kill a mythical beast, you can easily get the feathers you need. Or not to kill, trading is also possible.

Finally, the ending of the battle of God also needs to be done by yourself. The kingdom of God in Chinan slowly flew up from the plane barrier, quickly approaching the broken kingdom of the beetle god. Even if it is broken, this is a kingdom of God.

It is already full of its own power, and the kingdom of God in Chinan directly emits countless vines, firmly linking the two kingdoms of God. When the two kingdoms of God came into contact, the power of the kingdom of beetles began to flow away.

Chi Nan is using his own kingdom of God to directly digest and absorb the other side's kingdom of God. This is the treatment he will only receive when he completely defeats the other party's kingdom of God. And this kingdom of God is usually one of the biggest trophies of God War.

After absorbing, one's own kingdom of God will definitely grow a lot, this kind of growth rate is faster than directly using divine power to fill it. Moreover, absorbing the new kingdom of God can also increase the number of laws and improve the laws of one's own kingdom. Various laws related to the Beetle God have been absorbed one after another, and the potential of their kingdom of God will become more perfect.

To absorb this kingdom of God, Chi Nan calculated it, and it won't work in less than a year. This is because the kingdom of God is special and the absorption speed is fast. It is strange that other middle gods don't absorb it for more than ten years.

Within the kingdom of God, the final eradication has also begun. Those remaining beetles and beetles were found to be killed, or taken away. Some hidden treasures in the kingdom of God have also been dug up one after another, as long as they are useful, they will all be taken away. Useless to stay, then will be absorbed along with the kingdom of God.

Everything in the kingdom of God can be absorbed. Except for those who are too high in digestion, they can all be used to strengthen their own kingdom after being digested. This approach seems wasteful, but Chi Nan doesn't care.

On the Pantheon, his business is getting better and better. In terms of background and reserves, Chi Nan is not afraid at all.

Under the gaze of countless people around, Chi Nan pulled the kingdom of the beetle god, and once again fell back to his barrier position. The others could only watch it this way, but no one dared to do it.

"It's a pity that I was taken away in vain, we can only look at it like this."

"If you want to go to war with the elven gods, can you fight for it?" A voice sounded in the void.

"I'm not that idiot. Besides, the speed of the battle before is too fast. I am afraid that the background of that guy is not as simple as we thought. Sure enough, this guy is supported by the gods.

"Don't talk about the gods, it's the crazy character that can directly hit and fight with the kingdom of God. Who wants to provoke such lunatics. Anyway, I don't want to provoke such lunatics. I want to live a few more years."

The surrounding gods communicated unabashedly, and Chi Nan could feel countless lights staring at him.

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