The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1287: The beetle **** at the end of the road

Chi Nan smiled slightly, and the voice rang from the beetle **** temple: "There is no one else by my side, I am me. Forget it, it's useless to tell you a beast, you'd better wait for death."

Chi Nan found that with the progress of the God War, he could already hear the voice of the Beetle God speaking in the temple. The Beetle God did not expect that Chi Nan's voice suddenly sounded next to him, and he was also surprised.

"How come to this point, how can my kingdom of God have such poor resistance." The beetle **** is not Chi Nan, so many years of life as a god, let the beetle **** know all kinds of common sense very well.

Chi Nan can hear his own voice directly, and can also talk to himself, which shows that his kingdom of God has been fragile to the extreme. Otherwise, the Kingdom of God has the ability to directly isolate external exploration. It's not because of the connection of God's war, it's not that your own kingdom of God has reached a severe stage, and even the main **** can't hear his own words through the kingdom of God.

"Hurry up and stop, you don't know what you are doing. Even if you win, but I still have many friends and enemies, they will come to you." The Beetle God thought for a while and said to Void.

Chi Nan sneered, "No matter who it is, I'm not afraid to deal with me. As for you, since you have become an enemy, then die here." I am not even afraid of the beetle god, but also afraid of his friends and The enemy?

Besides, some of the friends of the Beetle God will come to help. If they really would help, they would have come long ago.

Those evil gods and devil gods, how can they take action without interest. Besides, it's impossible for them to be an enemy of themselves for a dead person. As for the enemy, I am afraid that the beetle **** will die soon.

It has been several years, and many gods around have already known about the things here, but none of them have taken action. They are all watching. Chi Nan is also a leader among the middle gods, and he doesn't care about the clamor of the beetle god.

"Damn, you don't even know, you..." Chi Nan waved his hand, and the beetle god's voice disappeared. This loser's dog barked, Chi Nan didn't even have the desire to listen, let him growl at last.

"Although the kingdom of God is very fragile, the kingdom of God is ultimately the kingdom of God. To completely eliminate the beetles in it, and to completely erode the kingdom of God, it cannot be done overnight. Now, the second part of the layout can be carried out."

With a move in Chi Nan's heart, an avatar quietly entered the kingdom of the beetle god, just staying on the base of the most eroded piece of land, and the beetle **** could not sense this avatar at this time. In other words, the Beetle God has lost its sense and control over many places in the kingdom of God, just like a blind and deaf man.

My avatar passed by, not for play in the past, as the avatar's fingers danced, folds appeared in the surrounding void.

These folds are nothing but records of some spatial channels. Through these spatial channels, you can enter the worlds that the beetle **** once contacted. Some of these worlds are being attacked by beetles.

And most of them have been bowed by the beetle for a long time, and now these planes can be said to have become barren.

"These planes, whether it is to directly control as my power development site, or to sacrifice the demon incarnation to the abyss, are all useful, barren planes, these planes are now mine."

Chi Nan found that the beetles in these planes were much less than before, probably because they were mobilized back because of the war of gods. This also just gave himself the opportunity to speed up the devouring of these planes.

Every plane is the arsenal of the beetle god, as long as these planes are cut off, then the army of the beetle **** kingdom will be reduced from most sources, and it will be easier to destroy it as soon as possible.

In the same way, these planes are also the source of faith for the Beetle God. Attacking these places is the fundamental requirement of God War.

Send the coordinates back directly, and then Chi Nan mobilized troops from his kingdom of God, and lay out one by one in these planes. After more than a month, the bases in most planes had formed a piece. A large number of plant weapons have been conceived, and they have officially entered the point where they can start wars.

Then, a large number of plant weapons under the command of the wood elves in Chinan, plus other people's command, began to counterattack.

For those places where indigenous people still exist, Chi Nan didn't even think about sacrificing them to the abyss, and simply smashed them down as their base. When their own forces entered, these people immediately regarded themselves as saviors.

In this kind of crisis that was almost annihilating, Chi Nan found that these people's beliefs were so firm and so fanatical. It is a pity that I have a tree of life, otherwise this situation is really a good time to develop believers.

"Perhaps, there are many orthodox gods and evil gods that cooperate with each other, and there are reasons for this." Chi Nan has not been the same recently, and some secrets that ordinary people don't know have gradually become known.

Many things are made by conventions, and it is impossible to implement them on paper, and naturally they are not in the inheritance. For some knowledge, only if you go out and take a look at it, you will have an understanding of the relevant things.

With the launch of Chi Nan, the planes behind the Beetle God had problems one by one, and then the connection between these planes and the Kingdom of the Beetle God was severed one by one. This was done by Chi Nan directly from within the kingdom of God, no matter how the people of those planes contact the beetle god, there is no effect at all. In this case, there are fewer and fewer beetles in the beetle **** kingdom.

Finally most of the kingdom of God is in chaos. In the void, some red and black law patterns can be seen at any time, and the emerald green law patterns vibrate and fight each other in the air.

And one by one sparks burst out from the middle. People who are not strong enough will be instantly burned to ashes even when they are close. This is the most direct collision between the law and the law, and it is also the performance of the battle of God in the later stage.

At this time, there is basically no technical content, at most it is only to use beliefs to impact each other.

Most of the beliefs that have been produced recently have basically been consumed in this collision.

"Although the overall consumption is a bit less, this method is still very uncomfortable. It is best to directly use the kingdom of God to hit it. Unfortunately, with preparations, it is not so easy to hit the other party's kingdom of God."

If Chi Nan's words were heard by other gods, I'm afraid he would call a madman. The Beetle God is now anxiously running back and forth, the temple is constantly shaking, and there are many cracks. The beetle **** who is like a beast, seems to usher in his own end.

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