The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1264: He was chased by 1 way

Knowing the existence of the beetle, Chi Nan and others began to actively deploy. In this central plane, all kinds of battles are very fierce, and every battle is surrounded by many gods and forces watching.

The rapid development of the plant field has naturally attracted the attention of many people. Although I am envious of the fact that there are so many plant bases in Chinan, no one is surprised. You know, Chinan sells a lot of plant bases in the Pantheon. If it were not for a head-on fight, no one would have known that the plants in Chinan were stronger.

Many natural gods now use the plant base in Chinan as one of their main means of fighting.

At the same time, a large number of beetles appeared in a large mountain range not far away. Originally the forces of the three gods here were all driven out by the beetles, there was no way, there were too many beetles here.

Once a beetle forms an ocean, it can drown everything. The original natives here either migrated or were turned into food by beetles. These beetles can eat anything.

"I really don't know where the food for these beetles comes from, and wherever they go, they will be destroyed. There is no logistics." Chi Nan looked at the barren land and couldn't help but began to complain.

Although beetles can eat everything, they can't survive on stones and soil. Therefore, behind the beetles, there must be something that they don't know. After all, a **** cannot be an idiot.

At this time, there was a news from the evil **** and the devil god. "What? The beetle **** wants to deal with his own enemies, so let others around him give him a face, and he is good to send it."

The demon incarnation sits on the **** seat he created, which is not given to him by the Pantheon, so it is only polished from a kind of ore. "Is it clear enough?" Chi Nan asked a god.

These gods are all selected among the demonized elves, but the demonized elves know the details of Chi Nan, and naturally they also know that the main body is actually the opponent of the beetle god. After hearing this news, he already started to inquire.

"Basically I figured it out. I heard that it was there who fought with the Beetle God many times. When he was still a mortal, he destroyed the good things of the Beetle God many times. Therefore, the Beetle God held a grudge. This time the kingdom of God over there When the center moved, the road passed by the beetle god's kingdom, and the beetle **** felt the mark aura left by before."

"Do you mark the breath? It seems to be that thing, but I didn't expect it to remain. This guy also feels really keen."

Chi Nan squinted his eyes slightly: "Keep on talking." Upon hearing this, the gods spoke quickly.

"On the road, the Beetle God met the kingdom of God that came over there. At that time, it was uncertain, so he launched an attack, but after the attack, the Beetle God was determined. It was just that the kingdom of God was slow, so he chased it all the way."

"At that time, the beetle **** judged that it would come to the central plane, so he flew directly toward this side. But when it reached, the kingdom of the gods there had been upgraded, and the beetle **** himself did not dare to do anything."

"It turns out that I still chased it all the way. I really underestimated this guy's obsession." I thought that the battle was just an accident, but I didn't expect it to be the beetle god. "Huh, I knew it was that guy a long time ago, and he was so careful, I should stop and kill him. What is the situation now, how many people help that beetle god."

"Under the title, there is no **** to help the beetle god. The reputation there is now very bad, there is a name of a madman, but other gods also want to get rid of the main body there, so they didn't stop them, and they all accepted the beetle. God’s good."

Chi Nan smiled bitterly. This is the drawback of a bad reputation. When something happens, other people just give way, hoping that someone can get rid of themselves. Well, although Chi Nan didn't count on those guys.

But not even a potential ally, or even reminding oneself, is still very depressing. Forget it, I didn't plan to rely on others, and it was enough to rely on myself. Anyway, my own reserves are very large.

"Then the method of the beetle god, what method is planned to use against us."

The simplest method, of course, is the method Chi Nan used at the beginning, which is to directly use the Kingdom of God to attack. Another method is to fight each other's forces and suppress each other's beliefs. Then through faith to weaken the other party.

The gods immediately said: "I heard that they are preparing for the **** battle, the traditional **** battle mode. The opponent's **** kingdom is not very far away from us, so the consumption is not very large." Is the **** battle? A gleam of light flashed in Chi Nan's eyes.

Of course, Chi Nan also knows the so-called traditional **** battle mode. If believers fight against each other, if they can kill all the other believers, then the other party will basically be weakened to the extreme. Even if the kingdom of God is destroyed directly, it is not impossible that the gods will be disqualified. Perhaps in the eyes of the beetle god, he grows so fast, he is a **** of faith.

But Chi Nan is really not afraid. Let’s not say that he breaks through with his own power. Weili belongs to himself, does not rely on any foreign objects, and is the strongest breakthrough method. He said that his believers have hundreds of places. surface.

It is impossible to get rid of it. When the beetle **** finds something wrong, he will use another method, which is to slaughter his own believers, collect a large number of his own faith crystals, and then open up the channel to the kingdom of God.

This is a war of gods, so as long as the violence is turned on then a large number of soldiers poured in to destroy and attack the kingdom of God. Although this method is not as good as the previous one, it is also a magical method similar to siege.

Beetles have never been short of numbers, and this method has not been done less. When I have weakened myself to the extreme, I'm afraid it will be the last step. The Beetle God himself will go directly on the field and fight him.

However, Chi Nan sneered: "God war is going to war, but in the end it depends on their own abilities who invades the kingdom of God." Chi Nan didn't put the Beetle God in his eyes at all.

Perhaps the beetle **** might be stronger than himself now, but that is now. Your goal is not just in front of you.

"Collect more information about the beetle god, and I need to understand it. Remember to be careful not to reveal our identity."

"According to the order, this is all the information we have collected recently." The gods put the information down, and then retreated.

Chi Nan glanced a few times and sneered more severely: "Are you a middle-ranked god? It's a veteran. If you eliminate you, I might be able to get a lot of things I need from the natural gods."

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