The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1225: I was stunned as soon as I went to the cloud

"It finally succeeded. Our more than ten years have not been wasted. The great God of Light finally responded to us." Inside the Holy Light Empire Cathedral, a group of high-ranking religious leaders cried like tears.

That's right, no matter who it is, when the gods of faith finally respond to them, they are so excited.

"It's a pity that Brother Six didn't see this scene. It's only a year away. If you live another year, you will be able to see this scene." A great knight was crying in mourning, but no one around him blamed it. .

Because besides them, everyone else is like this. Their once incomparable Holy Light Empire has been suppressed for many years. Because of the endless emergence of demigods, the prestige of the Holy Light Empire is getting worse and worse.

There are fewer and fewer believers, causing their influence to shrink. In recent years, the forces of darkness that had been suppressed finally began to counterattack. In recent years, Emperor Shengguang has been fighting at home and abroad, and countless people have died in the struggle against darkness and evil. Of course, this dark evil is also what they think.

Now that he finally got a response from the gods, the Holy Light Empire was about to stand in the clouds again.

They believe that as long as there is the help of the power of the gods, a few demigods are nothing at all.

The God of Light did not disappoint them, when he knew some of the conditions on this plane. The **** of light began to emit a strong light. A day later, two light spots flew out from the eyes of the god.

A light spot fell on the saint's body, and the holy face of the saint Arthur was even more sacred, as if the goddess had descended. The aura on his body continued to improve, and the light formed two wings of light behind him. With a light fan, the surging power of light radiated out, as if forming a sea of ​​light.

Another light spot fell on the pope, and the pope's gray hair was restored to a dazzling golden color visible to the naked eye. Although still majestic, but looks much younger than before.

The breath of the two people instantly rose to the level of a demigod. And with the blessing of divine power, they are much stronger than ordinary demigods. Fighting alone, they believed that even the Dragon King and the tortoise were not their opponents.

At this time, even facing the holy tree collar, they thought that they were not bad at all, and even stronger.

"Great God of Light, your followers will surely spread your brilliance throughout the continent." The Pope shouted. At the same time, this time the sacrifice was over, and the light of the statue of God of Light disappeared again.

After the sacrifice this time, it meant that the God of Guangming would not pay attention to them for a long time in the future. But they believed that they would be able to use their own efforts in exchange for another attention from the God of Light.

At this moment, they have become demigods, which can be said to be the messengers of the God of Light. This is their many years of hard work, and if they go further, they might be able to become the **** of the God of Light. The identity of God is the highest honor in the hearts of all believers. And all this requires them to work harder to spread their faith.

"Believers of the gods, starting from today, our Holy Light Empire has re-emerged. We must let all those who oppose us see our power, and we must make the whole world full of light."

The crowd below cheered one by one, and many people even started clamoring to go to a decisive battle with the sacred tree leader. Over the years, the sacred tree collar has been the greatest evil in many people's hearts. Because in the territory of the Sacred Tree, the faith of the light is almost a desert.

It can even be said that except for the demigod of Chi Nan, everyone's faith is a desert and it is difficult to carry on.

But just when they were excited about starting a holy war, an archbishop ran in in a panic.

"Jace, why are you so flustered, what happened?" Now they have two demigods, and they have confidence in everything. Seeing this guy panicked, there was a flash of joy in the pope's eyes, and he had a chance to show his strength.

The archbishop panicked and said: "No, the big thing is not good. This is the latest news we got from the Holy Tree Leader. The Holy Tree Leader, the Holy Tree will lead them to move the parliament to another world."

"Hmph, have you discovered a new world? As expected, that is the demigod of the sacred tree leader. With the twin tree, he can really deduc the coordinates of other planes. But this new world belongs to our great God of Light. ."

The archbishop gasped for a moment, and said excitedly: "No, no, no, I didn't make it clear, it's not another world, it's the kingdom of God, it's the kingdom of God." The people around him heard clearly now.

"The kingdom of God? What's the matter, did they find a broken kingdom of God." The pope's eyes lit up, a broken kingdom of God, well used can make a demigod have the power to become a true god. It can't be used for **** believers like them, but it can also be given to the **** of light, and maybe it can be exchanged for a godly qualification all at once.

"No, it is not the incomplete kingdom of God, nor the kingdom of God left over. It is the kingdom of God just established by the lord of the holy tree leader. From now on, they will regard that kingdom of God as the main plane."

"Just established? No, isn't it true that only the true **** can build the kingdom of God? Could it be that Chi Nan has broken through the true god." Now even Saint Arthur couldn't sit still, and suddenly took her seat. Up.

Ten years ago, Chi Nan also fought side by side with her ~ ~ At that time, Chi Nan was not good at fighting. If it weren't for magic to restrain the opponent, I'm afraid it would be better than myself. Speaking of it, Chi Nan's magic power is actually stronger than his own Holy Light power restraint ability. But how long has it been since Chi Nan, who had just broken through the legend back then, actually broke through to the true god.

The originally fanatical believers suddenly calmed down as if they were splashed with cold water on their faces.

The **** of light they believe in is also a true god. Now the opponent is still a true god, and they have no bottom in their hearts. They don't know how strong the true **** is, but it's definitely not something they can face.

"Damn it, how could it be like this." His expressions changed for a while, and he didn't know the level of the true god. In his opinion, the God of Light he believed in was definitely stronger than Chi Nan, but the problem was that he couldn't get in touch.

It would be too easy for a true **** to attack them, so he still has to continue to succumb to it.

"Check, give me a serious check, you must figure out the true appearance of the holy tree collar, even if you pay a high price." The pope finally made such a decision. As for preaching their doctrine or something, let's put it back for now. If it makes the other party angry, even the Holy See of Light won't exist.

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