The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1184: It's time for the lord to come forward

When I first got the news, Chi Nan was fighting on this side, so I could only let the two of them continue temporarily, and Chi Nan couldn't leave for the time being. But afterwards, Chi Nan finally found out the real truth of the war here.

Knowing that he still had a lot of time, Chi Nan decisively gave up the battle in this place, leaving behind an incarnation, and left the war channel through the space channel on his own. During the whole process, no one was notified.

And as long as there is an avatar standing here, and before the war begins, as long as Chi Nan is careful not to face the other elders, no one will be able to recognize his avatar. Therefore, no one knew at all that Chi Nan would leave the channel of war at such a critical juncture and quietly return to his main plane.

"Sure enough, some things won't work without the power lord, this time the power lord has come forward."

Chi Nan said to himself, with a smile on his face. On the front line, there has been no fighting, nor can I calm down to study, let alone the company of beautiful women. Chi Nan's time was boring enough.

It is also good to be able to fight a good breath now. As for the difficulty of the giant, Chi Nan really didn't worry. Not to mention that his methods are not comparable to ordinary demigods. Even if the demigod is difficult to deal with, aren't there two more on his side. He can evacuate at any time, but where can the other party evacuate.

The previous information has not been cut off. Chi Nan knew that the giant undead also had the idea of ​​retreating. But he was stopped by a tortoise, yes, he was stopped by a tortoise who was not fast.

Chi Nan knew that the undead giant's speed was not fast. The most powerful one is the difficulty of its own structure, and the other is the powerful force brought by the body shape. The power of this thing is even more terrifying than those dragons that are many times larger than themselves. Even the water elemental turtle can feel pain when attacked.

That's right, although this water elemental turtle is a water element, it is actually not a pure elemental creature anymore. This is a special life after the tree of life was bred. There is no flesh and blood body, but there are many common characteristics of flesh and blood bodies.

For this point, you can refer to those elemental spirits, but this turtle is one step closer.

"The two of them are still fighting, how many days have passed since." Just when he arrived here, Chi Nan saw two creatures in the distance fighting frantically. The Elemental Turtle uses even its teeth, and the guy on the opposite side uses both hands and feet.

"Lord, you can be regarded as coming, they have been fighting for more than half a month."

The area on the opposite side has completely turned into ruins. This was destroyed by the power of law. It is very difficult for Chi Nan to grow plants in this kind of place. If you want to restore the ecology here, you have to wait.

The raging power of the law is something that is more powerful than nuclear radiation and you don't know how many times it is, so mere mortals shouldn't come close.

Chi Nan didn't see it with his eyes, but through the special induction of a demigod, plus his identity as the lord of the plane in this world, and he saw it directly from a distance through plane consciousness. Even the previous battle scenes, Chi Nan can be re-mobilized.

Just coming here, Chi Nan discovered that this plane has accumulated a lot of plane origins. It seems that as the plane recovers, the cohesion of the plane's origin is still very fast. If you want, you can easily draw out all of this equity source. But for the exhibition of the plane, Chi Nan would not do such violent things.

The surrounding officials came to salute one after another, but Chi Nan didn't care and waved his hands. "You guys are doing very well, stay in your posts, this monster, just leave it to me."

Chi Nan did not stop, nor did he bring the guards forward, but flew towards the center of the big six by himself. At the time of Chinan, he came to the battlefield after a while. The undead giants fighting frantically seemed to feel something, but because they were fighting a madman, there was no chance to look up.

"This demigod friend, I am the master of this plane. Let's join hands to kill this turtle, and then I will give you half of the control of the plane." It seems that he also knows the benefits of the plane's origin.

It's a pity that this plane was drained by Cthulhu back then, and nothing was left to him. It is impossible for a dead plane to have plane origin, unless it is completely transformed into a plane of undead.

But at the last moment, he was resurrected by Chi Nan, and seeing this plane recover, this person was happy in his heart, and he didn't mean to resist. Otherwise, with Chi Nan's ability back then, there really is no chance to do this. But what he didn't expect was that Chi Nan's spread so quickly, he reached the level of a demigod in a short time.

Moreover, this giant doesn't know himself either. Chi Nan looked at the undead giant jokingly: "What you mean is that I want to join hands with you to kill my own pet, and then this plane that originally belonged to Wei requires you to divide me in half. I said you are so I haven't used my mind for many years. Have you become stupid, or that you have no brains anymore."

No brains? This is true, this giant body is full of red special substances, how can there be things like brains, the so-called appearance is nothing more than an empty shell.

"What? Your pet, how is this possible." Distracted, the giant was slapped by the tortoise and took a step back and almost fell. He quickly backed away again, and escaped a bite of the tortoise.

Chi Nan said calmly: "Of This was originally my pet, otherwise, how could it help my army to attack this plane. You, the remnant party of the old age, have already destroyed this plane. , Why don’t you destroy it with the old age? What are you left to do, but a demigod that was created, you really think you are a demigod."

Chi Nan had already seen that this so-called demigod was not cultivated by himself at all.

Of course, there is a price to know. Even if it is a god, it is impossible to create a demigod at will. I am afraid that this is because I don't know what method the Cthulhu used to make this guy absorb a lot of original power, and it became like this.

After spending a little of the original power of this plane, all other sources were emptied by Cthulhu, and the plane was almost destroyed. This is what this guy did. Although Chi Nan didn't think he was a good person, he could ruin the whole world for his own sake. Even Chi Nan couldn't do it, but this guy did it. ...


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