The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1181: There really is a demigod here

The plane of the undead began in total, and there were a large number of plant weapons in the four directions at the same time to form an army of attack. Whether it is on the ground or in the air, even underground, there are countless plant weapons that move together, openly and secretly.

There are still many legends, plus various weapons that can pose a huge threat to the legendary masters. When caught off guard, the Central 6 can be said to be losing ground. It didn't take long for Zhongda 6 to lose nearly half of its land, and there were more than 30 legendary undead who died. The remaining legendary undead gathered in the center one after another.

After all, undead creatures have advanced wisdom when they reach the legendary level, and it is impossible to know that the danger is still in their hometown.

But when the war reached the end, a very terrifying undead appeared at the core. On this day, the army of plants was still attacking, but a red mist suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth.

The fog covered a huge area, and an entire army was enveloped in a blink of an eye. After only a moment, the plants with strong defenses were corroded clean, leaving only a little dust.

Before long, even this dust disappeared. If it weren't for the very special composition of Chi Nan's territorial army, and those legendary masters were not on the front line, I am afraid that with this one, there are already many legends to lose.

But even so, many wood elves and soldiers were lost. With the help of the wood elves, there are very few frontline soldiers, but not without them. At this time, more than a dozen soldiers were killed in action. You know, the soldiers of the Sacred Tree Leader are not ordinary soldiers. Everyone is an officer. They are not low officers among other forces.

It has been a long time since the soldier's holy tree collar was lost on the battlefield. It was no small matter that so many people died at once.

So the surrounding army also gathered here. "Be sure to find out what is going on."

The commander-in-chief issued an order, and various detectors were dispatched. The offense did not stop, but more violent than before. And the next day, a red cloud appeared suddenly, corroding a large army of plants instantly.

At this time, the source of the red fog was finally found through the satellite. It was a very huge figure, hundreds of meters tall, sitting on the ground, thinking it was a hill. However, when the restored satellite image appeared, everyone finally realized that the figure was actually a humanoid creature, not a mountain.

This is not a statue, but a living creature. His eyes were flushed, and his body was grey, and he was obviously an undead. Before this huge undead opened its blood-red mouth, the red mist came out from here.

"To cover such a large area, the strength of this thing is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary undead. Maybe, this is a demigod." After discussing with others, the bald father finally came to this conclusion.

"The existence of a demigod is not something we can deal with. No amount of plant army is useful. This is no longer a level of existence. We should report it and let the lord make the decision."

One of the subordinates said loudly, while the bald father was silent. After a long time, the bald father said: "I can't disturb the lord for the time being. Lord Lord is preparing for a war with the abyss. The power of the abyss is not so simple. If one is not careful, it may even affect our plane. The lord has a great influence."

After thinking about it, the bald father said again: "Fortunately, Lord Lord has thought of this situation a long time ago, so before coming here, Lord Lord has been to the Elemental Plane and created a powerful elemental creature."

Not everyone knows these things. In fact, even high-level people in the territory know only a few people. After all, the more people know, the easier it is to leak out.

The sacred tree collar now is not what it used to be, because the relationship between Chi Nan, a demigod, suppresses the entire world and no one dares to move. At the same time, whether it is for profit or other reasons, there are a lot of spies on the holy tree leader, and various methods of bribery are also staged in the holy tree leader. Not everyone can bear these temptations.

As a result, Chi Nan does not know how many people secretly favor outsiders in the current military or high-level territories. I can absolutely control the plants and everything in the plant network, but not the human heart.

As a human, Chi Nan has no confidence in the human heart. If the news of a new demigod appears in the territory, it will not affect the overall situation, but there will still be some problems.

Recently, Chi Nan knew that the Dragon Clan had been tricking something secretly, as if they wanted to fight against the Sacred Tree Collar.

Keeping a demigod pet does not let people know, this is also a killer. It's just that the current assassin's key is to prevent problems on the plane of the undead, so now it's time to take it out.

"Do we still have demigod pets? Why didn't you say it earlier." The hand heaved a sigh of relief.

The bald father shook his head: "If possible, I would rather not use this thing. Now only a few of us know about this matter. If the news leaks out, then there is a traitor among us."

The bald father swept across, and the people around him bowed their heads and said that they would never say anything. The bald father didn't say anything, just remembered these people present. "The soldiers on the front line have been evacuated for the time being. This news cannot be leaked. The reason is to protect them. When we find a place where there is no one, we will start the final duel."

As the first person to follow Chi Nan, the bald father may not be the highest-status existence in the domain now, but he is definitely the small group with the highest power. None of these people present dared to disobey.

After the decision was made, the front line began to mobilize. Originally there were not many soldiers, just a few excuses, it was easy to mobilize people. Then, send them to manage problems elsewhere.

Even the front-line war quietly stopped at this moment. The soldiers didn't know that they were on vacation almost at the same time. The control of the frontline army has been completely handed over to the plant brain and wood elves to manage.

The next battle is no longer something ordinary troops can intervene. Without anyone knowing, a little blue tortoise flew out from behind. That's right, it's flying. Like a blue meteor, the little turtle crossed the front line and flew towards the huge figure behind. The huge figure seemed to feel something, and slowly raised its head.

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