The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1161: Set a trap to lead the turtle out of the hole

  After some time, the special type of purple grass made by Chinan has been arranged. It is not pure purple grass, but only retains the structure of legendary purple grass. In the water, a large swath of densely packed.

  Because the opponent is a demigod master, Chi Nan can only hide him and arrange it now. This place is basically impossible to attack actively. Otherwise, the existence of the demigod will definitely find the problem.

   In order to be able to seduce each other, Chi Nan even transformed a special avatar and left this avatar in this place.

   The rich divinity exuding from the avatar, I think that when the turtle gets close to a certain distance, he will definitely find it. This is an underwater castle. If it weren't the case, it would be really difficult for your avatar to move in such a deep place.

   Yes, it’s just not easy to move. The avatar itself is a plant, so it can survive in this depth of water. "I'm all ready," Chi Nan turned his head and said to Miria.

   "It's ready, don't worry, I will get the old tortoise out this time."

   Looking around, Hemila, Sophia and others nodded at the same time. This time, for planning, it wasn't just Miria who went into battle. Several other people, each of them controlled an underwater formation, ready to do it at any time.

   "Since it's ready, let's do it, this time, it must be wiped out."

   This is the first demigod creature I have dealt with. Once it succeeds, this sense of accomplishment is trembling.

   "By the way, on the Elemental Plane, we have found the target, too." Chi Nan asked again.

   "It has been determined that a demi-god-level elemental creature with water attributes is not easy to deal with. This goal may require you to do it yourself." Sophia said to Chi Nan with some worry.

   Chi Nan waved his hand: "Don't worry, I won't be able to run away if I stop the fight. Don't you already know my strength." Thinking of Chi Nan's strength, everyone was relieved a lot.

   "It's just that we have not reached the legendary level and have no elemental creatures. Do we have to do it now." Hermilla asked strangely.

Chi Nan did not conceal: "I don't know, but I have an idea, and I faintly feel that this can be successful. Forget it, when the time comes, there is no loss anyway." Chi Nan didn't want to say too clearly for the time being, others. Did not continue to inquire.

   At this time, the underwater plan has been completely unfolded. The submarine team, which had been shrinking for a long time, finally dispatched again. And this time not only submarines, but also many other underwater combat units.

  Especially the manta fighters, they occupy an almost dominant position, everywhere. Every devil fish fighter has a purple grass structure on its body, which replaces the previous combat structure. Before reaching the legendary level, I met them almost to death. Even in the legend, once be besieged, it will be ill-fated.

   Now, those tortoises and water tigers are out of luck. After having just been at ease for a while, he was once again surrounded and suppressed, and this time there were more enemies, stronger strength, and crazier at the same time.

   Although she didn't continue to attack for such a long time, Miria didn't do nothing. Instead, a large number of plants for surveillance are arranged underwater, and now almost all places on the entire plane are under surveillance.

   As long as there is a little movement anywhere, the picture can be transferred back the first time. Although the demigod tortoise has not been found yet, it can be easily captured where other creatures are.

   Follow the principle of breeding. Before reaching the legend, as long as the creature itself surrenders and no longer resists, then let it go and directly control it. Chi Nan didn't think about cleaning up the entire ocean plane, but wanted to use it as his own farm. Not only those foods, but more importantly, these monsters that can be used as materials.

   Along with the dispatch of a large number of underwater plants, more and more tortoises and water tigers have been wiped out, and even other types of monsters have suffered heavy casualties. In just three days, the entire underwater environment changed drastically.

   It can be said that the balance of the ocean plane at this time has been completely broken by Chi Nan. Although the time is not long, the loss of the two races is even more exaggerated than the last time. The location of many legendary creatures has long been found.

   Even some of the more easy to deal with, traps have been set up in advance. When the battle started, these legendary beasts had been killed on the spot. The speed is so fast that even the two races can't react.

   There are wailing and death everywhere under the water. After the corpse died, there was no peace. Many underwater engineering teams that dealt with the corpses would come and cut the corpses directly into pieces, and then processed them and took them away.

  This kind of action, even blatant, has no intention of concealing it at all. High-level creatures are all wise, swallowing each other, perhaps they have long been used to it. But the act of killing them as materials and transporting them away will definitely anger them ~ ~ When their strength is far less than their own, that anger will turn into fear.

  This kind of fear and anger spread continuously, and I don't believe that the old tortoise will not come out. "Hehe, the balance has been destroyed to this point. If this continues, this trend will probably wipe out the tortoise."

   Even if it is a demigod, I am afraid that he does not want his race to be annihilated. Chi Nan hasn't done anything these days, just staring at the screen here. In a hall, there are screens everywhere, strictly monitoring everything underwater.

   On the evening of the third day, it was sunny on the opposite sea plane. Of course, the depths of the sea are actually always the same, dark. At this time, there was finally movement in the depths of the sea.

   "Patriarch, I found it. After comparison, this place is probably where the turtle is."

   Suddenly, Miria zoomed in on a screen and placed it on the most central screen. After the outline was modified, it turned out to be the weird turtle with many hard spikes on the carapace.

   "It turned out to be here, no wonder I haven't found it all the time." Chi Nan didn't expect that the tortoise would actually live in this place, almost on the bottom of the normal biological restricted area. That's right, there is too much underwater pressure in this place, and no other monsters can bother the turtle to rest. It seems that this tortoise likes to sleep very much. ...


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