The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1153: Obligation to guard the passage of war

The semi-liquid procedure is very simple. Just register your name and then register the general attributes and things you are good at. It is not the same as Chi Nan thought. You must give details. &1t;/

In fact, it is the same. Being a demigod naturally has its own arrogance, how can it be treated like ordinary people. If the demigods are disgusted, it will be impossible to cooperate, and they are also very aware of this. &1t;/

"Next, we will add a new floating tower here. This is your residence, but you don’t usually need to live here. This is just a status symbol. What style do you need? You can find this yourself. Designed by humans, we will unify the building at that time. With your strength, the height of the floating tower can be slightly lower than ours."&1t;/

Sure enough, the height of these floating towers is related to strength. Chi Nan didn't object: "That's it, I have no opinion." Chi Nan also didn't want to expose his true strength casually. &1t;/

Kuriai nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "After joining the alliance, there are rights and obligations. Let me tell you about the obligations of joining. Our main purpose is to guard the passage of war."&1t;/

Chi Nan said immediately: "I want to know who our opponent is on the other side of the war channel."&1t;/

Kuriai smiled bitterly: "Once the Alchemy Alliance opened up a plane to the outside world by accident. At that time, we didn't know that the plane we opened was actually a layer of the abyss. The power of the abyss wanted to use the abyss to invade and erode. Our plane even drags us down and becomes a new layer of the abyss, we can only resist."&1t;/

"Yes, our enemy is the abyss, as long as we can block them and keep our plane. Don't go deep into the abyss, otherwise, even if our strength reaches the peak of a demigod, it will be difficult to come back."&1t; /

Chi Nan narrowed his eyes slightly and felt a headache. This legendary abyss can actually be related to them. It's too much trouble, no wonder that with the strength of the Alchemy Alliance, they can only guard it. &1t;/

"Fortunately, our strength is not bad. When there is no abyss will blessing, the power of the abyss monster is not stronger than ours, and we can still block it outside. The perennial war has caused a similar position between planes. The space of the face, this is the channel of war. Our wars are basically born here."&1t;/

Chi Nan now understands this channel of war. It seems that this is a special mutation produced by the fighting between two plane consciousnesses. However, being able to fight against the consciousness of the Abyssal Plane, the main plane of the Alchemy Alliance should never be underestimated. &1t;/

"Unexpectedly, the strength of the abyss is so powerful, this is only one level."&1t;/

Kuriai shook his head and said: "No, the Abyssal Plane is a whole. Although the Abyssal Will has no way to gather power together, the power that can be wielded in one plane is not easy."&1t;/

As his speech increased, Curiai's speech gradually became smoother, and it seemed that he hadn't spoken for a long time before. &1t;/

"Even if it's only one level, we must go all out. But the monsters in the abyss are not all on that level, but there are many dare to come from other places, endless. If it were not for us to use alchemy that is not afraid of death Blocked by the magic doll, I am afraid that our population has long been consumed. However, in recent years, the materials needed for alchemy have become less and less."&1t;/

No wonder they value themselves so much, it is because of their own plants. There is no need to consume alchemy materials, as long as you plant it, your war potential is much greater than you think. &1t;/

The abyss is the enemy of every normal plane. If you want to expand, you can't get around this point. Chi Nan didn't want to give up all the planes, so he could only temporarily block this hole until he became a **** before thinking about a solution. &1t;/

"I see, what do I need to do?" Chi Nan asked immediately. &1t;/

Kuriai did not hesitate: "Originally, according to the regulations, you need to guard an area to block the monsters on the opposite side. We can help you, but these are paid. But you have a plant army, so you need to be more busy. We other You are also needed to provide some plant troops in places where you are." Kuriai was a little embarrassed. &1t;/

"All to deal with the abyss, of course I will go all out." Chi Nan said seriously. &1t;/

It’s just that Kuriai seems to feel that it’s not appropriate to just make Chi Nan pay, so he said: "We will not let you suffer in vain. We have discussed it. We can tell some secrets that only our six leaders would know. You."&1t;/


"Originally, this kind of secret can only be known after becoming the leader. Your strength is just a little bit worse, and there are so many things to do. It doesn't matter if you tell it. But you can't tell other people, even the elders. ."&1t;/

Now Chi Nan is a little curious, what kind of secret it is that can make them so careful. Although it is said on the surface that you can understand everything when you reach a demigod, there are still many things you don't know. &1t;/

They just didn't expect that before they waited to find it, they said it themselves. "So, what's the secret?"&1t;/

Chi Nan was very interested in this so-called secret, and felt vaguely that this secret might be of great help to him. "Don't worry, I must fully support the battle of the war channel, and I will not tell other people this secret. It is the duty of everyone to block the abyss." Is this what I have to do in the first place. &1t;/

Kuriai waved his hand, everyone left here, and then Kuriai looked at the guard behind Chi Nan. &1t;/

Chi Nan didn't hesitate either, turning his head and saying: "You go out first, don't come near here."&1t;/

Although Horn and others were a little helpless, they had no choice but to leave. Not to mention Chi Nan's order, even if they stay here, it will be useless. Their strength is no longer qualified to protect a demigod, the gap is really too big. &1t;/

"Very good." Kuriai tapped the table lightly, and a light flashed out instantly, enveloping the entire room. Chi Nan was startled, because he felt very hazy with other plants around him. &1t;/

You know, Chi Nan has always been in touch with other plants, and the plant brains around him have to send signals for Hermira and the others to see. But now, even the legendary fold ear grass signal has been affected. &1t;/

Although Chi Nan was still able to summon plants, he couldn't summon across planes. And this plane does not have its own plants. If this is a trap, I am afraid I will be out of luck now. &1t;/...


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