The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1130: The coercion from the demigod

   Who would have thought that this world would hide a demigod. And until now, when the tortoise race has been severely hit, it finally ran out. Have you been sleeping before?

   "Patriarch, what should we do." Miria was also a little dazed. A creature at the level of a demigod, this has never been dealt with. Let alone deal with it, even if I saw it, it was the first time I saw it today.

   In fact, the Dragon King bones were also at the demi-god level at the beginning, but the demi-god level was only the strength of the bones. It can't break those bones, but Chi Nan's strength restrains the opponent, and can also damage the opponent. This time, what appeared was a genuine demigod, a living demigod, which was a little troublesome.

   Besides, this is still a tortoise. Let alone a demigod, even if it becomes a true god, the racial characteristics cannot be erased. This is a tortoise, and tortoises are good at defense. This is normal.

   "How do I know what to do? I haven't touched a demigod. Although this size is not that big, but the strength is definitely obvious. Let's try and see if we can hurt this guy."

  Unconsciously, a devil fish fighter came quietly to the demigod tortoise's side. Between time and time, the purple light flickered, and he struck at the tortoise. At this moment, the tortoise suddenly looked over here, and he had discovered it in advance. But the tortoise didn't react at all, letting Ziguang hit him.

   As a result, the purple light hit the tortoise's shell without damage, lasting, and no damage. The purple light flashed across the tortoise. There was still no damage to the outer shell, even after the skin was hit.

   No, it was not completely without damage. There was a faint trace on the surface of the skin, but it quickly disappeared.

   "What a terrible defensive ability, this has not yet used the demigod's law power. Once used, it is not at all uncomfortable for us to hurt us. Let alone our ocean power, even if our entire territory adds up.

   Chinan finally saw a demigod head-on for the first time. Although it was only a demigod of monsters, but even so, the total amount of face-to-face confrontation with his entire territory was not the opponent's opponent. Thinking of the demigods in the Alchemy Alliance, Chi Nan was satisfied with his caution. This is really fortunate.

   The more it reaches the later stage, the greater the gap in strength at a level. At the beginning, Chi Nan was often able to leapfrog the enemy and even kill in groups. Later, when he reached the golden level, he was able to use some plants to hurt the legend.

   Even through its own special design, it's not impossible to kill some legendary creatures that are less powerful. I have done it several times recently in the sea. But now Chi Nan found that the demigod could not be dealt with by himself.

   Even if he creates a true legendary plant, I am afraid it is not the opponent's opponent.

   Just when Chi Nan was thinking, the big tortoise that couldn't fight back became angry. A huge force spread out from the tortoise, invisible and invisible, but it can be felt, even through the screen, there is no way to block it.

   On the side of the screen, some timid soldiers even fainted to the ground due to the coercion, and many of them had incontinence. This is the coercion that belongs to the demigod, and the demigod also carries the word of God, which cannot be resisted by mortals.

   This is already a two-level creature. As soon as the screen went black, all nearby plant weapons were instantly destroyed.

   But at this moment, a powerful current in the sea suddenly rose to the sky. With a distance of tens of thousands of meters, this current slammed into the top of the sea. In an instant, Chi Nan's natural incarnation was hit, and then disappeared in the water. Chi Nan didn't know how the other party determined his position.

"The power of the demigod is truly extraordinary. You must be careful when facing the demigod in the future. No, I will not break through the demigod, and I will never go to the plane of the alchemy alliance. do not know."

   Chi Nan, at this moment, had a strong fear of those demigod methods in his heart. There were still some thoughts about to be moved, so I completely let go of it. Even those people in the Alchemy Alliance plane, Chi Nan temporarily did not allow them to come back.

   After a while, no other changes were found on the opposite side, so Chi Nan continued to send out surveillance plants and began to search the surroundings. "The demigod tortoise has disappeared, but it must still be in this area."

   Chi Nan whispered, but the demigod tortoise hid and couldn't find it by himself. "I want to find this guy in the future, as long as we kill more turtles. But now, we have to stop for a while." Chi Nan also had no choice. The plants began to shrink. He didn't want to be treated by that guy. The forces that are easy to develop are destroyed.

  To develop to this level, the time spent is definitely not a decimal. "Next, we will temporarily accumulate combat power in the ocean, and when we need it, we will dispatch it all at once."

   Speaking of this place, Chi Nan's voice suddenly stopped. Even the others stared at the screen blankly.

  The huge base of in the screen was divided into two halves from the middle. Before the incarnation was destroyed, Chi Nan didn't feel much, but it's different now. After a long period of development, the first plant island has been developed and expanded by Chinan, which is as large as a smaller continent, and its solidity is definitely not too bad.

   But just like that, the other party still cut the base island in half directly with water flow. In other words, the other party can at least cut a smaller continent, that is, a continent like the four large overseas islands.

   This kind of destructive power, this kind of destructive scope, is this really the power of a demigod? With such power, a few legends are not enough. Sure enough, the more the later stage, the more important the quality, far exceeding the quantity.

   Chi Nan, who was still complacent about the continuous growth of his legendary master team, suddenly calmed down. "The next subject is to develop higher plants and try to cover the surrounding area."

   "Chi Nan, are you trying to break through to the demigod as soon as possible?" Sophia knew Chi Nan's thoughts.

Chi Nan nodded solemnly: "Yes, whether it is to protect yourself or kill this guy, you need to break through the demigod. My current plant transformation ability, even if I have purple grass, it is impossible to kill this guy. "

   Chi Nan, who has calmed down, is very self-aware of his abilities. Sophia is also very supportive of this decision. ...


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