The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1115: No wonder no one wants to come

With space coordinates, the alliance can open a channel out of thin air. But Chi Nan is different. When Chi Nan studies the spatial coordinates in depth, he must now be able to perceive it only with a mage with spatial attributes.

Perhaps in the future, some special methods will be needed to use some alchemy abilities to be able to establish spatial channels. At this point, Chi Nan has no choice. In the end, Chi Nan had no choice but to let someone take the space teleportation array and reach the vicinity of the space channel, and then find the person in charge over there and put something in it.

After clarifying the situation and proving his identity, Chi Nan finally asked the people over there to send a seed of his own to the opposite plane. This is the seed produced on the own coordinate tree.

This coordinate tree was planted directly on the plane of the Alchemy Alliance. Just in his own territory, a new place to create a space channel was created by Chi Nan.

"Finally buds, very good, proofread the position, and then open the passage for me." After Chi Nan felt the information of the seed buds of the coordinate tree on the other side, Chi Nan knew that the conquest of the new plane was about to begin.

In fact, Chi Nan also knows that at this time, the senior leaders of the alliance are also staring at him. If he does not perform well, there will definitely be various attacks. Chi Nan didn't want to give up the holy tree plane, nor did he want to give up his foundation in this world. So some things, without absolute strength, still need to be done in accordance with the rules.

Hey, this is helplessness without strength, or that the strength of this plane is too strong.

The rifting cannon began to rotate, and the space was torn open with a circular opening. Then, the twin tree seeds used to stabilize the space channel were also sent to the opposite side, and they began to grow quickly with the help of space power.

It took Chi Nan half a month to send a seed to the past, but fortunately it is over now.

"Chi Nan has already begun preparations. He actually opened up a space channel directly on his own territory. When will plants be able to do this. Hey, according to the information, there are twin trees used to open up a stable space channel. They can find everything. It's not easy." Everyone in the league is paying attention to this.

"With twin trees, there may not be only one plane behind them."

A person next to him said: "The twin trees don't all grow on two planes, or they may be within one plane. Looking at them, we don't know whether they have the ability to open other planes. "

"I said that you are almost done. Whether others have the ability to open alien planes, what does this have to do with us. If they do, maybe the strength behind them is stronger, we just have to take precautions. If we provoke them at this time A powerful enemy, then the Alchemy Alliance is dangerous."

Hearing this, everyone shut up, yeah, now their alchemy alliance is in a bad situation.

It seems that they are fighting against each other, but this is based on the consumption of a lot of resources. Without so much resource consumption, they are simply not qualified to fight the opponent.

Seeing that the resources can't keep up, if they provoke a powerful enemy at this time, then it will really be difficult for them to survive. Just as they discussed, the space channel has completely stabilized.

As before, a large number of plant weapons entered, and then the second-generation base airship was deployed on the opposite side. That's right, it started directly, because this time I was going to fight the opponent, and Chi Nan didn't need to hide anything. The most important thing is that the alliance has already sent some information on the opposite side.

It’s just that Chi Nan didn’t understand why the Alliance didn’t take it down by himself, but instead left it to himself to deal with.

"It was the same as when we came to our plane last time, with so many plant weapons coming in. The information Franci brought to us is indeed correct. It seems that they do have the ability to open different planes."

"Forget it, let's see if we can cooperate with them in the future. I always feel that the power behind them is probably not that simple."

"I'll just say, how can there be so many legendary masters in such a small place. And those people disappeared after registering. Their small plane definitely doesn't need them to be busy."

More and more people are sure that Chi Nan has the ability to open alien planes. Chi Nan himself didn't know that he had accidentally exposed himself. Fortunately, they were worried about the mighty power behind Chi Nan, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Here, a large number of plant weapons drove past, and when Chi Nan connected to the opposite screen, his face became very ugly. "I said why no one wants to come here, it turns out that's the case."

At a glance, all the eyes can see is an endless sea. That's right, there is water everywhere here, only a desert island that is not too big at the foot. It's really a desert island, except for sand, basically nothing else. The only bit of greenness was caused when my own plant army came.

If this is a fast-exploding production and its second-generation base airship is fully deployed, it is impossible for this small island to hold so many things. "Damn it, there is no one on the water, please design and calculate it for me."

Chi Nan assigned the task to his men, and a group of people began to get busy. The busier than them is the plant brain. Many plant brains unite to push their computing power to the limit.

Numerous situations were simulated and numerous solutions were produced, and then they were rejected one by one. On the opposite side, the plant base is also exhibiting at the fastest This world actually needs water war.

Hermilla also saw the world at this time, facing the dumbfounded Chi Nan, Hermilla was a little funny. It has been a long time since I saw Chi Nan's deflated appearance, which is really nostalgic.

"Lord Lord, I think this matter can be handed over to Sister Miria. Sister Miria knows submarines best, and her research team is also the most proficient in submarine and underwater weapon design, so it is better to leave it to him Right. Also, haven't we found a lot of water plants in this world, maybe we can use them too."

Chi Nan leaned back: "I am even more convinced that we can find water plants suitable for us in this place full of water. Perhaps gold-level combat weapons in the water can also be manufactured here."

He said that, but Chi Nan, who felt that he was calculated by the league, still felt a little depressed. ...


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