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Gu Nanyi suddenly said: "Diarrhea."

Ning Cheng was stunned and understood what he meant. The night before, Feng Zhiwei was drunk on an empty stomach and was drunk and vomited and diarrhea. He hardly slept, and then went to Fengzhou and Zhou Xizhong to fight with wisdom and bravery, and then rushed back to the ancestral hall for treatment. The accident and physical strength have been reduced to the lowest point, and everyone is stronger than her, so only she has failed to resist the past.

Ning Yi pursed her lips, her face was as white as autumn grass, frost, and Feng Zhiwei in her arms was hot, holding her roasted hands like a stove. It was obvious that it had been hot for a while. When did it start? She didn't say anything again, but she didn't want to fall until all the dust had settled!

She must have known that she was infected, so she always refused to approach him, but he thought...

Ning Yi knelt on the ground, ignoring the dust on her robe, holding Feng Zhiwei's hand and shaking slightly.

He can't see him, he can't see!

Gu Nanyi stood behind him, grabbed a handful of walnuts, and stared at Feng Zhiwei, who gradually became dark and black in the eyebrows... was she sick? When did you get sick? How is it sick? Why doesn't he know?

Why did Ning Yi look so ugly? Will she die?

Will she die?

This thought suddenly appeared, and he was shocked suddenly.

Suddenly I felt something uncomfortable, like something was blocked and my breathing was not smooth. This is really a strange feeling, which I have never had in the past many years.

In this life, his emotions have always been a quiet still water, just as the heartbeat will always maintain the same beat, sad, uncomfortable, joy, contradiction... all kinds of emotions that belong to ordinary people, he did not, he did not understand.

He lost his father when he was three, and he was very calm.

At the age of eight, the nurse who took care of him passed away, and before his death he took tears from his hand and said, "Poor boy, why do you have to bear such a kind of person like you..."

That night, under the oil lamp, he looked at the maiden indifferently, and calmly pulled away the held hand. The first thing that wiped her tears off the back of his hand in advance was wiped off.

Then he turned and walked through the crowd of people who were waiting for him.

What is he like? How was it? No one told him that everyone looked at him like that, with a peculiar vision, and walked beside him with a sigh.

He didn't care about the result, the look, the look, his own business, which still seemed to him to be a stranger's business, resting on the mountains and seas, as if in another world.

But at this moment he suddenly wondered what he was like.

Is it because he is different from others, so he is clearly beside Feng Zhiwei, but he can't know what happened to her.

If she dies... If she dies...

He took a step back, frowned, and touched his heart, and began to close his eyes and adjust his breath... He must have been infected, dying.

Feng Zhiwei suddenly turned his head and started vomiting violently. She didn't eat much food. She spit out bile from gastric juice. She vomited so violently that a lot of green bile spouted out like an arrow, not only holding her Ning tightly Yi was dyed, and even Ning Cheng and Gu Nanyi not far away were not spared.

No one gave way, not even Gu Nanyi, who had a clean taste.

Ning Yi hugged her tighter, put her on her knees, and patted her back gently, so that her abdomen was not oppressed, to avoid too fierce vomiting caused the throat to block and suffocate. The strange smell seems to be unconscious.

At this time, there was a murmur of footsteps, and the shadow of black pressure appeared in front, and the Fengzhou government army was led by the Fengzhou inspection.

Ning Yi Huo Ran looked back, the star-like eyes "staring" at the opening door of the Yan's ancestral hall, and always had a cold and silent expression, showing the irritated killing intention for the first time.

"Destroy the Yan Family Ancestral Hall for me!"

"Your Highness!"

"Who resists, kill!"

The Qiyuan fell into a cloud of misery.

The epidemic was at stake when the Emperor Chincha was infected. Although the news was severely blocked from the outside and sealed from the inside, it was a matter of his own destiny. His Royal Highness King Chu was furious. I didn't even dare to have a conversation, but just looked at me in panic, and hurried away, and continued to find the doctor.

The doctor came one after another, and the precious medicines worth tens of thousands of dollars were sent in like flowing water. The medicine furnace under the corridor eaves kept the medicine for twelve hours, and the medicine prescription opened like a flake, His Royal Highness King Chu But his face is getting greener day by day.

After the rage that day, he never spoke a word with the people around him, nor did he sit in front of the Fengzhi micro-bed for twelve hours. He kept summoning people to interrogate the ancestral hall that Feng Zhiwei captured in front of the Yanjia ancestral hall that day. In detail, Kuai Ma Xinxin asked the court to send a doctor to rescue people.

Feng Zhiwei was knocked down by a sickness, struggling on the edge of life and death, and Nanhai also entered an upright position when she fell into a coma.

Ning Yi, who was completely irritated, finally showed his ruthless side.

After the Yan Family Ancestral Hall was called to open that day, Hua Qiong helped out Yan Huaishi and Chen, who had a hard time, Ning Yi did not withdraw the siege, but instead forced to close the Yan Family Ancestral Hall and blocked all the people in the Ancestral Hall. The people in the surrounding villages rushed to the county to collect food and money. They were basically empty on all sides. With their three thousand guards and three thousand government troops, they dug a tunnel under the Yan Family Ancestral Hall one night, buried a large amount of explosives and withdrew Then, the lead was lit and a muffled sound stood for hundreds of years. The supreme sacred Yan Ancestral Hall of the largest family in the South China Sea, which had inherited the blood of a generation of emperors, suddenly cracked and collapsed. The camera bursts into the ground in the morning light of the thin red and light gold, and the holy place where hundreds of years of people worshiped and worshipped suddenly became a broken wall.

The male tribes with heads and faces in the Yan family were basically in the ancestral hall at that time. The ancestral hall was solid, and the bottom did not collapse, and the beam did not cause complete destruction. The department was unconscious, Yan Huaiyuan was smashed by the fallen wall stone and his leg, the grandfather of the Yan family was unharmed, the clan wanted to carry him to escape, the old man and the old tears refused, and they were lying in front of the cracked card Head, shouting: "God doesn't bless my Yan family! Dewei is dead to see the ancestors!", one head was killed on the wall of the ancestral hall, the blood slowly infiltrated down from the white jade stone roots, and there was a flying dragon Pattern.

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