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In his soft voice, there was a hustle and bustle like a mountain, coming forth.

That was the command of the 3,000 troops of the Longnan commanders brought by Ning Cheng, pinching the time when they entered the government, and rushed into it with extreme precision. Shen Xu was like a heavily guarded government, and encountered these well-prepared regular troops. Strike, the entire administration quickly controlled Yamen.

The fragrance of ambergris in the Nunnery curled up, and a cup of tea rested in the blood spots of plum blossoms where no one had ever drunk, and Ning Yi walked quietly.

The figure of Ning Cheng, who was excited and brutal with a blood spot, flickered and appeared in front of the Nuan Pavilion.

"A quarter and a half!"

In a quarter and a half, even the killing belt took control of the government office to eliminate all traces.

"Very good." Ning Yi raised her head gently, sniffing the **** air gradually dispersing in the air, smiling in the trembling and shrinking in one place, "It's still the smell of other people's blood, it smells more fragrant."

In the fall of Changxi, in the thirteenth year of Changxi, the murder of Prince Qincha in Longxi Mansion, which shocked Jinghua, occurred. Shen Xuru, the political ambassador of Longxi, was ordered by Chang's to collaborate with Chang's in southern Fujian after he entered the Longxi Realm after his honour. Shake up.

In the book case of Emperor Tiansheng, the calendar evidence proves the authenticity of this seemingly incredible event-the secret letter from the Longxi House of Representatives to the head of the Jianghu Changshan sword faction, Shen Xu sent Ning Yi to Shen Junxin as follows The portrait of Wei Zhi and the relevant evidence about the collusion between Shen Xuru and Chang Jia collected by Ning Yi in a very short period of time-Shen Xuru’s former administrative ambassador was the Chang Jia who helped Shen Xuru to die and died. Contacts, not long ago, Shen Xuru also asked the court to allocate grain to the court because of the rainy season in Longxi, which caused grain mildew. Then he sent the extra grain to southern Fujian.

Emperor Tiansheng was furious when he heard that he ordered Shen Xuru to be escorted into Beijing immediately, and the persons involved in the case were tried on the spot. However, within a few days after the decree was issued, King Chu replied that Shen Xuru had fallen to law and the officials involved and related persons etc. Three hundred thirty-six people, all executed on the spot.

In a blink of an eye, three hundred heads!

The world is shocked!

It is said that when Tiansheng received this discount, he was silent for a long time, and the palace was breathless. He was shocked by the thunder killing method of King Chu. He didn't wait for the court to send an edict. He wrote down lightly and cut off the heads of many officials, including The official of Fengjiang in the second grade!

What is even more shocking is that he basically found out the crimes involved in the Shen family in such a short period of time. If he wants to investigate and kill, there will be no suffocation. Such abilities and means, when he thinks about it carefully, he shakes his heart.

In the discount presented by the Chu's aides, it was written like this: "Shen's arrogance, with the intention of the king's order to resist, and hurt his lord, and helplessly rectify the law on the spot..." But everyone knows, God knows how Shen Xu died Yes, God knows whether the blood of those officials had stained Fengzhou land before Ning Yi made a break!

The blood shed in Fengzhou is indeed only the best known in Fengzhou. For many days, the guillotine was full of blood, and the blood stains in the blue stone cracks were stern. Finally, Ning Yi was eager to leave. Impatiently killing people on time every day. Simply in the center of Fengzhou City The lively Shili Long Street, bundled every 100 meters, he sounded a gong in Tianyuan Tower, the tallest building in the city, blood flowed into a canal, and a hundred heads fell to the ground!

This kind of killing method shocked the people of Fengzhou for many years and it will never be forgotten. For many days, at night, the streets with original flowers and shadows were very deserted, and there was not even a single figure.

As soon as he shot, he killed King Chu of Fengjiang, but he was not blamed for his boldness. Emperor Tiansheng expressed a tacit attitude-he did not mention the matter of killing Shen Xuru, Kuai Ma sent the best in the palace Healing medicine.

This also relieved the disturbed Chu kings, but Feng Zhiwei knew that he didn’t need to worry at all-the five princes fled to southern Fujian, and the Chang family would have to fight back. The spirit of killing in this body just deterred the unsettled two borders of the South and South China Seas, which is also good for the consolidation of military power. Tiansheng now needs not the hand of Huairou but the blade of blood.

Because of this, he was in a hurry, and the more time left for the Chang family, the fewer opportunities he left for himself. When the court began to take over the matter of Longxi, Ning Yifeng immediately walked straight to the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is adjacent to South Fujian. Although the Chang family leads the general of South Fujian, the family lives in South Hokkaido. There are mansions and forces in both places. Feng Zhiwei and Ning Yi discussed and decided to join the two teams and go to the South China Sea first.

The boat drove along the Ququshui River, and when Helian Shizi was seasick until the seventh day, holding the ship's side and saying that he would die if he stayed for another day, the big ship sent a crash.

Feng Zhiwei hurried to the upper deck, and at a glance saw the shore not far away, there were as many as 10,000 people in the head, and the sound of overwhelming shouts and shouts came out, roaring like tide!

"The bottom of the ship is broken!" Yan Huaishi followed behind her and ran with a pale face. He had a hard time in recent days. This time when the spring breeze was proud, but there were many roads in the journey. The attack in Longxi was still a small matter. After losing Feng Zhiwei and Ning Yi, he was anxious and lost his mind at that time. Fortunately, the two of them were lucky, and finally contacted. Yan Huaishi, who couldn't eat for many days and couldn't sleep, let go of Dashi. There can be things, but these two people must not. Once Feng Zhi has something to do with the situation in the South China Sea, the family will be swallowed up by the local government forces backed by the Chang family.

So later, Yan Huaishi was cautious all the way, wishing to sleep and sleeping on the threshold of Fengzhiwei. Now that he has arrived in the South China Sea, he is about to breathe a sigh of relief when he encounters this matter!

"It seems that your way of welcoming missions in the South China Sea is very special." Ning Yi was helped out by Ning Cheng, listening quietly to the tsunami-like cry not far away, and a light and cold smile on his face.

Yan Huaishi looked at the black crowd of tens of thousands of people on the shore and took a deep breath. His fingers holding the ship's side curled up tightly. Knowing that the South China Sea was in a terrible situation, he never expected that it would be so bad.

He Lianzheng lay on the side of the ship, spitting and breathing with anger: "Although there are thousands of people, I will go..."

Everyone was amazed at how this man had lost the text, and then he heard his vomiting resignation: "Why don't you **** up with the army..."


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