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How terrible and terrible is that?

He has lived in this world for more than ten years?

Feng Zhiwei suddenly felt a slight pain in his heart, as if picked up by someone's fingertips.

"How did you... come over all these years?"

Gu Nanyi leaned her head and didn't understand her question. How did she get here? Come here.

"I mean, who takes care of you and how do you grow up?" Feng Zhiwei didn't want to listen to anything deliberately at this moment, but just intuitively wanted to know how he grew up in such a chaotic world.

"Before three years old, father, after five years old, uncle, and others."

Feng Zhiwei heard the vacancy.

"How about three to five years old?"

Gu Nanyi stopped talking and suddenly shivered.

This shivering Feng Zhiwei also shivered, his face pale for a moment-the three-year-old child who had lost his only loved one and was born with some deficiencies. How did he come over those two years?

I dare not think of it, and I feel chilled from the fingertips to the heart.

Perhaps Gu Nanyi did not dare to think about himself-he has always been calm and indifferent like him, and even trembling when thinking of those days, what a nightmarish childhood?

Feng Zhiwei suddenly reached out and pressed against the back of Gu Nanyi's hand.

She had no idea, just wanted to warm the three-year-old child more than ten years ago. During the days when life was lonely and snowing, no one would have warmed his hands like this.

There was a touch of sourness and tenderness in her heart, forgetting the defense of men and women, forgetting that Gu Nanyi never liked anyone's approach, and she might be thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun in the next instant.

Gu Nanyi did not move.

He lowered his eyes and looked closely at the held hand. The first reaction was indeed to overturn and toss it away, but the faint warmth from the delicate palm, the strange and strange feeling of the skin touching, suddenly It made him feel that he was moved somewhere.

This is a very strange feeling. Like a thousand-year-old solidified fortress that has been cracked by electricity and light, people outside saw the glorious treasures inside, and people inside saw the boundless landscape of the blue sea and blue sky outside.

Even if the scenery only appears between the narrow lines, it is fascinating and fascinating.

Gu Nanyi felt that this feeling was indescribable but mysterious, which made him impatient and suddenly began to explore the idea. After repeated weighing, he chose his fingers to grip the underground turf so that he could control his urge to overturn intuitively. So that the strange feeling stayed on the back of his hand for a little longer until he understood it.

Feng Zhiwei didn't know that Master Gu's great sacrifice and struggle at the moment, nor did he know that the turf under Master Gu's hand was destroyed beyond recognition. Her hand stayed slightly on the back of Gu Nanyi's hand. Go back.

Master Gu retracted his hand and touched the back of his hand.

This action made Feng Zhi embarrassed. He thought he was dirty and quickly changed the subject. He reached out to pick a slender leaf from the tree, rolled it, and said, "Teach you a way not to get lost." "

"This kind of tree is full of trees and rivers." She carefully asked Gu Nanyi to recognize the veins of the leaves. "The veins are very strange, like a face. Where we will go in the future, if we are separated, no matter how urgent or inconvenient, Let us not forget to leave this pattern under the roots of this passing tree, and then find each other easily."

"There are signs." Gu Nanyi said.

Feng Zhiwei knew that he meant that they had contact marks, and smiled and shook his head, "That mark is yours and your organization, your organization and mine, not me and yours, you don’t need to find me, You are responsible for keeping marks, I know the way, I come to you."

She remembered that Mercedes-Benz went to rescue Ning Yi that day, thinking that there were invisible guards in dozens of miles. Gu Nanyi would not be able to find herself and failed to keep a mark in time, causing Gu Xiao to lose her.

She said that leaving a mark to make him look for her was a fake. She was afraid that she might lose her one day and forget the previous code, or if there was a problem with his organization, the code could not be used. Where would she go to find him?

Although he was strong and fragile, the thought of letting someone like him walk alone in the rivers and lakes, she appeared before her three-year-old dazed child who lost his father, walking alone, and the road ahead was covered with snow.

"Finished." She smiled and rolled up the leaves, gently blowing them on her lips. "I'm blowing Ye Di, and I'm going to find you along your mark."

Gu Nanyi looked at her intently, plucked a leaf, and still rolled it, blowing it intermittently on her lips.

Moonlight walked from the sky to the end, and the intermittent tunes shattered the day's starlight. In the gradually coherent and smooth tone, Feng Zhi fell asleep with a slight smile.

After not knowing how long, he heard him dimly.

"Play the flute, find the tree, find you."

The wind is very light, the flowers are fragrant, the birdsong is very crisp, and the breath is... heavy.

When Feng Zhiwei opened his eyes, he found a big dark face in front of him.

She was startled and moved back quickly, rubbing her eyes to see clearly that the face of the nose is not the nose, the eyes and the eyes belonged to Helian Shizi. He was squatting close to her, using a pair of "you bad Woman, you betrayed me, hurt me, ruined me, disappointed me," Yu Zu's expression forced her.

What is this, who has deducted his breakfast?

Feng Zhi got up lazily, only to find that her hand was not right when she held her hand. Looking at her pillow just now, it turned out to be Gu Xiaodu's thigh.

She stared blankly at Gu Xiaoduan, who was breathing evenly, and at a glance saw a small tent propped only a finger away from where she had just rested her head, and was immediately ignited.

Gu Xiaodai opened his eyes, calmly and her big eyes to the small eyes across the veil, calmly flicked her hand, then calmly pushed away Helianzheng's face, looked down at his pants, slowly drifting out Solve the morning problem.

He fluttered while blowing the flute of leaves, the melody was smooth, and he was dripping.

He Lianzheng violently shook his fingers against his back, pointed for a long time and found that it was completely useless, he would not hurt people from the sky, so he turned back to Feng Zhiwei, Feng Zhi slightly smiled and turned his finger and turned Direction, said: "Shizi early, well, the toilet is over there." Then Shi Shiran walked away.

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