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"Feng Zhiwei is quite troublesome..."

"Yeah, her..."

Ning Yi Huo Ran opened his eyes.

For a few days, my eyes were clear and clear like water, and my eyes were like black night.

He looked over with that kind of gaze, but Feng Zhiwei shuddered in his heart.

The two lay down in a small carriage and looked at each other. The air on all sides calmed down. I heard the sound of the late returning birds flapping their wings across the tree crown. The old emperor who didn’t know where, yelled .

For a while, Ning Yi opened her eyes and said, "Go out."

Feng Zhi lifted the basin in silence and walked out of the carriage. After seeing Yan Huaishi before being called to the carriage, he bowed down and heard a few words, then came over with a look of surprise, and said, "Your Highness said to go back. Go to his team and ask us to send someone to escort."

"You do it." Feng Zhiwei was behind his shoulders, looking at the deep clouds of the sky, and said lightly, "Choosing the best **** to go, and two hundred to three hundred lanyard guards, His Royal Highness is not good these days, Without self-protection, tell them to be more careful."

"Go so much, what if we have something on our side?" Yan Huaishi was a little uneasy.

"But it's just an escort. I'll be back when I get back safely. I'm worried about something." Feng Zhi smiled. "I really want something, these people don't use it anymore."

In a short time, Chun Yumeng took two hundred escorts to **** the carriage back, Ning Yi never got off, Feng Zhiweili watched the carriage go away in the sunset, thinking Ning Yi definitely thought she was deliberately instilling him In such a good stereotype, in fact, drinking wine was completely unexpected that he could not drink. In fact, it was really just an instant thought...

She smiled bitterly. Whatever he thought, the trust between him and her was already pitiful. Even if it is now back to the original point, it is just a little ahead of time.

Evening glow of the sky, people looked like gold dyed, Feng Zhiwei looked at the fire-like twilight, somehow uneasy, let the team find a place in advance.

There was no post house near here, so I found an inn in a small town called Dongtun. The inn was small but clean. Even the bedding was changed. Feng Zhiwei was a little surprised. The boss smiled and said: There are a lot of distinguished guests in the day, who think the shop has poor bedding, and they will give the money a new one."

Feng Zhiwei had something to worry about, and with a faint oh, the boss took out a silver ingot from his sleeve like a treasure and smiled: "The shop has opened so far, and I have seen such a large ingot for the first time!"

Feng Zhiwei glanced at it, and then "Oh", waved his hand to let him go out, the boss kicked and walked to the door, Feng Zhiwei suddenly flashed in his brain, turned and hurriedly said: "Boss, that ingot will lend me again Look."

The ingot was held in his hand, and the fine ninety-six colors of silk were silver. Feng Zhiwei flipped the bottom, and the word "Xiping" stood on it.

Smell, there is a touch of fishy smell.

The private sector does not allow coins to be minted privately, but there is a place that has its own universal currency, that is, Xiping Road Changning Fan, which is close to Minnan Road, where there is a silver mine, Changning Wang Fan is autonomous, and even uses its own silver, neighboring Minnan Tao, the economy and Changning are interdependent, this kind of money is also common.

Plus that fishy smell...

The people from the Chang family in southern Fujian appear in the only way from Dijing to southern Fujian!

Feng Zhiwei's hand holding the silver suddenly became cold.

Who is the goal of Changjia now?

Is it the self who is about to start the ship affairs department to cut off their future?

Or is it about to go to the southern route to reclaim the military power of the southern route and restrain the Chang family?

Ning Yi!

Two hundred guards, alone, drunk and powerless, crisis on the side!

Feng Zhiwei Huo Ran stood up, ran out of the door a few steps, turned his horse, and rushed towards the deep and blurred night!

This was the time of supper. The guards and Qingming’s students were eating in the front yard. Gu Nanyi was next to her. Before Feng Zhiwei saw him ordering a bucket of water to go in, it was estimated that he was taking a bath, but did not go in. Called, as he walked past his window quickly, he hurriedly knocked down the window mullion and said, "Brother Gu, please follow the way we came to find me!"

There was no sound in it, and she had no time to inquire again. She hurried to the stable, took one of the most powerful horses, and turned and jumped. When she turned her head, she suddenly saw a few black shadows outside the courtyard wall, and then the front yard Exclaims and the sound of tables and chairs overturned.

Her heart tightened, and she knew that the Chang family was so generous that it sent two groups of people across the province and assassinated her and Ning Yi at the same time!

In a flash, Feng Zhi squeezed the reins, and his palm was hot-two places were in distress at the same time. Ning Yi's honor guard was still behind. Her guards were weak in two divisions. It can be said that both places are in danger!

Her team was attacked, how could she leave?

Ning Yi was attacked at the weakest time. This was caused by her. How could she not care?

After a moment of hesitation, her eyes flashed, and she raised her head and yelled into the air.

"Qingming's students are valuable, please be sure to protect them, otherwise I can't escape the guilt, please!"

After talking about the horse, the horse ran away into the night, leaving behind the shouting of the front yard.

She knows that she has always been invisible guards on her side. She hasn't studied where she is hiding. Now that she is in a hurry, they can't fail, and they have to use it.

As for herself, Gu Nanyi will always catch up.

Feng Zhiwei's figure disappeared outside the courtyard door. She didn't know. Just after she left, Gu Nanyi turned from the corner a few hundred meters away and swallowed back to the inn slowly. The inn's toilet was on the side of the street It's quite far away. Gu Nanyi diarrhea tonight and squatted in the latrine for a while. He didn't take a bath in the room just now.

As soon as he came back, he heard the sound of the front yard, and was about to pass. Two gray shadows flew down, knees in front of him, and said sternly: "She left, please leave your way back, and stay If you want us to protect this team."

Gu Nanyi frowned and slowly said: "The original way..."

"We have sent two people to follow her to protect her, but the horse is a **** of the world, and it is too long to be able to keep up." The gray man's face was hidden behind the mask, and his eyes were bright. "But here is weak, the other party's martial arts is strong , If we want to protect this side from being invaded, our people can't call it out... Sect Master, can you find it by yourself?"

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