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Chang Guifei looked around curiously, and pulled out her handkerchief and covered her mouth.

Everyone looked at each other very curiously. Princess Shaoning relied on petting, pedaling to the upper stage, a probe, hahaha holding her belly and having fun.

Ning Yi had been calmly looking at the Spring Palace, and finally could not help but put down the Spring Palace figure and looked back. The Seventh Prince had already stood up and looked at it, his face looked weird. When he looked at that look, he knew that it was very hard to hold back and laugh.

Ning Yi raised his eyes and looked at him. The seven princes did not speak, squinting at him, left glancing at the right, and Ning Yi replaying the glass again, splashing the wine.

The seventh prince was startled, knowing that the man had been pushed to the apex, and hurriedly whispered in his ear.

Ning Yi's face was blue.

Looking closely, the pure gold wine glass he held in his hand seemed a bit deformed.

Feng Zhiwei looked at the wine glass sympathetically, and felt that all the things left by His Royal Highness were pitiful.

Emperor Tiansheng smiled for a long time and put the paper roll aside, the first position.

Concubine Chang went to cover her handkerchief again. Shao Ning just straightened her waist and bent down. The seventh princess was biting her ear with the princess. The princess was busy looking for the handkerchief. The rest of the princesses turned around curiously and then coaxed each other to find a place to laugh.

The wine glass in Ning Yi's hands has become a thin gold piece.

He raised his eyes, his eyes rolled, and fell on Feng Zhiwei.

Feng Zhiwei showed him a natural ignorance, imitating Gu Shao's.

Ning Yi was stunned, and his eyes were somewhat suspicious. At this time, Emperor Tiansheng had selected the top three subjects, and then looked at the top three subjects. His face was a little complicated, and he smiled and said, "Jin This question is pretty good. I am the daughter of the family of the Tiansheng Dynasty, but I am a talented woman."

Huagong's eyebrows looked smug, and he began to clean up his clothes in preparation for a reward.

"Just these three." Emperor Tiansheng tied the three paper rolls with gold, silver and white ribbons, and motioned to the inner attendant to announce.

The people sat upright, their eyes burning.

The internal attendant took out the third paper roll and reported the name of Tanhua first.

"Lishang Shangshu female, Fahrenheit."

Everyone was in an uproar, and Hua Gongmei's face changed dramatically.

Why is it not the champion!

Hua Gongmei's title was only third. Unexpectedly, everyone stayed for a while, and most of them felt happy again.

Qiu Yuluo couldn’t learn. He felt that the top three were hopeless. He was worried about Huagongmei, and he was worried. He couldn’t help but ask her: “What should I do? Will my crazy sister take the first place?”

Hua Gongmei’s thoughts were not on Feng Zhiwei. Hu Zhuo Shizi’s fiancee was not her competitor, but she did not take her out of the limelight. When she heard this sentence, she sneered: "Everyone in the world is dead. , It’s not your sister’s turn!"

"List of eye rolls." Nei Shi Bao, "Hu Shengshan grandson of Hu Yuanshan, a scholar of Qianyuange University."

Hu Jingshui smiled, but was slightly disappointed and surprised.

She came prepared, the subject was directed, how could someone surpass her?

"Zhuangyuan Juan." Nei Shi's voice dragged on for a long time, and everyone's eyes scorched past, holding their breaths-the two best and most talented women ranked second and third, who could surpass them?

The ladies looked at each other, and it seemed impossible and impossible to see anyone.

No one looked at Feng Zhiwei more.

Ning Yi pours herself out, and her attitude has recovered from her leisurely self-satisfaction, and she looks like a little gloating.

He Lianzheng was bored and playing drums, anyway, it would not be Feng Zhiwei, she would not deliberately fight for the position of the princess on this occasion, this woman has a big heart.

Feng Zhiwei pours himself to drink-anyway, it won't be her, just for her subject, it's good not to be angry.

The sharp voice of the inner attendant penetrated the wide square in extreme silence.

"Feng Zhiwei!"



Countless people stood up, and then found it rude to sit down.

After they sat down, they realized that there were still people standing in a daze, completely unresponsive. It was Qiu Yuluo and Hua Gongmei, and the two wives hurriedly pressed them down.

Ning Yi Xiaojiu drank more happily, so that she began to cough, her face flushed faintly, and it became brighter and brighter than the moon and the clouds, and the women who missed the top three wanted to die.

The drum hammer in Helianzheng's hand fell off and nearly hit his foot.

Feng Zhiwei accidentally squeezed his wine glass into gold flakes.

Isn't it, just her question, champion?

The emperor Tian Sheng smiled with a smile: "Women are talents and virtue, women are not good for the country, but some topics are good, but they should not be advocated. Women should care about what women should care about, so this champion, It seems to be a joke, but in fact it is new, bizarre and courageous. I really like it."

He said the phrase "Women doing politics", the original look of Chang Guifei who was not very good looking was pale, and quickly hurriedly received: "Yes, the concubine also thought that the champion was deserved."

In this way, everyone is even more curious. I don’t know how the mad and ugly girl of the Feng family got the eyes of Her Majesty’s maiden. So praised, even Miss Hu and Miss Hua are behind her.

Feng Zhiwei regretted that he wanted to hit the wall.

She was wrong!

In order to show their talents, the questions of the ladies of the house must have been thinking about grand and important political affairs. Instead, they caused the uneasiness and dissatisfaction of Emperor Tiansheng, so in contrast, her wicked subject was lifted up by Emperor Tiansheng. , To remind those harem concubines with long hands!

Really hatred forever!

"Please ask the ladies to challenge the top three questions by themselves." In the voice of the inner attendant, Helian Zhengdong drumming sounded again. This time the drumming was heavy and fierce, and it almost broke the drum.

"Sister-in-law solves the flower-exploring roll." The pink-clothed woman stood up in shame, it was Chang Guifei's niece. It seemed that she was a stable person.

The inner attendant unfolded Hua Gongmei's paper.

"By virtue of great growth, the rebellion of the Three Kings in the past 22 years has been pursued, seeking a solution that will not hurt the country."

Feng Zhi was stunned.

Isn’t this the policy of seeking peace in disguise? The chaos of the Three Kings, which has grown up and flourished for 22 years, is actually the chaos of the prince of the surname. How is the question of Hua Gongmei the same as the prompt of Ning Yi?

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