The rise of nanometers

Chapter 771 Outer Exploration

The Federation's series of major projects on the moon and Venus have not affected other space exploration efforts.

For example, on Mars, at the end of last year (2021), the Ministry of Space Affairs built a Mars outpost on Phobos, Mars, and also dispatched 5 astronauts to stay at the Mars outpost for a long time.

In addition to studying the life of Mars, this Mars outpost is also responsible for tasks such as communication relay and monitoring the outer layers of the solar system.

This year, the outpost has expanded.

Currently, it has 362 space capsules, as well as a series of material reserves, plus built communication stations, maintenance stations, etc.

November 2, 2022.

After 173 days of flight, the Zhurong-class spacecraft 012 transported 3,400 tons of supplies and 8 astronauts to the Mars outpost.

The first batch of astronauts who had been on duty at the base for one year and three months finally completed their mission and could take the spacecraft back to Blue Star to rest.

Compared with Venus, Mars is more troublesome, mainly because the surface of Mars is not safe and there are various deadly microorganisms, so it is not possible to establish a base on the surface of Mars for the time being.

As a result, the base can only be set up on Phobos, Deimos, or in low-Earth orbit of Mars.

Bases built in these areas all face a problem, which is a low-gravity environment. Low-gravity environments can have various adverse effects on astronauts' bodies.

Although the Aerospace Department has equipped all astronauts with internal pressure suits, built-in nano-inner armor, nano-robots, and various drugs to alleviate space syndrome.

However, these methods are only a delay and cannot achieve a radical cure.

Venus is different from Mars. Not only can you set up a ground base, but its planet's gravity is also very close to that of Blue Star.

There is a huge difference between the surface of Venus and the orbit of Mars. The normal working hours of astronauts in the two places alone are about 2 to 3 times different.

The first batch of astronauts on duty at the Mars outpost only worked here for 15 months. Including about 10 months of traveling back and forth, the total time was only about 25 months.

It's not that it's impossible to extend, but it's not necessary, because as time goes on, the possibility of astronauts' physical problems will skyrocket.

If something goes wrong with the astronauts midway, the gains will really outweigh the losses.

Now is not an era when space transportation capacity is so tight that we need to calculate it gram by gram. At worst, we can arrange a few more spacecraft trips.

Su Xiaoyu, the captain of the second batch of astronauts, after handing over the work to the first batch of on-duty astronauts, personally sent them into the hibernation cabin and turned on the autopilot system of the Zhurong spacecraft.

Zhu Rong's spaceship spewed light red flames and gradually disappeared from the sight of Su Xiaoyu and others.

"Okay, everyone, please take your places!" Su Xiaoyu turned around and said to everyone.

"Understood." The astronauts replied with smiles.

Although there are only eight people, the various tasks they are responsible for are very complicated.

Three of them are responsible for the work on the surface of Mars; two are responsible for communication with the Blue Star headquarters, as well as logistics and management work; and the remaining three are responsible for the exploration missions of the asteroid belt, Jupiter and Saturn.

Although it is known that Venus and Mars are currently the most suitable earth-like planets for humans in the solar system, the Federation has not given up on the asteroid belt and other outer planets.

At this time, there are a total of 136 detectors in service in the asteroid belt, Jupiter and Saturn.

Among them, there are 55 detectors in the asteroid belt; 42 in the orbit of Jupiter; and 39 in the orbit of Saturn.

The reason why so many detectors are launched.

On the one hand, because the distance is too far, the detector cannot be too large, which limits the function of the detector, so more detectors are needed to carry various instruments and equipment.

On the other hand, it is because there are too many celestial bodies in the asteroid belt, Jupiter and Saturn.

There are a huge number of asteroids in the asteroid belt, and Jupiter and Saturn have too many natural satellites.

So many detectors are actually not enough.

For example, Jupiter's Europa and Titan, which has an atmosphere, are Thanos' home planet, Titan.

These two planets are the planets that the Federation focuses on.

The detectors currently deployed on Europa are "Cuckoo", "Peony", and "Hyacinth"; while the detectors deployed on Titan are "Granite" and "Hetian Yu". .

The Ministry of Space still feels that it is not enough because of the uniqueness of these two planets.

Europa has a huge ice cap, which may be as thick as 100 kilometers, and there may be a liquid ocean beneath the ice cap.

Titan, on the other hand, has a dense atmosphere, and its air pressure is 1.5 times that of Blue Star. This is also a very special planet.

Judging from the conditions of the planets, Europa and Titan are even more suitable for the birth of life than Mars.

Since there are living things on Mars, there may also be living things on Europa and Titan.

Although the special creatures born in these strange environments may be accompanied by unknown risks, they also contain some research value.

For example, the fluorescent fungi and thermophilic fungi on Mars have a lot of scientific research value and can be used to develop various technologies. They are even related to the future of mankind and whether it can truly adapt to various cosmic environments.

The meaning of life is sometimes not just a part of the ecology itself, but a kind of creation in the environment.

This kind of life that was born after hundreds of millions of years of changes in the natural environment is itself a rare miracle.

In the Martian ecosystem, a total of 723 species have been discovered so far, and some of these species contain special organic matter that is not found in blue star life.

Many of these organic compounds have been studied to have corresponding functions, and several of them have effects on the human body.

For example, the core component of "cell dormancy fluid" is borrowed from a special organic compound from Martian organisms. This special organic compound can reduce the memory loss of cells during hibernation.

Another example is the currently very popular "fat control agent", which is also borrowed from the special organic components of Martian organisms. This kind of drug can maintain the body's fat within a reasonable range.

Nowadays, there are various new drugs on the market, many of which were developed from Martian organisms.

Many biological scientists have shifted their attention from Martian organisms to other planets where life may exist.

Obviously their purpose is to obtain brand new organic matter.

After all, compared to human synthesis, nature also contains many unknown materials, especially biological materials, which are the crystallization of nature over hundreds of millions of years.

Perhaps the future of mankind lies in that humble alien creature.

We should not only look up at the stars, but also take a closer look at the particles. Both are components of the rules of the universe and are closely connected as a whole.

This time, the transportation materials for the Mars outpost included 50 detectors and a batch of small launch vehicles.

Su Xiaoyu's job is to send these detectors to the asteroid belt, Jupiter and Saturn.

Provide federal scientific researchers with more comprehensive and clear detection data.

The Mars outpost does not have much fuel reserves, and it does not have much industrial capabilities. This aspect needs to be improved in the next stage.

Thank you for your support (ω`). I have a toothache today, so I can only update once⊙﹏⊙

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