The rise of nanometers

Chapter 764 Technology is forcing me to

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches.

People across the federation are beginning to prepare to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and many people who go out to work have begun to return to their relatives, or to pick up their relatives.

In fact, in an era of great abundance of materials and the strong federal control strategy, there will be no shortages in transportation, housing, or food.

For example, if a person has to go to other places for work, he can apply to the federal government for family housing and family job transfer.

Generally, there will be no long-term separation in two places. This is also to ensure the growth rate of the population. After all, it is not conducive for couples to have children if they live apart in two places for a long time.

This strategy not only increases the population growth rate, but also ensures family harmony, and also reduces the pressure of long-distance transportation in disguise.

Baiyin in Gansu Province.

Since Baiyin built the dome system, the population loss in the area has been effectively curbed, and the place has become like the Jiangnan area.

Lao Qin, who lives in Baiyin New Town, moved here from the countryside. He has been doing farm work all his life. This is the first time in his life that he has such a leisurely life.

Although he misses his hometown in the countryside a little, after living in a warm, humid and pleasant urban area for a long time, Lao Qin is also a little happy to miss his hometown.

The eldest son, who works at Baiyin Special Metal Manufacturing Company, came to visit the elderly couple with his daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.

The eldest son was carrying a bag of crabs, a large lobster, and a large bag of fruit, while the daughter-in-law was holding moon cakes and Russian snacks.

Daughter-in-law Karina is a Russian from Kazan. She has been married for less than four years. Many people in the northwest have begun to marry girls from Lucia and Central Asia.

At least the problems that girls over there have with strong body odor, thick body hair, and short shelf life can actually be solved now.

Body odor and body hair can be solved through drugs and surgery, but the problem of middle-aged aunts with a waist and waist is actually a problem of the economy and living environment, which can also be changed.

Karina, who has given birth to at least two children, is still in shape and has not become a puck.

When Lao Qin saw the two people carrying large and small bags, he immediately muttered: Why did you buy so many things? Your mother and I don't have to worry about food or clothing, so we just spend money blindly. "

The eldest son Qin Gang smiled and said: "Dad, this is a new era. Karina and I usually don't spend much money. This is a big crab in Xinjiang. The price is very cheap this year, only 2.4 credit points per pound."

"There are still crabs raised in Xinjiang?" Lao Qin took the big bag of live crabs in surprise. All the crabs in it were quite big.

Qin Gang smiled and explained: "It's just over Luobu Lake."

"Luobu Lake? Could it be the place where the atomic bomb was exploded?" Lao Qin suddenly thought about it.

Qin Gang continued: "Dad, don't worry. Although the lake is not far from Lop Nur, there are a lot of wild animals even in Lop Nur. The federation has already taken care of it."

The father and son are the shortest parents in the family, while the old mother is holding her two grandchildren and coaxing her with a happy face.

Daughter-in-law Karina was busy in the kitchen with crabs and lobsters.

As for the younger son's family, they moved to Panama, South America the year before last. It is estimated that they will not be able to return to their hometown frequently in the past few years.

This situation is very common in the old areas of the federal mainland. If there are several children in the family, one child is usually left in the local area so that he can have someone to take care of him.

The other children went their separate ways and scattered all over the country.

If you are an only child, you don’t have to worry too much. Elderly people can also move with their children.

Nowadays, the development of various places is not much different, even in South America and Siberia. In fact, inside the greenhouse city, it is like spring all year round, and the work is similar everywhere.

After chatting for a while, Qin Gang's cell phone vibrated. He took it out and saw that it was his brother in Panama. He clicked on the projection phone to make a call.

A small bead embedded in the upper left corner of the phone began to glow, and then a figure appeared in the living room.

That figure was clearly Lao Qin's youngest son.

"Tiezi! Why are you tanned? Does your company still have to do farm work?"

Hearing Lao Qin's worries, Qin Tie smiled and shook his head: "Dad, I am exercising, this is called bronze."

"What are you messing around with? Get some rest if you have nothing to do. Don't tire yourself out." Lao Qin said with concern.

The old mother who was amusing her grandson at the side also started to talk: "That is, take more rest when you have time, or go back to your hometown to stay for a few days."

Qin Tie smiled bitterly. This is the generation gap between the new generation and the older generation. In fact, the current average annual working hours of federal citizens is about 177.6 days.

Moreover, the daily working hours generally do not exceed 7 hours, and there is no way to work overtime if you want.

Changes to working hours are only possible unless a federal emergency is declared.

With a lot of personal time every day and long vacations, people naturally begin to have other needs, such as traveling, studying, exercising, and experiencing life.

The Federation has also made great efforts in publicity and publicity to guide people to increase physical exercise.

After all, if you want to work in outer space in the future, fat people will definitely be the first batch to be dismissed, and then there will be people with various basic diseases. It will also be difficult for them to become qualified astronauts.

With money and time, coupled with reasonable official guidance, a large number of people are keen on exercising, especially the younger generation, who are the main force in fitness.

Although I don’t pursue the morbid beauty of a devil-muscle man, I at least want a healthy body.

Especially in terms of current love values, they have changed from money, house, and car to body, knowledge, and personality.

After all, now everyone basically has no worries about food and clothing, can buy a house or a car at will, and does not need to support the elderly or children, so the requirements for the opposite sex have naturally become purer.

Of course, the development of this era is also accompanied by some problems, that is, once there is a problem in the relationship between the husband and wife, it usually means the end of the marriage.

Many people even get married casually, have children, and then get divorced inexplicably.

There are also many celibates and pure romantics who do not want to have children, or choose artificial insemination to produce offspring.

In addition, the current artificial womb technology is actually very mature. If women find it inconvenient to give birth naturally, they can also choose to breed a new generation in an artificial womb.

Technology is advancing, and society has to be affected by it. The Federation has also made some compromises for the sake of population growth rate.

After all, the local population can grow in this way, which is better than importing low-quality populations from other areas.

You must know that Gaul now faces the dilemma of a silent dove occupying a magpie's nest. It is estimated that by around 2040, Gaul will be completely blackened.

In this regard, it is impossible for the Federation to accept blackening. Even in the Americas, in fact, most of the silent people live in specialized areas.

It's not that the Federation is unkind, but that these guys are really stuck in the mud. After many attempts to guide them to no avail, they can only be released on a special island.

There is no other way.

Therefore, the federal government has made certain compromises regarding artificial wombs, allowing those who do not want to have children naturally to apply for the use of artificial wombs to raise the next generation.

Anyway, the Federation is now raising children. As long as children are born, the Federation's population structure will not experience serious aging.

Technology and society, to some extent, influence each other.

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