The rise of nanometers

Chapter 761 Artificial Era

North America, Seattle.

The 17th Research Institute of Biomimetic Materials.

He Hang, who just graduated last year, has been working in this institute for more than half a year. His main research direction is artificial bionic materials.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why the institute was established in Seattle.

Because this place is close to the Yellowstone Volcano Isolation Zone, the carbon dioxide and the like that are constantly erupting inside the Yellowstone Volcano Isolation Zone are currently continuously affecting the atmospheric climate.

Old-fashioned settling agents can only settle volcanic ash, but have no settling effect on gases such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

According to a specially established research team, the geologically active period of the Yellowstone volcano may last about 80 to 150 years.

During this period, the Yellowstone volcano pumped greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every year, equivalent to about 23% of global industrial production emissions in 2008.

This is a very large number.

Among these greenhouse gases, except for carbon dioxide that is recovered by carbon powder energy storage and power generation, the remaining sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc. are not recovered and can easily form large-scale acid rain.

With the global cooling trend, and the greenhouse gases erupted by the Yellowstone volcano being contained, global warming may even occur again in the future.

Therefore, we must find ways to increase efforts to sequester carbon and sulfur to control greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a relatively stable ratio.

In fact, after years of research, scientists have discovered that changes in global cooling and warming are not necessarily caused by human activities. Human industrialization is only one factor.

If you think about it, you will know that in the energy structure of Blue Star, solar energy is the main energy source of Blue Star, followed by geothermal energy, and finally human nuclear energy.

Solar activity is not constant, but is constantly changing. Once solar activity becomes active, the total amount of solar energy radiated to the blue star will increase accordingly.

Once the sun's activity becomes sluggish, the total amount of solar energy radiated to the blue star will also decrease.

This was the main cause of climate change on Blue Star before humans entered the industrial age.

The Ministry of Aerospace has a subordinate institution that specializes in monitoring solar activity, called the Solar Activity Monitoring and Analysis Institute, which specializes in tracking and investigating solar activity.

Regarding this natural solar activity, many scholars from the Federal Ministry of Science actually do not agree with excessive artificial intervention, because this is the natural norm of Blue Star for hundreds of millions of years.

The current control of the greenhouse gas eruption of the Yellowstone volcano is actually due to the mess left by Noah in the past. In order to avoid a global ecological collapse, artificial intervention was adopted.

Now, the Federation can rely on the dome system to isolate itself from the natural environment. Humanity now only relies on the gravity environment of Blue Star, and other influencing factors have almost been overcome.

For example, at the research institute where Hehang is located, their research direction is artificial wood fiber panels.

In the experimental site of the institute, in a device with a length of 20 meters, a width and height of 3 meters, an artificial wood is slowly "growing".

Although it is said to be slow, compared with naturally growing wood, this speed is thousands of times faster.

Through special transgenic technology, the cells of arbor plants are specially modified, and then various growth hormones, nutrients, light, and magnetic fields are used to quickly produce wood.

In addition, it will be equipped with nano-robots, which can produce specific wood grain, color, density, aromatic hydrocarbons, etc.

He Hang wore protective clothing and took out a sample from the culture chamber. It was a palm-sized piece of wood covered with various gold threads.

After the inactivation treatment, after comparing this piece of imitation golden nanmu with a real golden nanmu sample, no obvious difference can be found between the two.

Of course, artificial golden nanmu still has "disadvantages", that is, like artificial diamonds, it is too perfect.

After all, Renmu's cultivation chambers are designed to be industrialized and mass-produced, so there are naturally no hollows, cracks, or insect infestations.

Jose stuffed the wooden block into the fully automatic CNC machine, and in a short while, four strings of beads were machined, polished, sanded, drilled, and then strung with rope.

"Here, golden nanmu bracelet."

Another researcher took the bead and shook his head with a smile: "This thing is exactly the same as the natural top-grade golden nanmu. If it is mass-produced, the market will probably collapse soon."

"What are you afraid of? We won't starve to death. It's better to go and cut down natural trees." He Hang replied with a shrug.

Among their wood species, the artificial wood species that are currently ready for production include many common wood species.

For example, pine, oak, paulownia, walnut, rubber wood, ash, camphor wood, elm, ash, oak, birch, beech and so on.

There are also precious wood species, such as small-leaf rosewood, huanghuali, nanmu, teak, rosewood, etc.

There are currently 8 commonly used wood species that have been officially put into mass production.

Nowadays, forest farms within the federal territory basically no longer plant fast-growing trees, mainly because the natural growth rate is too slow and there are uncontrollable factors.

In case of forest fires, typhoons, floods, droughts, etc., trees may not be able to withstand it.

In addition, applying for forest felling is also very troublesome.

It is better to use artificial wood with uniform specifications.

What's more, new materials are emerging in an endless stream, and there are many alternative materials for wood, such as furniture, handicrafts, etc., which are somewhat competitive.

At least in recent years, due to the federal economic prosperity, the precious wood market has continued to be hot. After the first artificial wood factory was officially put into production, this market has basically cooled down.

After all, according to the federal style, if there is one, there are two. If the first artificial wood variety is successfully launched, will the second and third be far behind?

Sooner or later, golden nanmu and small-leaf rosewood will be industrially produced on a large scale.

Many luxury wood operators who do not believe in evil are also trying to find out the shortcomings of artificial wood, such as excessive formaldehyde and harmful substances.

After the results were tested, they were found to be exactly the same as top-grade natural wood.

As for spreading rumors and causing trouble, now is not the past where the federation dared to send them to North America to restore the ecology if they dared to spread rumors without real evidence.

Nowadays, it only costs a few thousand credits to customize a house full of wood furniture. The flooring is paved with red sandalwood and the golden nanmu is used as firewood. It is probably not a financial burden.

After all, the artificial wood cultivation technology will not differ much depending on the tree species. At most, the density will lead to some differences in the production speed, and the cost difference will not exceed 3 times.

The market for gems, jade, and stone collapsed earlier than the lumber market. With the improvement of electric field synthesis technology and nanorobotics technology, it has become easier to imitate these inorganic substances.

The only thing that retains its value now is probably precious metals.

Gold, platinum group, silver, rhenium, tungsten, etc. These precious metals and rare elements are widely used in the aerospace industry.

For example, in 2019, the federal government consumed a total of 3,527 tons of tungsten, 127 tons of gold, 226 tons of platinum, 42 tons of rhodium, 13 tons of palladium, and 8.6 tons of rhenium in the aerospace industry.

With such a huge consumption, even though the Ministry of Aerospace has discovered many precious metal and rare element mining areas on the moon, it also plans to capture some high-value asteroids.

But these precious metals and rare elements are also elements with relatively low abundance in the entire universe.

These are the things of real value.

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