The rise of nanometers

Chapter 725 Waves (2)

On the global Internet, due to the collapse of the Americas, only the Federation's Super Trust and Time Blog are left to maintain normal operations.

So the traffic is shifted to these two platforms.

At this time, the total number of users of Shiguang Blog exploded to 830 million users in just over four months.

However, the sudden surge in users has also made management more difficult. In particular, many new users often violate the management regulations of Time Blog.

In the past few months, Shiguang Blog has banned more than three million users, and there are also a large number of users who have been banned or temporarily banned.

Under the premise of this kind of chaos, the two big topics of the Grand Alliance and nuclear fusion will naturally not be all good. Many rumors and slanderous remarks are also spreading quickly on the Internet.

For example, on the topic of nuclear fusion.

[The sudden change in global climate may be related to the large-scale use of nuclear fusion technology. We should prevent the federation from using this technology. ]--Gabriel

[ @Gabriel, you are ignorant, do you know which place in the world is the safest right now? Think about it with your waterlogged brain! ]——Munich beer

[ @Munich Beer, because the Federation has nuclear fusion technology, they passed the disaster to other regions, and the Federation must compensate other regions for this. ]——Beihai Gentleman

[I think the federal government should provide us with free electricity and food. ]——Specializes in eating Boers

[ @Specialize in eating Boers, it’s best for the federation to prepare an automatic feeding robot for each of you, otherwise I’m afraid you will be too lazy to eat and eventually starve to death! ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍]——Farmer

[Haha, now I understand why the Federation doesn’t take a stance on the major alliance. Some people just can’t hold up the wall! (Words╬)]——My little life was going well

[I once thought that the gap between humans could be changed through hard work. Now I know that the gap between humans may sometimes be wider than the gap between humans and chimpanzees. ]——Primate Research Institute

[The Federation has enough food for billions of people, why not provide it to those in need for free? ]--little angel

[The Federation is not their parent, so why does it raise these rice bugs? When I was moving bricks at the construction site, you didn't see you giving me money or food? ]——The last brick-moving person

[I am now working as a cleaner in the Great Lakes. One month’s salary is enough to support my family. If I keep working hard, the difficulties will only be temporary. ]——Jim

[As far as I know, in some tropical areas, despite the influence of extreme weather, crops can still be grown, at least much better than in high latitudes. ]——Polar bears in Mohe

[Everyone understands it. It’s pretty much the same anyway, so what’s the problem? ]——Mr. Dan

[Bird food! I have been to many backward areas. Some problems are natural and some are man-made, which I cannot understand. ]——Inspector Lei

There are all kinds of opinions on the global Internet.

Many people are accustomed to blaming other people for problems, but never look for the reasons in themselves, and never reflect on their own behavior.

For example, the food seeds that were provided to certain areas were directly eaten by them as food.

No matter how barren the land is, is it still worse than the border areas of Gan Province? I'm afraid not.

At least the land in many areas is indeed much better in terms of precipitation, sunlight, temperature and soil fertility, or even an order of magnitude better.

People can only save themselves, relying on heaven and earth to rely on others, it is better to rely on their own hands.

Those guys who are too lazy to ask for bread, really can’t figure out how to save them?

The Federation quickly carried out comprehensive public opinion guidance in the mainland and newly controlled areas, and established "temporary areas" and "basic areas" at the same time.

This partitioning strategy is, to put it bluntly, a kind of isolation.

Those who complete the transformation and meet the standards will be promoted to the basic area (equivalent to the local area); those who do not meet the standards will live in the temporary area forever.

Through this kind of screening, the entry of bad coins is blocked.

The federal government has even decided that people living in the temporary area will not have the right to raise their children, and all children will be sent to the Academy Urban Life Education.

When these people grow old, the temporary zone can be abolished.

Currently, across the Americas, according to the plan of the Temporary Civil Administration Center, 15 temporary areas are expected to be established to house so-called "temporary citizens."

The federation will give them opportunities, provide them with re-education, provide them with some jobs, and provide them with some skills training.

If you still can't change and you still refuse to change, then you really have no choice but to give up.

Regarding the doubts and public opinions from the outside world, the federation is calm inside, because the advantage now lies with the federation, and if it does not change now, it will be more troublesome in the future.

For example, about 60 kilometers north of Bismarck, an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers was designated as a temporary resettlement area.

In less than a month, more than 1.73 million people were resettled in the area. These people's job is very simple, restoring the ecological environment of North America.

Beifeng temporary resettlement area.

C13 City, formerly known as "Boissevin", was once full of maple forests, pine forests and forest meadows.

But after being devastated by volcanic ash and extreme low temperatures, many animals and plants died.

An ecological restoration team of 50 people is busy.

It's just that these people worked reluctantly, and even complained in vulgar words while turning over the soil.

But considering that once they had no credit points, they would not be able to buy anything and they might starve to death directly, they had no choice but to give in.

After all, there are no relief stations or the like in the temporary area. The federation has provided a lot of jobs, as well as skills training, re-employment, etc. If you can't find a job, then there is really no need to rescue them.

If you say you don't have skills, then you can't do street sweeping, cleaning, and some repetitive simple tasks, right?

For example, these ecological restoration teams can be lazy and work hard, but the monitoring robots above will record everything. After all, credits will be issued according to work.

The management staff of the temporary area will not be forced to work. Anyway, everything is done on a voluntary basis. Whether you starve to death or not depends on your own volition. The same goes for whether you are willing to study.

All supporting facilities are not much different from the basic area. The key is whether you are willing to change yourself.

The people who were resettled in the early stage are rapidly dividing. Some are waking up and working hard while learning new knowledge; some are just getting by, with a salary that is enough to live on. They usually spend three days fishing and two days drying nets.

Different choices bring different futures.

As the screened people continue to fill various temporary areas, the entire American society has completely turned into two worlds.

the other side.

Lucia, who had been left out for several months, finally chose to give in and only asked to retain an area of ​​150,000 square kilometers as a private reserve for the oligarchs.

At the same time, they will be supplied with corresponding materials and electricity for a period of 50 years.

Then all other places and populations were abandoned by the Lucian oligarchs.

It is equivalent to them selling these lands and people to the federation in exchange for 50 years of wealthy life and a piece of private land.

Obviously, they don't want to be directly placed under house arrest on an isolated island by the federation like the top leaders of the Noah Association.

The Federation doesn't care, so what if it's 150,000 square kilometers? It's not even a bigger prison cell, so let these people fend for themselves in it!

At this point, the Federation once again annexed most of Lucia's land and population, becoming the largest entity in the history of Blue Star.

Only the last Xizhou Alliance is still pretending to be an ostrich.

The Federation is not in a hurry either.

Thank you for your support (ω`)

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