The rise of nanometers

Chapter 715 Wrestling

January 15th.

The city of Lewiston, Washington State, has completed preliminary renovation work and expanded the area of ​​Lewiston's medium-sized civil airport by 2.4 times with a runway paved with quick-setting cement.

This area can only accommodate 5 Dapeng ground-effect transport aircraft and 12 C60 transport aircraft.

Fortunately, the expeditionary force quickly commandeered two large international airports in Seattle and Portland as transfer stations for Lewiston Airport.

Jose, who was dispatched here, was a former air force ground crew member of the US Army. At this time, he was wearing a gas helmet, driving a ground cleaning vehicle, and quickly cleaning the airport's runway.

Suddenly, a siren sounded at the airport, and on the car radio, there were bursts of Chinese broadcasts, followed by bursts of English broadcasts.

[Please note that in 10 minutes, dust removal operations will be carried out within 50 kilometers around Lewiston. Personnel working outdoors should enter the bunker in time. ]

[Please note……]

Jose hurriedly turned the steering wheel and drove the cleaning truck back to the steel structure shed. After returning to the shed, which had an internal air circulation system, he took off his gas helmet.

A few ground staff who were also former American soldiers stood by the window on the second floor, looking out at the gray sky, like a sandstorm.

Even with the constant spray of water, visibility was still pitifully low.

Ten minutes had passed when Jose came up.

At this time, bursts of fire flashed in the distance, followed by bursts of screams, and finally bursts of low roars.

This is the phenomenon where a rocket is fired nearby and then detonates in the air.

The rockets on the launch vehicle delivered 350 tons of sedimentation agent to the airspace 50 kilometers around Lewiston.

As time goes by, the settling agent quickly disperses in the air, and then reacts with the volcanic ash, condensing into small particles of volcanic ash, turning into black snow and falling on the surface.

Some relatively large condensation particles, even like small stones, crackled on the ceiling and glass windows. Fortunately, the glass windows were made of tempered glass.

In less than five minutes, the long-lost sunshine shone on the earth.

Jose stared at the blue sky outside in stunned silence. He had never felt that this blue sky was worth cherishing before.

But in the past half month, the gray weather all day long made him feel for the first time how precious this blue sky was.

"Why are you dazed? Drive out quickly, we must clear the runway within an hour." The captain of the ground team shouted loudly.

"Uh... OK!" Jose ran down immediately.

The door to the ground support area slowly opened, and a dozen cleaning vehicles and ground staff equipped with work exoskeletons quickly cleaned up the fallen black snow particles.

There are many people checking airplanes and transport planes.

Jose drove a cleaning truck to clear a runway, and found that the rocket launcher in the distance was still firing rockets to the southeast without stopping.

He knew that that direction was the direction of the Yellowstone volcano.

The settling agent after the rocket detonated is blocking the approach of the volcanic ash, and at the same time, it is opening up an air channel for the Dapeng ground-effect transport aircraft.

Thanks to the hard work of the ground staff, the airport was cleared in just 46 minutes.

Immediately, the two Dapeng ground-effect transport aircraft spewed light red flames vertically and advanced rapidly in the air more than 2,000 meters above the ground.

Pilot Fang Shihong glanced at the radar scanner and found that about 43 kilometers ahead, the concentration of volcanic ash was getting higher again.

Press the launch button. At this time, the Dapeng ground-effect transport aircraft is about 173 kilometers away from the core area of ​​the Yellowstone volcano.

In less than five minutes, he poured 2,200 tons of rockets into the core area of ​​the Yellowstone volcano.

Another transport plane projected 2,200 tons of rockets forward in a fan shape.

The roar of explosions continued to sound in the surrounding air.

Especially in the core area, 2,200 tons of rockets were dumped at once, of which about 873 tons of sedimentation agent were charged.

Fang Shihong picked up the communicator: "Report, the first team has completed the launch mission and is preparing to return."

"...Permission to return!"

At the same time, the remaining three Dapeng ground-effect transport aircraft also quickly took off to take over the launch mission of the first team to ensure the smooth execution of the dust removal plan.

On the other side, a transport plane taking off from Seattle Airport transferred a batch of settling agent that had just arrived to Lewiston Airport.

Continuous rockets were thrown into the core area and second blocking area of ​​the Yellowstone Volcano.

For a whole week, the Federation successively transported 600,000 tons of sinker rockets and more than 80,000 Forward Group soldiers to the American Expeditionary Force.

After dropping 600,000 tons of sinking agent rockets, the volcanic ash in the upwind states of Washington and Oregon has been cleared away.

Similarly, as the core area was blocked, the erupted volcanic ash settled down in time. Through satellite cloud images, obvious fault areas appeared in the volcanic ash in the westerly circulation.

This is the effect of the dust removal plan.

After the expeditionary force on the other side quickly took control of the west coast of America, it began to use local infrastructure and factories to prepare on-site production of settling agents and rockets to reduce logistical pressure.

California and Nevada, which were included in the second batch of cleanup areas, fire rockets every day to continuously clean up the volcanic ash drifting from the northeast.

San Francisco city area.

Tom's family was hiding in a simple small apartment, looking at his eight-year-old daughter and his sick wife. He looked out the window in despair. The unchanging gray made it difficult to distinguish between day and night.

He was planning to pick up a mask and goggles and go to the nearby supermarket to see if there was any food.

This sudden catastrophe has left many locals with no savings in a desperate situation in a doomsday environment with soaring material prices.

The food in Tom's house is only enough to feed a family of three for two more days. If they don't buy food for another two days, they will really be doomed.

Moreover, my wife's respiratory infection has become more and more serious. Now the hospital is in a state of semi-shutdown. It's not that there is no equipment and medical staff, but there is not enough medicine and consumables.

Just when he was about to put on a mask and go out.

There were waves of low roars in the sky. The sound made Tom panic and stopped for a moment.

When the curtains were opened, the low roar was still ringing continuously, as if a large-scale bombing was being carried out.

Recalling the rumors in the community the day before yesterday, San Francisco seemed to be controlled by federal troops. Could it be that there was going to be a war? Tom's expression became even more desperate.

Just over an hour later, he discovered that something was wrong. First there was a crackling sound outside, and then it seemed like sunlight was shining in.

what happened?

Is it a miracle?

The roaring sound was still coming, but the light outside became more and more obvious, and the strange crackling sounds became less and less.

It wasn't until two hours later that the frightened Tom found the courage to open the door cautiously.

When he came to the street, he couldn't help but wipe his goggles, and then stared dumbfoundedly at the azure sky in front of him, and the streets and alleys covered with a layer of black particles.

Oh my God!

The gray fog has disappeared!

At this moment, a cleaning vehicle and a dozen soldiers with brooms and shovels were on the street in front, cleaning up the sediment along the way.

Looking at the logo that was different from that of the American army and the distinctive drone armor, Tom's expression was a little unresponsive.

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