The rise of nanometers

Chapter 712 Highway of Death

Seven days have passed since the Yellowstone volcano erupted.

During this period, a total of four large-scale eruptions occurred. Each major eruption not only triggered volcanic earthquakes.

It means that tens of thousands of tons of volcanic ash are sprayed into the stratosphere, and huge magma spreads in all directions.

Due to terrain constraints, the Snake River Valley to the southwest of Yellowstone Park and Montana to the northeast of Yellowstone Park have become vents for volcanic magma.

Billings, the capital of Montana, which is only about 224 kilometers away from the Yellowstone volcano, has been submerged in more than ten meters of hot magma.

The refugees who fled to the east drove their cars and carried sparse living supplies through the snowstorm.

North Dakota and South Dakota on the eastern side of Montana are the only way for escapees, but too many people are driving, coupled with panic and nervousness, traffic accidents continue to occur on the roads.

In the sky, in addition to the gloomy dark clouds, there is a cold wind with the smell of sulfur.

On the highway, the vehicles of the fugitives were crowded on the highway, and even the opposite lane was occupied by vehicles trying to escape eastward.

A Toyota pickup truck was burning on the roadside, and there were many people without vehicles who could only wear scarves, small masks and glasses.

As they trudged toward the unreachable east, they asked for help from vehicles along the way, hoping that some kind-hearted people could take them with them.

Bang bang...

Fake squid!

Bastard, do you want to die?


All kinds of noises fill the crowded highway, and the darkness or beauty of human nature is exposed at this moment.

From time to time there was a burst of gunfire and a burst of screams.

A woman holding a child was slapping the windows of vehicles along the way: "Sir, can you take me a short distance?"

"Hello! Sir, may I ask..."

The people in the car were silent except for silence.

It's not that they want to die without saving anything, but they have learned a painful lesson before. A kind driver opened the car door for a fugitive on foot, but the fugitive hijacked the car and supplies.

Now that they dare to open the car door, it is estimated that the surrounding fleeers on foot will instantly swarm them.

Many drivers even keep handguns nearby, and will pick up their handguns to be on guard when someone approaches.

Several fugitives on foot with rudimentary protective equipment stared at the vehicles along the way, with hatred and ferocity in their eyes.

Suddenly they saw an old-fashioned Beetle with only a woman and a child inside, and the gang quickly rushed over.

The hammer instantly smashed the car window glass, and a revolver spit out scorching fire, followed by several gunshots and a burst of screams.

On the road covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash, three bodies were left that had not yet cooled down. The woman's pupils were full of fear and pain, and she seemed to be telling the passing fugitives about the filth and sin of the world. .

But the fugitives, who had long been numb, showed no mercy or even a trace of happy hatred.

Such human tragedies are happening one after another on this highway of death, but the so-called rescue from Noah has not arrived yet.

It's not that Noah will not take action, but that they are busy saving the directors' properties at this time, and there is no time to care about the life and death of these untouchables.

The volcanic ash that continues to erupt continues to drift toward the Great Lakes region, the Mississippi River Basin, and the Florida Peninsula in the east along with the westerly circulation and the harsh northerly winds in the troposphere.

Black snow was falling all along the way, and even on the Florida Peninsula, which is farthest from the Yellowstone volcano, the volcanic ash on the ground reached 4 to 6 millimeters.

On the five Great Lakes that were completely frozen, the pure white ice and snow world of previous years was no longer there, but instead it was black and gray.

The top leaders of the Noah Society have urgently moved to the suburbs of Austin, Texas. From the underground base, they are directing various tasks through the optical fiber network.

Old Morgan, Dupont, Rockefeller and others were in the conference room, listening to the reports from various places, and their faces became increasingly ugly.

Columbus, who was in charge of intelligence gathering, said sadly: "Directors, the three states of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho have completely collapsed, including many secret bases hidden underground, and they have not escaped the impact..."

In fact, there was no need for him to report it. Old Morgan and others knew that those three states were in danger.

Four consecutive major earthquakes exceeding magnitude 7, overwhelming volcanic ash, and magma surges like flash floods.

Even a permanent base that can resist nuclear bombs cannot withstand the continuous destruction of this kind of natural force.

Many nearby underground bases had their buildings torn apart by earthquakes, and then the ensuing magma surge poured into their interiors. Even if the personnel inside did not die in the earthquake, they would have been smoldering to death by the magma.

"Due to the Rocky Mountains and wind direction, there are currently no severely affected areas, except for the states on the west coast, and the southern areas are also affected by volcanic ash..."

Dupont and Rockefeller looked at each other, both showing a hint of pain and helplessness.

For the Noah Society, the Great Lakes region, the Mississippi River Basin, and the Florida Peninsula Plains in North America are the real highlights.

As for the West Coast areas that have not been affected, California has relatively high potential, while other areas on the West Coast are mountainous.

"Is there any way to prevent the Yellowstone volcano from continuing to erupt?" Old Morgan asked uneasily.

A geologist among the think tank consultants stood up tremblingly: "Mr. Morgan, it is a pity that with our current technological level, it is almost impossible to prevent the Yellowstone volcano from continuing to erupt."


"But what?" Dupont asked sharply.

The geologist replied hesitantly: "Maybe the Chinese Federation has a way. After all, they have been blocking volcanic ash in western Asia by launching sedimentation agents for the past week."

Rockefeller shook his head gloomily: "Even if the other party agrees to sell the settling agent, volcanic ash has now covered most of North America, and the damage to the local environment is irreversible."

Another meteorologist stood up and added: "Directors, if it is not stopped, volcanic ash will cover most of the Blue Star within a month. By then, the Ice Age will accelerate, and we are about to face the most terrible disaster in history."

"Damn it! It's all that guy Binks!" a director cursed through gritted teeth.

Old Morgan sighed: "Send someone to Peiping! We need to talk and prepare to purchase a batch of settling agents first."

As for the threat of mutual destruction, Old Morgan and others already understood that they had completely lost, and the essence of North America was severely damaged by the Yellowstone volcano.

If the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano is not solved, the social development of North America will be set back for decades, and the loss of various materials and manpower will have already injured Noah.

In addition, Blue Star may enter an ice age next.

The Federation's preparations are very sufficient. Even if all the nuclear bombs are self-detonated, the other side will not make any retreat.

Under the impact of the overwhelming volcanic ash, Xizhou and Lucia were almost half disabled. If the next ice age cannot be avoided, these two forces will basically collapse directly.

Compared to the Federation, which has a system of super-large greenhouses, other forces not only failed to develop their social productivity during the Ice Age, but even experienced massive regression.

The regression of social productivity means shortages of supplies and a sharp decline in population. If it is not properly controlled, it is not impossible for the social system to collapse directly.

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