The rise of nanometers

Chapter 710 Yellowstone Distortion

"The newspaper needs you to go to North America."

Upon hearing this assignment, Hasegawa frowned: "Editor-in-chief, although I personally really want to go, it is probably difficult to get a work visa in North America now."

"I am ready, along with three other assistants, and I estimate that the visa approval can be maintained within three days."

"Okay! I'll get ready right away."

The time goes back to 11 minutes ago.

The No. 4 well at the Moran base has been conducting experiments for more than a month, and the No. 5 well has also completed the implantation of experimental facilities and can start experiments.

The high-spirited Dr. Harry brought a director of the Noah Society to personally inspect the first experimental test of Well No. 5.

He introduced the pot-bellied director respectfully: "Mr. Binks, according to my estimation, Well No. 5 can produce at least 30,000 megawatts of electrical energy output. If the technology is improved, it can be further improved."

"Where's the cost?" Binks, who seems to be full of fat, is actually very shrewd.

Dr. Harry replied with some embarrassment: "The initial investment cost of digging a deep well and adding power generation facilities is estimated to be about 2.4 billion yuan. However, after large-scale mass production, the cost will further decrease."

"2.4 billion?" Binx calculated. Although the initial investment cost was quite high, the later operating costs did not require much.

After all, geothermal power generation does not require coal, natural gas, or nuclear fuel.

If you want to further improve efficiency, you can add a composite thermal power generation unit to use hot wastewater to further generate electricity.

Thermal wastewater can also be used for urban heating.

The absence of fuel means that there is no need to invest in fuel costs during normal operations. This is a good deal for capitalists.

If the generated power is 30,000 megawatts, the current electricity price in North America is about an average of 0.27 meters per kilowatt-hour, which is a revenue of 8.1 million meters per hour.

After deducting other costs, the profit is about 2 to 3 million yuan per hour. The initial investment of 2.4 billion can be recovered in one or two years.

Binx nodded: "Very good, Dr. Harry, I will continue to support your research, and I hope you will not disappoint me."

Dr. Harry and the staff at the research base couldn't help but look excited.

"Definitely, Mr. Binks, we will definitely complete this technology." Dr. Harry replied confidently.

Binx waved his hand: "Then let's start the experiment!"

"Yes." Dr. Harry turned his head and shouted to the staff: "Start filling water now, and the first test of Well No. 5 begins!"

The excited staff were also gearing up, and soon a stream of cold water was injected into the hot water circulation system.

In the depths of Well No. 5, as the cold water entered, there was a low rumble, as if hell was roaring low.

Well No. 5, with a depth of 6,000 meters, contains even greater geothermal energy. This is also one of the underground magma lake branches of the Yellowstone volcano.

Seeing the continuous flow of high-temperature and high-pressure water resources pouring out of the hot water circulation pipes, as well as the heat energy that was slightly more than expected, Dr. Harry laughed wildly:

"Haha, the theoretical power generation capacity of 63,000 megawatts can definitely exceed 30,000 megawatts. We have succeeded again!"

Bang bang bang! There was thunderous applause, and even Binx applauded Dr. Harry for his own wallet.

But before they had time to react, something extremely joyful happened. Stimulated by the cold water, part of the high-temperature rock formations in the underground rock formations quickly burst due to thermal expansion and contraction.

An earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale instantly erupted underground at the Moran base.

"Oh my God!"

"Run away..."


The earthquake wave tore apart the building savagely, and the people who were directly killed were lucky, because next...

The hot water circulation pipe burst directly, and high-temperature and high-pressure water vapor emerged from the base. Before Dr. Harry, Director Binx and others could stand still, they encountered the high-temperature and high-pressure water vapor sweeping towards them.



The screams suddenly stopped, or continued to wail, or gradually weakened.

The high-temperature and high-pressure water vapor of several hundred degrees Celsius is enough to scald the human body's skin in an instant. It would be better if it was directly scalded to death, but it would be better if it did not die immediately.

For example, Binks was protected by several security personnel. More than 37% of his body was severely burned, but he did not die.

The feeling of excruciating pain made him wail incessantly, and he even wished he could kill himself immediately.

In the miserable Moran base, high-temperature and high-pressure water vapor is still raging.

At the same time, the rock formation explosion under the Moran Base not only triggered a 6.8-magnitude earthquake, but also affected the magma column of the Yellowstone volcano and the stability of surrounding rock formations.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of tons of volcanic ash, magma, and rock fragments rose into the sky with a roar from the center of the Yellowstone volcano, reaching as high as the upper stratosphere.

What followed was a volcanic earthquake caused by the volcanic eruption. A strong earthquake of about 7.7 on the Richter scale swept across northwest Wyoming.

The apocalyptic natural power left locals within dozens of kilometers unable to even escape.

Because the high-temperature volcanic ash encounters the cold air in winter, it quickly cools and floats in all directions with the wind. The volcanic ash settles to the ground, immediately posing a fatal danger to the surrounding environment.

Many locals who were outdoors did not have time to enter the bunker and fell down in pain after inhaling a large amount of volcanic ash.

Then there is the magma erupted by the Yellowstone volcano, spewing out in all directions like ocean waves.

In less than 10 minutes, the hot magma covered an area with a radius of 15 kilometers, and it continued to spread outward.

Small-scale eruptions occur from time to time, releasing the magma and heat energy accumulated underground for two million years to the surroundings.

According to the high-altitude westerly circulation, the volcanic ash erupted by the Yellowstone volcano will spread to most of the entire northern hemisphere in less than two days.

It was too late to stop it at this point. North America suffered the bitter pill of arrogance first, and then the whole world.

The federal government responded very quickly and immediately entered a state of emergency. Personnel without protective equipment were strictly prohibited from leaving the protective bunker.

A large number of protective clothing and protective helmets stored in emergency warehouses were distributed to the public, and a large number of professional personnel were urgently recruited.

Fortunately, the federal government has frequently popularized disaster emergency knowledge in recent years, and many people quickly adapted to it after being briefly overwhelmed.

It's just that in North America at this time, although the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano was not a natural eruption and its power was greatly weakened, its fatal impact had already spread.

For example, in the city of Moran, which was about to be buried by magma, the volcanic ash settled to a thickness of about 13 centimeters in less than two hours.

Under the north wind, areas in the downwind direction are also in bad luck.

By the time Noah would declare a state of emergency, more than 273,000 people had died directly, and more than 3 million people had suffered varying degrees of injuries.

The terrifying power of nature seems to be mocking human beings' overestimation of their own capabilities.

The continuous eruptions of the Yellowstone volcano are still transporting tens of thousands of tons of volcanic ash and various harmful gases into the atmosphere.

Coupled with its own small glacier climate, Blue Star is about to enter a frozen state.

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