The rise of nanometers

Chapter 700 Evolution (4)

His gaze returned to Blue Star.

Australia, Victoria Desert.

In the research institute that was previously responsible for studying the gene sequence of fluorescent fungi, Li Mingyu's team made a preliminary personnel adjustment due to the adjustment of the research project.

About 40 researchers were assigned to the new research project, and the remaining staff were supplemented by 60 college students who had just graduated this year to start new research work.

Li Mingyu has participated in biotechnology virtual seminars before, and his current job is to prepare controllable fluorescent fungi.

After studying the preliminary genetic blueprint of the fluorescent fungus, Li Mingyu already has some ideas for transforming the fluorescent fungus, and now he is making some attempts.

In the laboratory.

Various instruments were displayed coldly.

Under the cold white light, researchers wearing nano-protective suits were busy in silence.

10 white mice squeaked in the cage. Their tiny brains seemed not to notice the danger.

Assistant Fan Sen picked up a syringe, which contained a light blue liquid, which was a genetically modified fluorescent fungus spore solution.

One of the mice was fixed on a small fixed frame, and then he injected 0.2 ml of solution into the mouse without hesitation.

The frightened white mouse squeaked.

As the solution was injected, the white mouse seemed to have no reaction, and returned to normal after a while, with its dark eyes moving constantly.

Fan Sen ignored the mouse's reaction and continued to operate, injecting the solution into the other nine mice one by one.

They are not conducting such experiments in one laboratory. There are three laboratories in the entire institute doing similar experiments.

When Fan Sen reported the experiment report to Li Mingyu, it was already a week later.

Researchers from the three laboratories were all gathered in the conference room. Li Mingyu listened to their reports and wrote down the summary contents.

Fan Sen took the experimental report: "Boss, during the experiment, I found that some mice can withstand genetic mutations, namely..."

Hearing this, Li Mingyu raised his head: "Have you compared the genetic sequences of the mice?"

"After comparison, we found that mice containing the following gene fragments... will develop an obvious resistance during the mutation process." Fan Sen said while calling up the gene sequences of 10 mice.

Looking at the gene sequence on the projection screen and the special gene fragments marked in red fonts, Li Mingyu showed an expression that was indeed true.

The reports from the other two laboratories were similar.

"As expected."

"Really?" Fan Sen asked in confusion.

Li Mingyu raised his glasses and explained: "This is a very confidential research. After we obtained the sample of the fluorescent fungus, Academician Huang once proposed a theory, that is, in ancient times, microorganisms from Mars were very likely to have invaded. Live through Blue Star’s ecosystem.”

"Ancient times? Is this possible? But how to prove it?" Another researcher asked doubtfully.

"This is why I did this experiment." After Li Mingyu finished speaking, he called up a very high-level investigation report and projected it on the screen: "Take a look!"

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the content on the curtain, there was a lot of content on it.


"That's actually the case."

"In ancient times, there were microorganisms from Mars or other aliens that invaded the Blue Star."

"Our probe on Mars actually discovered 17 different kinds of microorganisms and analyzed their genetic sequences."

The researchers were surprised and delighted.

Regarding Mars and other planets in the solar system, the Federation naturally did not stop and launched a large number of exploration spacecrafts one after another.

For example, on Mars, the Federal Space Agency has successively launched 18 exploration spacecraft in recent years, 9 of which have directly landed on Mars.

Compared with NASA, which has insufficient transportation capacity, the Federal Space Agency not only launches more spacecraft, but the weight of a single spacecraft is also very large.

The spacecraft is heavy enough, so naturally it carries a lot of scientific research equipment.

Although there are no plans to return to Blue Star, it is more than enough to use the scientific research equipment on the spacecraft to collect soil on the surface of Mars and analyze whether there are living things in it.

During this series of explorations, the space agency discovered 17 species of Martian organisms through the equipment carried by the landing spacecraft.

Among them, 3 types of fungi, 8 types of bacteria, and 6 types of viruses are all microorganisms.

Among the three types of fungi, there is the fluorescent fungus.

"These microorganisms discovered on Mars are the responsibility of the Institute of Extraterrestrial Biology under the space agency, while the Blue Star Biogene Research Institute is responsible for finding the overlap between Blue Star biological genes and Martian biological genes."

Li Mingyu pointed to a part of it that was marked in red font.

These contents are the genetic fragments shared by blue star organisms and Martian organisms.

According to relevant research findings, among the 17 species of Martian microorganisms that have been discovered so far, the gene fragments of 6 microorganisms overlap with the gene fragments of some organisms on the Blue Star.

These six types of Martian microorganisms do not include the currently frightening fluorescent fungi.

Although no fluorescent fungi have been found that have visited the ancient blue star, six species of other Martian microorganisms have visited the ancient blue star and left their ancestral genes in the blue star ecosystem.

Of course, there is actually another possibility.

That is the ancient blue star. It is also possible that microorganisms were exported in reverse, that is, the microorganisms on Mars may have come from the past of the blue star.

However, considering the special structure of the Blue Star, its dense atmosphere, and the existence of the moon as a gatekeeper, even if a large asteroid hits the Blue Star, the sputtered debris is unlikely to fly out.

Although there is a certain probability, judging from the structure, physical properties, and astronomical positions of the two planets, Mars and Blue Star, the possibility of sputtering debris from Blue Star is about two orders of magnitude lower than that of Mars.

From this point of view, the vast majority of researchers agree that microorganisms were born on Mars itself, and after being hit by an asteroid, they were carried to the blue star by debris.

After reading these contents, Fan Sen suddenly realized: "Head, the part of the genes of those mice that quickly produced antibodies turned out to be the genes of Martian microorganisms."

"That's right, we humans also have genetic fragments of Martian microorganisms in our bodies." Li Mingyu continued:

"My assumption is correct. The gene fragments of Martian microorganisms contain gene sequences that resist fluorescent fungi. Of course, activating these recessive genes is not a wise move."

"..." The other researchers thought for a while and agreed not to activate the recessive gene.

There are indeed many microbial genes hidden in the human gene sequence. These are actually by-products of evolution accumulated over hundreds of millions of years in the process of human evolution.

In modern genetics, it has been discovered that there are many genes hidden in the human gene sequence that seem useless but have been inherited by humans.

The most obvious example is HIV, an RNA virus that uses human genes to replicate itself through reverse transcription.

However, the process of reverse transcription is not smooth sailing. It is possible that during the reverse transcription process, due to the influence of unexpected factors, reverse transcription fails, but the viral gene has been chimeric into the human gene.

Or in the process of naturally resisting viruses, bacteria, and fungi, the body produces antibodies. In this process, the genetic sequence of microorganisms may also be chimeric into the human genetic sequence.

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