The rise of nanometers

Chapter 698 Undercurrent and confusion

South America.

In Little Venice.

This oil country in South America has now fallen into internal and external difficulties due to the continuous economic crisis and the suppression of the Noahic Society.

However, the plight of Little Venice is a good opportunity for rapid development for many gray forces.

Little Venice is a typical tropical area, especially the Orinoco River Basin close to the South Atlantic Ocean in the north, with high temperatures and rain all year round, a typical tropical rainforest climate.

At this time, due to internal economic problems in Little Venice, not only prices and currency collapsed, but also various social productions fell into retrogression.

But it is also in this environment that many gray forces are rapidly taking root.

Valentin, who has been busy here for more than half a year, is now in Zulia state in Little Venice.

The terrain of Zulia State is very peculiar. In the middle is a large lake, Lake Maracaibo, and then there is the surrounding plain around Lake Maracaibo. Beyond the surrounding plain, there are tall mountains and highlands.

Looking down from outer space, it looks like a large pincer. Except for the northern part and the Little Venice Bay, which are connected to the coastal plain, the other three sides are surrounded by high mountains and highlands.

If it were an era without aircraft and missiles, this would definitely be an important place that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

However, now that we have entered the era of science and technology, the role of terrain in protecting an area is getting smaller and smaller, and it will instead become a problem that limits development.

Fortunately, the northern part of Zulia State is a coastal area, and the bay is connected to Lake Maracaibo, which brings relatively convenient transportation to the inner lake.

The transportation here is convenient, and there are hot climates around the lake and coastal plains, as well as abundant rainfall, but it just cannot develop.

To a certain extent, the superiority of geographical climate does not necessarily mean that it can develop well. It also depends on the system and race.

If this place is handed over to the federation, I dare not say it will surpass the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta, but it will definitely develop better than Bashu.

Of course, this place now is nothing more than a piece of chicken ribs for the Federation. Although it is only a little troublesome to take it down.

However, considering the location of South America and the neurotic Noah Association, the Federation will naturally not end directly at this time. At most, it will support agents and compete with Noah Association.

The Thomas remnants of Little Venice have one of their three core branches in South America, one in the state of Zulia.

The time at this time is already September 24, 2016.

The city of Cavimas, a lakeside city in Zulia state, is about 7 kilometers east and is a large area of ​​farms.

A large number of dragon fruits, avocados and pineapples are grown here, but inside this farm are Valentine, who has been hiding for a long time, and some core personnel who have withdrawn from the Maple Leaf Kingdom, including a stand-in for Thomas.

On the high ground on the east side of the farm is a fruit canning factory, and next to the factory are a dozen small villas.

Standing on the balcony of the villa, Thomas (the stand-in) looked into the distance with an expressionless face. In the avocado forest, many migrant workers were picking avocados.

He picked up a glass of dragon fruit juice and took a few sips casually.

Valentin, who had just come back, appeared behind him at some point and said respectfully: "Sir, there is something going on over there at Noah's Club."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Valentin quickly replied: "According to the report from the 8 of Spades, about two months ago, a meteorite fragment was collected at the Moon's Outpost 2 base, and the Mars fungus (Luminous Fungus) was extracted from it."

"Mars?" Thomas raised his eyebrows: "Is there any more?"

"One of the astronauts was infected and died due to improper operation. Now Mars is temporarily sealed in Outpost 2."

He was slightly surprised by this: "Are those guys so honest?"

Valentin shook his head: "It's not that they don't want to transport it back to Blue Star, but the Federation has also discovered the presence of Mars fungus on meteorites. The so-called cooperation with the Moon Gate Space Station some time ago was actually an attempt by the Federation to restrict Nono. Yahui.”

"That's it." Thomas suddenly realized.

Valentine continued: "Sir, our people are now unable to access the core of the Noah Society. Just like this information, by the time we got it, more than two months had passed. We are really unwilling to accept it!"

"Okay, this is just a temporary hibernation." Thomas waved his hand.

Although he was very unwilling to do so, the series of blows he suffered over the past year also made him realize that there was a force secretly adding fuel to the fire.

And he also had a clear target of suspicion.

So what if he knew that the opponent's strength was unfathomable. Not to mention that he was like a lost dog now. Even when he was still in the Noah Society, he couldn't confront the opponent head-on.

He picked up the cup and sipped the dragon juice while thinking about the next thing.

The current situation seemed calm, but in fact there was an undercurrent, and he could feel a sense of oppression.

What will the federation do next? This is a question that Thomas has been thinking about. He does not believe that the Federation will maintain the status quo.

If he cannot figure out the federation's next move, he may fall into passivity, and this passivity is very likely to be fatal.

After re-analyzing the Federation's actions over the years, Thomas fell into deep thought. According to his estimation, the Federation actually has the strength to unify Blue Star.

It's just that the other side has been standing still. Except for occasionally supporting agents and fighting with other forces, there are very few direct confrontations on the surface.

This made him puzzled and vaguely uneasy.

In fact, you can't blame Thomas for not understanding it, although the Federation's current aerospace technology seems to be very impressive.

But other forces are not completely desperate, because they know that humans cannot survive in outer space for a long time. Even if the Federation builds a city on the moon, it will not be able to live on it for a long time.

Unable to live on the moon for a long time, there is naturally no way to truly escape from Blue Star. Then the other forces' strategy of perish together will not lose deterrence, and the balance can still be maintained.

But the real technology of the Federation has actually surpassed that of other forces by a lot. After all, it is a superpower with a population of nearly two billion, and the quality of these people is also gradually improving.

As time goes by, the federal research and development power will become more and more terrifying.

Although Thomas is very afraid of the Federation, he does not know the true strength of the Federation. He can only evaluate it based on the information on the surface and double it.

But this doubled comprehensive strength assessment is still the tip of the iceberg.

If the Federation is now willing to directly enter a wartime state, it can explode to more than ten times its comprehensive strength at any time.

After all, there is a huge population, a constant accumulation of high-quality talents, controllable nuclear fusion technology, materials sufficient to ensure a prosperous life for everyone, efficient mineral refining and compound synthesis technology, etc.

With this series of conditions, once it enters a wartime state, its comprehensive strength will be more than ten times greater, which is more than enough.

Therefore, both the Noah Society and Thomas, although they had calculated higher, still underestimated the true strength of the Federation.

This error in strength assessment has caused them to be unable to figure out the true intentions of the federation.

Thomas, who was thinking hard for a long time, still couldn't make up his mind, but he didn't sit still and decided to speed up part of the plan.

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