The rise of nanometers

Chapter 691 Wandering (2)

On the third day, it was around 6:30 in the morning.

Wang Ziqiang and others had already prepared in advance, put on their space suits and entered the space capsule.

There were two pilots accompanying him. At this time, they were communicating with the command center and activating the automatic detection system inside the spacecraft.

The five people sitting in the cabin, who were fixed, were a little nervous and apprehensive at this time, but they didn't speak and just waited quietly.

Even though I knew that the launch vehicle of the Greater China Federation had a very high success rate, I still couldn't help but feel my heart beat faster when I boarded the spacecraft for the first time.

[Please note that the Shenzhou spacecraft will take off in 15 minutes...]

The announcer's voice sounded in the cabin and cockpit, and then the last automatic inspection of the spacecraft was completed.

The spacesuits worn by tourists are old-fashioned spacesuits, while the spacesuits worn by the two astronauts are the latest version of spacesuits that can enter anti-gravity mode.

At this time, the respiratory tract and digestive tract of the two astronauts were filled with special liquid, and the gap between the body and the space suit was also filled with a large amount of liquid.

Both the inside and outside of the body are in a liquid environment, which allows astronauts to withstand relatively high acceleration loads.

10...9...0, launch!

The main engine of the Golden Wing Dapeng transport aircraft spits out light red flames, pushing the transport aircraft and the launch vehicle to fly high into the sky together.

As the Golden Winged Roc took off.

Wang Ziqiang, Hasegawa and others felt a strong back push, but the acceleration did not exceed the human body's compression limit.

The acceleration load of the Golden Wing Dapeng is currently around 3.2 to 5.3G after adjustment.

The acceleration of the Chang 11 launch vehicle after breaking away from the Golden Wing Dapeng is similar, about 3.5 to 5.5G.

After more than a month of adaptive training, tourists can still bear the load.

Anyway, the spacecraft does not require tourists to operate it, and the astronauts responsible for controlling the spacecraft are equipped with hydraulic space suits, which can easily carry loads of 30-60G, let alone 3-6G.

This is the power of a hydraulic spacesuit.

Of course, the hydraulic spacesuit is not without its shortcomings. The main issues are cost and practicality. The cost of the spacesuit itself is not too high. The key is to ensure the normal use of the hydraulic spacesuit, and the astronauts must undergo certain human body modifications. .

For example, implanting the respiratory valve system and the digestive tract valve system requires semi-permanent modification of the astronaut's body.

This method can only be applied to astronauts, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary tourists to undergo body modification specifically for a space trip.

Not only is the transformation cost high, but whether it can accept such transformation is also a big problem.

After all, not everyone can accept human body modification unless the modification can be restored.

However, the current human body modification technology can only be modified, but it is difficult to fully recover. Astronauts have received professional training and are mainly military personnel, so they can accept this kind of modification, but ordinary people obviously have different reactions.

Some people don't care, and some people naturally have concerns.

At the top of the stratosphere, near an altitude of 50 kilometers, the Golden Wing Dapeng and the Chang 11 carrier rocket successfully separated. The carrier rocket rushed upward diagonally towards the Karman Line, while the Golden Winged Dapeng, having completed its mission, calmly flew back to Tanegashima Space City. .

For the tourists in the cabin, this separation is just a slight shock, and then returns to normal.

A few minutes later, the launch vehicle broke through the Karman line. When the flight orbit reached an orbit of 250 kilometers, the 11-year-old core first stage automatically detached, and then the core first stage used the remaining fuel to return to the Blue Star atmosphere.

At this time, the tourists inside the spacecraft heard the electronic synthesized voice of the broadcast system: [Dear passengers, flight 15072801 has passed the Karmen Line and will arrive at the Tiangong Space Station in 2 hours. ]

"Huh!" Lu Tengwen, the restaurant owner, breathed a sigh of relief.

Others also relaxed. They had learned the relevant common sense at the training base.

In a space launch mission, the most dangerous stage is when the launch vehicle is in the atmosphere between the ground and the Kármán line.

As long as the launch vehicle successfully breaks through the Karman line, the risk of this launch mission will be reduced by more than 90%.

Now they have officially entered outer space.

However, there is no window in the passenger compartment, so there is no way to see what is going on outside.

In fact, even if there is a window, at most you can see the Blue Star, the moon, the sun, other planets or starlight, and you basically don’t have to think about it.

Don't look at many pictures of the universe. It looks like a cosmic scene filled with stars and a sea of ​​stars. In fact, it is a computer-generated rendering.

In real space observation, even if there is starlight, it is very monotonous, or requires special equipment to see it.

Two hours later.

[Dear passengers, this flight has arrived at the Tiangong Space Station. Please prepare to enter the space station under the guidance of the astronauts. ]

"Great, it's finally here." Wang Ziqiang said excitedly.

Others were also smiling.

At this time, the Tiangong Space Station is located at an altitude of 453 kilometers in low-Earth orbit, and its scale has expanded a lot.

When Brian stepped onto the berth transportation module of the Tiangong Space Station under the guidance of astronauts, he saw a shocking scene through the coated transparent dome of the transportation module.

The entire Tiangong Space Station seemed like a giant spectacle, giving him a sense of insignificance.

After many upgrades and transformations, the Tiangong Space Station, Greater China's first space station, has expanded more than ten times.

At this time, the Tiangong Space Station has 237 space capsules of various sizes, and a spiral column made of super-strong materials is arranged in the middle. The overall weight reaches 15,300 tons.

Due to the continuous improvement of space capsule technology, today's space capsules are becoming more and more advanced. Not only the unit weight is gradually decreasing, but the unit cost is also decreasing.

The 15,300-ton Tiangong Space Station has a total volume of 43,700 cubic meters, which is comparable to a 50,000-ton cargo ship.

Even due to the structure of the space station, from the outside, the Tiangong Space Station looks several times larger than a 50,000-ton cargo ship.

After all, the space station is composed of large and small space capsules, and there is a lot of dead space inside, so it looks very huge.

For such a large space station floating in low-Earth orbit, safety issues actually require special attention.

After all, in low-Earth orbit, there is a lot of space junk left over from human exploration of space. In order to ensure the safety of the Tiangong Space Station, a large number of buffer foam armors and laser cannons are installed on the outer layer of the space station to clean up space junk. such as.

This is also one of the guarantees that Tiangong Space Station and Tianmen Space Station have not had any major accidents.

Brian was floating and looking out the window in stunned silence.

“Doesn’t it feel like a small city?”

Hearing Hasegawa's words, Brian nodded: "Yes, it's so shocking, as if I have entered the future world."

Zhang Yang, a network engineer floating in front, turned around and smiled: "The Tiangong Space Station has reached its limit. The Tianmen Space Station is the real behemoth. I heard that after the second phase of the project is completed, it will reach 26,000 tons."

"No, Tianmen is actually nothing." Wang Ziqiang explained: "It is the real behemoth in Guanghan Palace City on the moon. After all, it can already produce some of its own space capsule parts."

"That's true."

Brian was a little confused, as if drifting with the current, he drifted into the inspection cabin.

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