The rise of nanometers

Chapter 643 Speculation

Another reason for choosing Rick Kahn as the breakthrough point is that Kahn's company contracted about 39% of the confidential monitoring bracelets.

During the transformation process of Yansha Base, due to the existence of Aikenhank, the military-industrial faction naturally had to win orders for their own people.

All this is within the calculations of the Intelligence Division.

The monitoring bracelet has the functions of eavesdropping, body temperature, heartbeat, and positioning. If Mark cannot get rid of this bracelet, he will be targeted by the mastermind as soon as he leaves Utah.

You must know that the intranet monitoring system of Noah Club was jointly built by Microsoft, Google and Apple. Among these three companies, a large part of the management is from the new technology group, and the remaining part is for money. Desperate financial faction.

This is also one of the reasons why the Kahn Group is gradually growing among the military-industrial faction, because the Kahn Group is one of the few companies with Internet technology among the military-industrial faction.

A group of military-industrial directors naturally understand the future trend, but the Internet is not something that can be developed only by development. Companies such as Microsoft and Google have a huge first-mover advantage.

Just like the domestic ABT before, after monopolizing the industry, they will frantically merge small and medium-sized enterprises and suppress those enterprises that are unwilling to cooperate.

Even with the strong support of the military-industrial faction, Kahn is still in a very passive situation as he is connected to the Internet and can only do some peripheral business.

Fortunately, the military's internal network is dominated by the Kahn system, otherwise the masterminds behind the scenes would be even more unscrupulous.

Since it was Rick Kahn's private plane, aviation management didn't know Mark was on the plane and had flown out of Utah.

Two hours later.

The plane landed quietly at the airport near Fort Worth, and the escort convoy that had been prepared long ago took the airtightly protected Mark to the Kahn Manor.

In order to meet Mark, Rick Kahn even canceled two important trips.

In the living room, the firewood burned slowly in the fireplace.

Mark took a sip of hot coffee to relieve his inner uneasiness and tension.

After a while, Rick Kahn, wearing a wool vest, appeared in front of Mark and saw him sitting calmly on the sofa opposite.

"Mark Remington, I'm Rick Kahn, and I can tell you what you're up to."

Mark paused for a moment, organized his words and replied: "Mr. Kahn, I don't know the specific meaning of those three words. They were revealed to me by Director Aikenhank."

"Hank?" Rick Kahn didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm: "Continue."

"I came to see you this time because I was entrusted by Director Hank to inform you of important information."

Rick Kahn stared at the young man in front of him: "Why doesn't Hank come by himself? Instead, he comes through you?"

"Director Hank may be controlled by mysterious forces because he discovered that the brain-reading device has a hidden brainwashing function."

"Controlled? How could he give you orders?" Rick Kahn didn't believe it.

Mark quickly explained: "Because Director Hank secretly took an antidepressant before doing the loyalty test. This drug seems to be able to offset a certain degree of brainwashing."

"And because of this, he discovered the secrets of Valentine and others. Since his identity is very sensitive, Yansha Base monitors him very closely. He may be brainwashed twice. Director Hank is worried that he will not be able to handle it. brainwashing,……"

Mark described the matter succinctly.

After listening to Mark's explanation, although he looked calm on the surface, he became serious inside.

If what Mark said is false, then the matter is not too serious. At most, there is a problem with the management of the salt sand base.

If what Mark said is true, then the matter is too serious, even more serious than the threat from the foreign enemy Greater China.

After all, brainwashing and thought control, once this technology is really realized, and it is not in your own hands, then who can guarantee that the people around you are not secretly controlled.

When he thought of this, Rick Kahn couldn't calm down. Based on the information provided by "Aikenhank", he knew that the people who were secretly controlled should be through some kind of brain wave hypnosis, coupled with the stimulation of the chip.

The general loyalty test lasts for 3 to 5 days. During this period, there is indeed room for maneuver.

As for how to control the controlled person, "Aikenhank" guessed that it should be the activation word.

In fact, this direction is the most reasonable method deduced by the Intelligence Department after synthesizing a series of intelligence, because after Aiken Hank and Jack Morgan completed the loyalty test, Valentine had a closed-door conversation with the two of them. .

Since the construction of the fully isolated conference room in Yansha Base had not yet been completed, the contents of these conversations were eavesdropped word for word by the Shunfeng Ear system.

By analyzing the content of these two conversations, the Intelligence Division determined active words and dormant words.

At the same time, combined with some situations of Thomas and Killian, the technical route of brainwashing technology was further determined.

The brain is artificially induced to produce split personality, and the new personality is completely blank except for the initially implanted instruction set.

Then the blank personality can be activated secretly, and the personality attributes that need to be shaped can be added to the blank personality through some means.

Since the blank personality is controlled by the instruction set, the degree of controllability is very high. According to the speculation of the technical department, the possibility of the generation of this artificial personality requiring the cooperation of special drugs is very high.

Even subsequent artificial transformation requires continuous medication.

The reason for this speculation is that during the two conversations, both Aiken Hank and Jack Morgan made brief sounds of drinking water and swallowing, and both occurred during the activation period.

Based on this information, the Intelligence Department reviewed the previous daily voices of Valentine, Killian and others, and found that both of them had been taking drugs for a long time.

This information was integrated bit by bit, and the fog of the matter was lifted bit by bit by the Intelligence Department.

With this kind of intelligence advantage, Chu Xuan would naturally not wait until the end was done and let Thomas easily control the entire Noah Society.

Therefore, Chu Xuan exposed this matter to Rick Kahn under the guise of "Aiken Hank". He did not believe that people from the military-industrial faction would sit still and wait for death. Even if Thomas controlled some people, the counterattack of others could also make Nuo The vitality of the Asian Club was severely damaged.

As for how to determine the intelligence, as long as Rick Kahn is not a fool, he will know how to do it.

Anyway, most of the information Chu Xuan gave is true.

As for what happened afterwards, no matter how Aikenhank explained it, as long as his acceptance of command set control was confirmed, then the information about Mark and "Aikenhank" was true.


"Yes, please give me your instructions, sir."

Rick Kahn ordered: "Arrange a place for Mark to live in the manor and strengthen protection."

He turned his head again: "Mark, I want to confirm the information. If it is true, you will be my Kahn family's forever friend."

"Thank you, Mr. Kahn." Mark was obviously very upset, but he could only follow the arrangement.

After Mark left, Als quickly returned.

Rick Kahn felt uncomfortable all over now because he suspected that among the people around him, there were also those kind of hidden schizophrenic people.

The only people who can be trusted now are the butler Als and some of the dead soldiers recruited before 2010, because these people are inseparable from him and rarely go out alone.

Thank you for your support (ω`)

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