The rise of nanometers

Chapter 633 Heredity

The train with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour travels eastward from Lhasa Station to Rongcheng Station, 1,583 kilometers away.

If there is no stop on the way, you can arrive at Rongcheng Station in about three and a half hours, but it is almost impossible without a stop on the way.

Six hours later, the train that Professor Hunter and his party took had passed Kangding Station. After passing Kangding, it entered the basin plain area of ​​the Bashu Basin.

At this time, the train's air pressure and oxygen concentration control system also quickly adjusted and no longer actively adjusted the air pressure and oxygen concentration of the carriage.

About twenty minutes later, Hunter heard the station announcement in the carriage. On his mobile phone, the personal information management center downloaded when entering the country also popped up a notification, informing Hunter and his party in Greek that they had officially arrived at Chengdu Station. .

This function saves a lot of trouble for people who are not familiar with Chinese.

Although local airports in Greater China have English broadcast systems, the railway system has canceled this system, leaving only pure Chinese broadcasts.

Therefore, if foreigners who do not speak Chinese take the train without the help of translation software, they will probably be overwhelmed by the dazzling stations and square characters.

You know, the current railway system includes the previous ordinary railways, high-speed railways, super railways, and suspended light rails.

Especially the suspended light rails that are densely distributed in various cities. There are dozens of stations inside the city. It is difficult for even outsiders to figure it out in a short time, let alone foreigners.

Now Professor Hunter and three students got off the train with confused expressions. Next to the high-speed rail station were the bus station and the light rail station.

Using translation software, they successfully boarded the light rail train to Chengdu International Airport.

Unlike the astonishingly fast high-speed rail, the light rail does not run very fast in urban areas. Although it has an independent right of way, the fastest speed is only 90 kilometers per hour, and the average speed is usually around 60 to 70 kilometers per hour.

The tram made many twists and turns and arrived at Rongcheng International Airport.

Originally, Professor Hunter wanted to go back together, but Augustus and Helen were lovers and they planned to go to Paris together.

As for Professor Hunter and Jizhe, they had no close relatives or friends in Paris. In addition, he took the tram and walked around Chengdu, intending to stay and investigate.

After purchasing the tickets, the four waved goodbye.

Looking at the retreating figure, Professor Hunter felt an ominous premonition in his heart for some unknown reason, but Augustus and the two had already stepped onto the boarding escalator.

Jizhe on the side asked a little strangely: "Teacher, what's wrong?"

"Uh..." Professor Hunter was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Nothing."

Although he believed in God, he never believed in premonitions. After all, he was engaged in sociology and international relations. In many cases, he needed to avoid baseless guesses as much as possible, because this would affect his judgment.

With the inexplicable palpitations just now, Professor Hunter would naturally not say to the students: I have an ominous premonition.

Burying this matter deep in his heart, he patted Jizhe on the shoulder: "Let's go! Let's take a look at this foggy Eastern world."

After walking out of the airport, Jizhe did some homework, called a taxi, and walked into the urban area of ​​Rongcheng.

Although it is a cold winter, due to the altitude and terrain, the temperature in the Bashu Basin is not too low. The daytime temperature is around 3 to 5 degrees Celsius.

Although Chengdu was a city that the Sui people entered from the beginning and many factories were relocated, the urban area of ​​Chengdu at this time was much smaller than it was in 2015.

The reason is that the Oceania immigration strategy and the development of the Southwest have weakened the population of the Bashu Basin and weakened Chengdu's economic status in the Southwest.

Immigration to Oceania and Southeast Asia brought about 4.26 million people to the Bashu region.

The Southwest Development Strategy has resulted in the snowy areas and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau not only retaining their own populations, but also absorbing part of the Bashu population.

The current total population of the Bashu region has dropped to about 82.03 million from the previous 90.93 million.

In addition, the rise of a large number of new cities in the Bashu region has also rapidly dispersed the population and economy of Chengdu.

Originally, megacities were a deformed development concept. They were a model that did more harm than good to the megacities themselves and the surrounding areas.

After experiencing three consecutive waves of shocks in the past seven years, Chengdu's housing prices have finally entered a virtuous cycle. Currently, Chengdu's housing prices remain at 5,300 to 6,200 per square meter.

Professor Hunter is a keen scholar. He spent three days wandering around Chengdu and analyzed many things through the public information he collected and the real situation he saw.

Near Wuhou Avenue, during these three days, apart from wandering around and learning about the local customs, the two of them stayed in the Time Hotel here.

Guest room, coffee table.

Hunter, who followed the Romans, poured himself a cup of hot tea, and then wrote some analysis results on the manuscript while thinking.

The intelligence officer responsible for monitoring the two people did not make any small moves in this regard. After all, although the other party was collecting intelligence, it was reasonable and legal to analyze the intelligence through public information.

You can't just judge the other party as a spy just because he buys a newspaper.

Taking a sip of hot tea, Jizhe rubbed his temples. The relevant information collected in the past few days shocked and frightened this young man who was still addicted to the Western world.

"Teacher, if every city in the East is like this city, I don't think the current Western Continent Alliance can compete with each other."

Professor Hunter knew it better than Kizhe, and was even more tormented and painful in his heart.

Comprehensive compulsory education, support for children and the elderly, ultra-low prices, and an incredible re-education plan.

He saw the taxi driver taking out his tablet computer and browsing various courses and teaching videos in his spare time.

I heard that it is mandatory for taxi companies to either work eight hours a day, or work six hours + study for two hours. Anyway, during the study period, performance and salary will not be affected.

As long as the driver is not stupid, most people will choose the second option.

This is part of the re-education plan. Judging from the public content, Professor Hunter is mainly dissatisfied with the fact that there are too many low-educated people in China's population, and hopes to gradually improve the people's knowledge level.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people outside the country, isn’t it just to let people learn more? Or think it’s not free or something like that.

But Hunter saw the deeper meaning.

To a certain extent, the quality of the population will determine the overall technological level and even affect the development of future generations.

For example, if you randomly select 200 families, you will find that the upper limit of the educational level of the parents will have a direct impact on the educational level of the next generation.

In most cases, the offspring of parents whose knowledge level is college students and whose parents’ knowledge level is primary school students will be more likely to be admitted to college.

This is not just genetic factors, but also the influence of financial resources and family environment.

Why Huang Xiuyuan attaches great importance to re-education, especially for middle-aged people, is because their knowledge level will be "inherited" to the next generation.

The subtle influence of the environment may seem inconspicuous, but in fact it is crucial. This special "family environment inheritance" will pass on part of the parents' knowledge to the next generation.

This is why many children of scientists can easily become scientists. In addition to the nepotistic support from academic circles, it is because of the influence of their families since childhood, which makes their starting point higher than that of children from ordinary families.

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