The rise of nanometers

Chapter 512 The Future

Just when it was snowing heavily in Mobei.

At this time, the temperature at the Bazhong Base is still around zero due to the barrier of the Qinling Mountains and Daba Mountains, with occasional freezing rain.

Within the base.

Near noon, everyone was eating in the cafeteria. Academician Li Jiangang, Xu Guosheng and others gathered around a table. On the table was a large pot of pickled fish, as well as various Sichuan dishes, such as twice-cooked pork, Mapo tofu, Dengying beef and fried pickled beans. Meat and the like.

Academician Li took a few bites of the hand-shredded cabbage and said with a smile: "Lao Zhang, our progress here is a bit slow. Don't let it slip!"

Academician Zhang on the side was very calm: "Tanggu is indeed faster than us, but part of their testing work still depends on us."

In fact, the initial planning and design of the Yugu base was to serve as an underground nuclear experiment base, using a laser inertia solution to create miniature nuclear explosions.

Therefore, the infrastructure requirements are very similar to those of Yutani No. 1, and it can undertake the design and construction of Yutani No. 1 without major changes.

The Bazhong base is just the opposite. It was originally planned to be a secret experimental base for the Tokamak device. Some supporting facilities need to be modified before they can adapt to the design and construction of Jinwu-1.

Another reason is that Yugu No. 1 was proposed and designed by the Wanfeng team in November last year.

The Jinwu No. 1 in Bazhong draws on the design ideas of the Wanfengfeng team. The discussion was just completed at the end of the year and is still in preliminary design.

Fortunately, when they were experimenting with the positron flow layer barrier system, they already had some equipment, and they borrowed equipment from the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics.

Although the prototype has not yet been designed, it does not mean that experiments cannot be conducted.

Academician Li and others discussed the experiments while eating.

After eating a few mouthfuls of rice, Xu Guosheng talked about the experimental situation: "Yesterday, we tested the annular positron jet and the aspirator. I preliminary looked at the experimental results. It seems that we need to add more water in the middle area of ​​the positron flow layer. More anti-hooking fields.”

Academician Zhang nodded: "Yes! It is indeed necessary, especially once the nuclear fusion reaction starts. The photons and neutrinos in the core area are fine, but those neutrons and nuclei will definitely have some impact."

Although the reaction area is in a vacuum state, the products of the nuclear reaction will definitely produce particle impact flows in all directions.

If we rely solely on the ejection force of the positron stream, the gravity of the blue star, and the upper and lower rectifiers, the positron stream layer in the middle core area may be dispersed by the nuclear explosion particle stream.

Therefore, some toroidal magnetic fields must be added to the outer layer to suppress most of the positrons and particle flows inside the core area.

After discussing this issue, Xu Guosheng said another issue: "The combination of the cylindrical positron current layer and the two horizontal positron current layers has certain mutual interference."

Regarding this issue, Academician Li replied: "Xiuyuan told me about this issue, so Yugu-1 adopts a long and narrow layout of a long cylinder to allow neutrons and particles to hit the cylinder wall as much as possible."

Apparently, after conducting some experiments using positron emitters and lasers, the research team has successively verified many problems.

Some of the problems were expected, and some were unexpected.

This situation is also very normal. It is easy to ignite the Golden Crow, but it is very difficult to control the Golden Crow.

Being able to achieve this level now is actually a great progress in human science.

The research team has to overcome all the difficulties, especially the various magnetic fields, electrostatic fields, optical radiation, neutron flow, and nuclear flow during the nuclear reaction. There are all big and small problems.

Sometimes, solving one problem may lead to another problem.

There is no reference template for this cutting-edge super technology. In the field of controllable nuclear fusion, China is already the number one in the world, and now it can only stumble across the river on its own.

For ordinary small forces, the supporting technology, design and construction, talent and funds behind controllable nuclear fusion can block a lot of small and medium-sized forces.

Currently, there are no more than 10 forces around the world that are qualified to develop controllable nuclear fusion.

This is why Huang Xiuyuan firmly believes that the future world must be a polarized world.

The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak.

The world is so realistic and cruel. Huang Xiuyuan saw this future and worked hard to change the world.

Big capital will eventually move towards cyberpunk. This is the nature of capital, and it is also the inevitable choice that capital will make after mastering technology in the process of technological development.

Once capital completely controls the entire world, it will represent the birth of the final product. At this time, ordinary people will no longer be needed in the capital world. Perhaps eternity will become their only pursuit.

The development of science and technology and society will gradually come to a standstill. Except for immortality technology, which will continue to invest, other technologies may be blocked.

Once these "people" who have been alienated by capital gain a long life, in order to rule the world forever, they will most likely eliminate the science and civilization of the people at the bottom and turn themselves into superior "gods".

Why should we eliminate the underlying science and civilization? Because they are afraid of the rise of new gods, and even more afraid of being replaced.

Therefore, eradicating science and civilization from the general public and turning them into ignorant animals is the most cost-effective option.

Especially the Angsa people in the West, who do not want to make progress themselves, but want to realize their spring and autumn dream of becoming "eternal gods" by suppressing their competitors.

Once they completely control the world, human civilization will have no future. For them, if they don't have people and technology they can master, they will be heretics who will be burned to death.

The darkness of the Middle Ages has never been eradicated, but has only been dressed up in an elaborate costume and sprayed with strong perfume to cover up its inherent filthy stench.

But the evil in their bones is their instinct.

This is the future that Huang Xiuyuan wants to change. Capital will never be allowed to completely control the world, otherwise the vast majority of people will be reduced to commodities, slaves and animals.

Maybe he can't save the world, but he will at least change the future of China.

Controllable nuclear fusion technology is one of the standard features of capital producers. This technology is as important as the steam engine that started the industrial revolution and is a sign of the times.

These days, Huang Xiuyuan, who was running from both sides, came to the Bazhong base through the stand-in robot.

Academician Li, who had just finished his meal, saw his figure and said with a smile: "Xiuyuan, where is the progress of Tanggu No. 1?"

Huang Xiuyuan replied directly: "The upper ring type positron injector is under construction, and it is not expected to be completed until early next year."

"I'm still designing here, but I've done some experiments."

After that, Academician Li briefly talked about some recent experiments.

All the problems, big and small, were all within his expectations. Huang Xiuyuan thought about it and said, "Academician Li, I have asked Gao Feng to communicate with you more to avoid working behind closed doors."

"No problem, this is a good thing, and we also want it."

When they arrived at the experimental area, Xu Guosheng was already busy with the researchers. After Huang Xiuyuan greeted them, they began to have in-depth exchanges.

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