The rise of nanometers

Chapter 489 273.16K

Lu Province, Quancheng.

The second scientific research area under the scientific research department of Suiren Company is the Quancheng-Dezhou Scientific Research Area and 273 Materials Laboratory.

At this time, in the laboratory, Lu Xuedong and Huang Xiuyuan came to the materials laboratory through the stand-in robot.

Tang Huapeng, the chief researcher of the laboratory, is holding a palm-sized metal piece, which is almost the same as an ordinary brass piece.

Huang Xiuyuan took it, put it under the light, and looked at it carefully.

"Chairman, this is the copper-iodine-lanthanum alloy formed using nano-synthesis technology based on your molecular nanostructure theory." Tang Huapeng introduced at the side.

The so-called molecular nanostructure theory is a special nanometer theory. Substances may exhibit completely different physical and chemical properties under normal conditions and under special nanostructures.

The "Huang's Nanostructure Theory" proposed by Huang Xiuyuan is actually a system nanotheory developed in the mid-1950s.

This theory can guide scientists in their search for characteristic materials.

The copper-iodine-lanthanum alloy Huang Xiuyuan is holding in his hand is a new material synthesized based on this theory. This material is very light, as if he is holding a piece of plastic foam.

Lu Xuedong looked at the copper sheet in front of him and couldn't help but sigh: "We are getting closer and closer to room-temperature superconductors."

That's right, this copper-iodine-lanthanum nanoalloy is actually a superconductor.

"Hua Peng, I have read your technical report, and I think the problem may lie in the following places. The first is the nanostructure. Although the nanofoam alloy you produced generally conforms to the designed nanostructure, under the electron microscope , there are still a lot of small flaws.”

Regarding the question Huang Xiuyuan asked, Tang Huapeng also nodded: "Thank you, Chairman, for the suggestion. We will work hard in this direction."

Huang Xiuyuan reminded: "Don't be afraid of failure. The development of materials science is a process of constant trial and error. Even if you have a theory, don't blindly limit it to theory, but have your own ideas."

Lu Xuedong on the side also ordered: "You must keep in mind the chairman's teachings."

"Understood." Tang Huapeng and others nodded hurriedly.

Everyone talked about the technical issues of superconductors for a while.

Then he watched the material synthesis process. To form a foam alloy state, the lanthanum element in the alloy is crucial.

A large part of the synthesis process is carried out in liquid hydrogen, because lanthanum has a characteristic - a hydrogen sponge.

That is, an alloy composed of lanthanum elements, which can absorb hydrogen efficiently.

Synthesizing in a liquid hydrogen environment can form a foam structure similar to that in the weightless state of space. This foam structure is also one of the core factors in the superconducting properties of the alloy.

After watching for a while, Huang Xiuyuan quickly discovered a problem. He turned around and asked, "Hua Peng, is the liquid hydrogen you use pure liquid hydrogen?"

Tang Huapeng was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, our company refined it ourselves. The purity reaches 12 nines. The impact should not be big, right?"

But Huang Xiuyuan shook his head: "No, pure liquid hydrogen may not be truly pure."

"Xiuyuan, do you mean isotopes?" Lu Xuedong had already figured out something.

Huang Xiuyuan nodded: "After all, hydrogen has three isotopes, and the heavy water and light water are mixed together."

"It makes sense. Under normal circumstances, there is not much difference between the two and it will not seriously affect the synthesis effect. However, the ultra-precise nanomolecular structures we need now do require the use of ultrapure water." Lu Xuedong agreed with this view.

In the Blue Age, there was a heavy water refining plant in Dongying City, and the laboratory immediately applied for a batch of pure light water and pure heavy water from there.

Three days later.

The re-improved synthesis technology uses pure protium liquid hydrogen instead of ordinary liquid hydrogen as the liquid environment for synthesis.

The copper-iodine-lanthanum alloy synthesized this time has improved the order of order of nanostructures between molecules under an electron microscope.

Huang Xiuyuan and Lu Xuedong came over again to watch the experiment.

The foam alloy was immersed in pure light water, and electricity started flowing on both sides. When the temperature of the water dropped to around 273.16K, the voltage data instantly returned to zero, and superconducting properties appeared.


"Zero degrees? We actually raised the superconducting temperature to zero degrees."

Tang Huapeng was also trembling slightly. They had been stuck at 216.5K for more than half a year, but they suddenly exceeded the limit. The Kelvin temperature of 273.16K is zero degrees Celsius.

Lu Xuedong was also very excited: "That's great! We are very close to room-temperature superconductors."

"It's not enough. It needs to reach at least 300K to meet the conditions for large-scale commercialization." Huang Xiuyuan was not surprised.

Lu Xuedong smiled bitterly and said: "In fact, it is ready for use in the northern region. After all, the temperature is freezing for several months in winter."

Huang Xiuyuan still shook his head at this: "It's not appropriate. After a few months of natural cooling, the remaining time requires artificial cooling. The energy consumption of artificial cooling exceeds the saved electricity. It is obviously not worth the gain."

"Okay!" Lu Xuedong was helpless. Sometimes Huang Xiuyuan was too striving for perfection.

"However, the superconductor device of the tokamak device can be switched to this alloy. Not only can the weight be reduced by about 63%, but the energy consumption to maintain superconductivity will also be reduced significantly."

"This aspect is indeed the best application field at present." Lu Xuedong changed his voice and activated the internal communication channel of the stand-in robot:

"How long can the tokamak at the Bazhong base be operated currently?"

"A week ago, it reached 136 minutes. If the thermoelectric power generation module and hot water exchange system are added, it is estimated that it can run for several weeks."

Lu Xuedong asked curiously: "Doesn't that mean that controllable nuclear fusion is just around the corner?"

"It's early!" Huang Xiuyuan explained: "Unless the problem of neutron irradiation is solved, the ingenious design of other parts will be useless. The shortest wooden board is the key to determining the water volume of the barrel."

"There's nothing you can do?"

Huang Xiuyuan shook his head and joked: "Do you really think I am omnipotent? I am also a human being."

While the two were talking through the internal encrypted communication channel, Tang Huapeng and others also calmed down and conducted a comprehensive test on the improved copper-iodine-lanthanum alloy.

Although Huang Xiuyuan looked down on this freezing point superconductor, Tang Huapeng and others were very excited.

Of course, this kind of freezing point superconductor can still be used in applications such as refrigerators and freezers, which can use their own freezing environment to maintain their functions while ensuring the superconducting properties of wires and motors.

However, the cost of copper-iodine-lanthanum alloy is not cheap. Copper and iodine are not bad. With the current super refining technology in China, there is no shortage of copper and iodine.

However, lanthanum is a rare earth element and itself is a very rare element. For large-scale mass production, a very large amount of lanthanum needs to be consumed.

In the laboratory, there is another element that can replace lanthanum, and that is palladium. However, palladium is also a rare metal, and its reserves are not much higher than that of lanthanum.

According to the current laboratory formula, the cost of copper-iodine-lanthanum alloy per kilogram is as high as 1,680 yuan, and it is estimated that it can only be used in high-end fields.

Although Huang Xiuyuan knew several other cheap formulas, he had no intention of continuing to reveal them.

He hopes that these scientific researchers can gradually grow up in research and development and become independent industry leaders.

After watching the research and development of superconductors, Huang Xiuyuan and Lu Xuedong returned to Shanmei headquarters to prepare for another new project.

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