The rise of nanometers

Chapter 480 Conservative

After Li Hongwen came down, several more people came to the stage to speak.

Currently, areas around the world that use the Chinese Yuan as their settlement currency are collectively referred to as Huayuan Areas.

Huayuan District includes East Asia (except Japan), Lucia, Central Asia, South Asia (except Tianzhu), parts of West Asia, and Southeast Asia.

The regions that use mixed currencies are Oceania, Africa and Latin America; Western Asia and North America also reserve part of the Chinese dollar.

In Huayuan District, delegations from various regions are very worried about the current global economy. If the economy continues to deteriorate, it may trigger further chain reactions.

Of course, among all the people present, Mobei, Gilbert Islands, and Ellis Islands, who came here to play soy sauce, were sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, and had already hugged their thighs, so they could win without hesitation.

Delegation leaders from several core areas were invited to a small conference room at the venue.

Li Hongwen and others were all inside.

Park Yuanfeng, the general manager of Korea Bank, got a document as soon as he came in. After he and his two deputies sat down, they read it attentively.

Next to Park Yuanfeng were Andreev Minsk, the president of Lucia Bank, and others, as well as bank delegations from several regions.

Everyone was looking through the documents carefully.

Pu Yuanfeng looked at it for a while, then silently thought about it. According to the plan proposed in the document, a special institution called a currency coordination bank will be established in Huayuan District.

The currency coordinating bank implements comprehensive management of each member's currency exchange rate, issuance volume, circulation volume, holding volume and actual currency value.

At the same time, this agency also takes care of the review, repayment and supervision of debt issuance in various regions, and also manages financial derivatives in Huayuan District.

To some extent, it is equivalent to the role of a regional central bank.

Park Yuanfeng asked cautiously: "Mr. Li, if a large amount of currency and debt are issued in a certain region in the future, how will it be handled?"

"The principle of currency value anchoring!" Li Hongwen explained: "If a region over-issues currency and debt, the currency coordinating bank can adjust the exchange rate. Another principle is that the debt adopts a triple repayment mechanism, Chinese yuan, real assets and regional legal currency. "

Park Yuanfeng narrowed his eyes. According to this situation, after the issuance of debt, if the debt is repaid by over-issuance of currency, the creditor can require the use of Chinese dollars or actual assets to repay the debt.

Fundamentally, curb the harm of increased hands hair.

"If we want to do this, then we need collateral to issue bonds?" Minsk asked.

"Otherwise?" Li Hongwen asked funnyly: "Do you want to collect a lot of waste paper? Now the foreign debt of rice yuan is used to wipe your butt. I think it is too hard."

Everyone whispered among themselves for a while. They were indeed frightened by the rice dollar. As soon as there was an economic problem, they engaged in quantitative easing and issued a large amount of currency, which diluted their foreign exchange reserves.

Minsk asked again: "If quantitative easing occurs in Huayuan in the future, how will we solve it?"

Li Hongwen, who was well prepared, explained: "It's the same principle. Huayuan's foreign debt also requires triple guarantee. We use Huayuan, precious metals, and collateral to ensure that the debt will not be diluted."

Everyone is a little excited about this very conservative plan. Debt and currency with collateral are always better than the previous credit rice dollar.

If you look at Japan now, you will know how miserable it is.

Since the Japanese yen and the rice dollar are deeply tied, Benzi is now forced to help his father pay off his debts. A large number of Japan's overseas assets have been repurchased by various places with rice dollars.

As for the fact that I don't agree, all localities have already risked their lives and directly adopted compulsory buybacks, using rice dollars to purchase Japan's overseas assets.

Having been stuffed with a lot of rice dollars, those Japanese chaebols are now crying without tears. Dad's aircraft carrier battle group is watching in Tokyo Bay.

Even the personnel evacuated from Southeast Asia and Korea were hoarded in various places in Japan.

The purpose is to make Benzi bleed and help his father lose money and eliminate disasters. Miyuan has not collapsed now because Noah will pull out all his sons to use as a flood discharge area. By delaying time, Miyuan can have a buffer period before thinking about it again. method to resolve a large number of bad debts.

Regions that have suffered huge losses in the rice dollar are now very resistant to quantitative easing and unsecured debt.

Minsk's brain is running rapidly. If the ruble can be anchored to the Chinese dollar, then Lucia's domestic inflation can be solved to a large extent.

After all, they are basically self-sufficient in minerals, energy, and food. They need to import the Internet, light industry, electronic products, and vegetables and fruits.

It just so happens that both sides can complement each other.

In order to promote Huayuan, Li Hongwen once again threw out a bait:

“Everyone, our cooperation can be a win-win situation. The Energy Alliance will appropriately increase the purchase of coal, oil and natural gas, the Ore Alliance will also gradually increase the purchase of ore, and the Food Alliance will also invest in farms, ranches and fisheries in various places to help everyone reduce trade deficits. "

Zheng Wang, the president of Siam Bank, cautiously probed: "Mr. Li, will you carry out industrial transfer and help some backward areas develop industry?"

Li Hongwen smiled at this: "We are making relevant discussions and preparations internally, and there will definitely be industrial transfer."

Suddenly many people looked happy.

But they don't know that even if the industry transfer is planned, they can only get a few small industries at most.

Moreover, even if there is an industrial transfer in the country, priority will be given to its own hard-core subordinates, such as Annan, who cannot even think about getting a factory.

Li Hongwen and Huang Xiuyuan have participated in domestic strategic layout discussions many times and understand some of the inside stories.

The country is currently adjusting its industrial layout. This year, five large-scale industrial chains have been added, including the aerospace industry, ground-effect transport ship industry, large aircraft industry, nuclear energy industry, and future medical industry.

In the aerospace industry alone, in addition to Aerospace Science and Industry and Eagle Aerospace, 11 new complete machine companies in the aerospace field have been added.

Behind these complete aircraft companies are more than 2,867 related supporting companies. The advancement of the big aerospace strategy is expected to create millions of related jobs.

Ground-effect transport ships, large aircraft, and the nuclear energy industry also require huge supporting factories. Small places really cannot handle such large industries.

The final future medical industry is to open a number of hospitals that serve foreign countries. For example, the medical tourism industry in the Gilbert Islands has become a model in the country.

According to relevant internal plans, it is planned to establish medical tourism zones in Fuhai County in the Altay region, Bachu County in the Kashgar region, Sanya in Qiongzhou, and the Nansha Islands in Sansha.

China will also gradually expand the township medical system and form an industrial chain.

In addition to the gradual optimization of special planting and special breeding in recent years, as well as local specialty brands, the Grain Alliance has invested huge R\u0026D funds and a lot of support.

This is to ensure domestic employment, especially in special breeding. At present, hairy crabs, eels, rainbow trout, crayfish, etc. are developing very fast and becoming more and more specialized.

At the same time, the service industry has also been highly developed. This year's unemployment rate has reached an all-time low of only about 2.4%.

This is conducive to the stabilization of internal industries, as well as the development of the western region, the Mobei agricultural region, ocean development and the expansion of overseas companies.

Nowadays, there is an obvious shortage of skilled workers in many factories, especially in high-tech enterprises. The gap of skilled workers is as high as 8 million to 12 million.

Recently, it has absorbed some skilled workers from Korea and Nanbo Bay, which has alleviated this big gap.

In order to compete for talents, various high-tech companies are showing off their unique talents. Among them, the Suiren Department has the best conditions. Semiconductors and the Internet have become the most popular majors in the country.

A large number of college graduates, as long as they are majoring in related majors, are booked before they graduate.

Fortunately, the Suiren Department has its own training system. Through training centers in towns and villages, it integrates with enterprises to train a large number of new technical workers.

In the future, it is estimated that some industries with low output value and low technical requirements will be transferred to younger brothers. As for who can get the share of these industrial transfers, it depends on performance.

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