The rise of nanometers

Chapter 466 Treatment

Just when Liu Xing finished watching the news, the light rail tram stopped at Huiyang Station, and the two of them got off with their things.

The minibus sent by the hospital had already been waiting for the two of them nearby.

More than an hour later, the minibus returned to Nanshan Shennong Hospital.

Liu Xing carried a suitcase and handed the targeted cultured mutated T cells to Dr. Li, who was in charge of this clinical test.

"Axing, you are going to do a rejection test on the patient this afternoon."

Liu Xing nodded: "Understood."

Although the mutated T cells are cultured from the patient's own stem cells, there is still the possibility of rejection.

Therefore, in vivo rejection testing is needed to ensure that serious rejection will not occur after a large number of mutant T cells are implanted.

At 2:30 p.m., the four patients were sent to the professional intensive care unit by nurses.

Liu Xing injected the prepared mutated T cell solution into the patient's body and started the comprehensive physical sign monitoring system.

He asked the nurse to keep an eye on the physical data with him.

The most troublesome thing about AIDS patients is that their immunity is low and they are prone to serious complications.

If severe rejection occurs, the patient's life may be endangered, and signs must be monitored at all times.

At night, Liu Xing and the nurse on duty took turns looking at the four patients.

It’s half past eleven in the dead of night.

Doctor Li came to the ward: "Axing, how is the situation?"

"There are no abnormalities for the time being. It should be successful." After Liu Xing answered, he took another look at the physical data.

Dr. Li also carefully read the physical data, and then felt relieved, and then ordered: "If there are no abnormalities tomorrow morning, you can double the dose and conduct a second rejection test at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."


Three days later, New Year's Eve.

While thousands of families are celebrating the Spring Festival, Nanshan Shennong Hospital is still busy with bright lights.

Liu Xing had a simple New Year's Eve dinner with the nurse on duty and four patients.

Although AIDS is no longer as easy to die as before with the advancement of technology, it requires long-term medication, and the medication has certain side effects, which not only requires financial burden, but also requires great restraint.

What is even more embarrassing for patients is the contempt and rejection from society. Once an AIDS patient is exposed, it is basically equivalent to social death.

Those patients who are accidentally infected by blood, or infected from mother to child, will be regarded as bad people who mess up the relationship between men and women.

All I can say is that this is sad.

Some patients, with the idea of ​​revenge against society, deliberately mess around and infect others, or use virus-containing needles to prick people everywhere.

It brings greater social pressure to other patients. The rejection of AIDS patients is actually the survival instinct of human beings. Unless one day, AIDS is completely conquered, this rejection may disappear.

However, even if the treatment plan developed by Shennong Group is unsuccessful, there is no need to despair.

Because HIV is gradually adapting to humans, sooner or later the virus will become a chronic disease and eventually even harmless.

The reason for this conclusion mainly comes from the latest human gene sequence testing. About 8% of modern human gene sequences come from viruses.

There is only one reason why the genetic sequences of these viruses appear in the human genome. Our ancestors once had fatal contact with these viruses, which caused the genetic fragments of these viruses to be embedded in the human genetic sequences.

Prions, which make people feared, appear to be transmitted to humans through mad cow disease. In fact, the "prion antibody gene sequence" has long been hidden in human genetic sequences.

In fact, this is also a very normal situation. Even in the feudal era, tragedies of cannibalism have occurred many times in human history.

What's more, in the ancient times of barbarism, cannibalism was a very normal situation.

Therefore, it is not surprising that humans have prion antibodies.

According to the tracking research on AIDS patients over the past few decades, it can be seen from the relevant data that the life span of patients is increasing, and the virus is gradually weakening its lethality to ensure that patients will not die.

Among the various current AIDS treatment options, cocktail therapy can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause; while the vaccine program is basically hopeless because the virus mutates too fast, and vaccine development cannot keep up with the speed of virus mutation.

As for the innate immunity of gene-edited babies, the technology itself is immature and faces legal and ethical issues.

Only the "trap method" developed by Shennong Group is feasible.

New Year's Day.

Dr. Li and several other doctors came to the hospital early in the morning and held a morning meeting.

"Four patients did not show rejection. I plan to inject mutant T cells today and then start trapping tomorrow."

Another doctor nodded: "I agree. The patient underwent three rejection tests and no obvious rejection was found. The safety of the mutated T cells is not a big problem."

Everyone discussed for more than half an hour and identified various links and possible problems.

Half past two in the afternoon.

Dr. Li, Liu Xing and two nurses began to inject the mutated T cell solution into the four patients, as the solution on the suspension bottle decreased little by little.

Liu Xing and others are always paying attention to the patient's physical data and are ready to deal with emergencies.

Fortunately, the process went smoothly. Except for one patient who suffered some dizziness and mild fever, no one else had obvious rejection reactions.

After the injection of mutated T cells was completed, the injection of T cell pseudo-death agent was started, and antiviral drugs were suspended at the same time.

Targeted drugs carry a pseudo-death agent and enter the patient's normal T cells. This is also the final hiding place for HIV to hide in the human body. It is also the root cause of AIDS's inability to be eradicated.

When the suspended animation agent enters normal T cells, these T cells become abnormal, as if they are entering a dying state.

The HIV hidden in it quickly senses the abnormality of T cells and begins to break away from T cells. If the antiviral drugs are not suspended, these viruses will not come out so easily.

According to Dr. Li's animal test data, usually around 24 to 32 hours, the virus will completely break away from normal T cells and begin to rapidly multiply in other cells of the human body.

While waiting, gold nanorod particles were delivered into the mutated T cells through targeted drugs.

At the same time, the patient is asked to take another targeted drug to deliver specific interfering drugs into normal T cells.

40 hours later, the patient was started to take antiviral drugs to force HIV back into the T cells. Since normal T cells are in a state of suspended animation, the virus will naturally not select cells that are about to die. In addition, there are interfering drugs in normal T cells. Make the virus feel like an existential threat.

Therefore, these viruses, in addition to being killed by drug cocktails, can only retreat into mutated T cells.

In a short period of time, the double dose of cocktail therapy drugs caused obvious side effects in the patient's body.

But Dr. Li, Liu Xing and others knew that strong drugs must be administered at this time to eliminate all HIV in normal cells. They could not let a fish slip through the net, otherwise they would fail in their efforts.

Three days later, the patient's body was so devastated by the double dose of cocktail therapy that he turned pale and entered a dying state.

Liu Xing ran over excitedly with a test report: "Dr. Li, good news, the virus content in the patient's normal cells has been zero for 12 consecutive hours."

Dr. Li made a quick decision: "Okay! Let's start the final photothermal killing."

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