The rise of nanometers

Chapter 460 Traffic and Community

After dinner, everyone went their separate ways.

Liu Xing said goodbye to his two classmates, and then took the tram with Dr. Zeng and his wife back to the residential area of ​​Nanshan Island.

The tram moves quietly southward along the suspended light rail.

The lights in the business district are bright and there are advertising screens of different sizes everywhere. You can see that the road is full of pedestrians, bicycles and electric motorcycles, but there is no trace of cars.

In fact, looking down from the air, you can see that half of the highway is occupied by suspended light rails, and underneath the suspended light rails is the highway.

If you are in an old city, due to congenital constraints, there are usually ordinary highways under the light rail bridge.

However, new areas like Nanshan Island adopt a three-layer design, with a suspended light rail on the top; sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and electric motorcycle paths on the second layer; and automobile highways on the bottom layer.

In other words, cars inside Nanshan Island can only drive on underground car roads, separated from pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles.

This design, on the one hand, helps relieve traffic pressure, and on the other hand, it also reduces traffic accidents.

Nowadays, domestic cars have been replaced with high-strength frames. Even if a traffic accident occurs, the driver's survival rate is much higher than before.

However, this kind of survival rate is only limited to the new cars themselves. If a car hits someone, the consequences will be the same as before.

Therefore, in cities, it is necessary to build dedicated roads that separate people and vehicles to fundamentally reduce the probability of contact between people and vehicles.

As for mentally ill drivers, starting from January this year, it is impossible to appear again, because the new regulations require applying for a driver's license and requiring a mental illness identification first. People with related mental illnesses are not allowed to take the driver's license test.

Even if it is an old driver's license, supplementary filing is required, and a certificate of mental sanity and an appraisal certificate are required.

If it cannot be proved, the driver's license can only be forcibly revoked; but if it is proved, there will be no excuse for mental illness in the future.

Since the establishment of new areas such as Nanshan Island and Baoan Island, a series of traffic accidents involving deaths in these new areas have all occurred in old cars.

In China's 2012 traffic accident statistics, the benefits of new cars and separated roads between people and vehicles are listed separately, which has greatly reduced traffic accident mortality.

And many drivers have gradually realized the importance of vehicle safety.

When choosing between life and money, most people will choose money. What's more, Dongfeng, BYD, and Wuling have all launched new cars with a unit price of around 50,000 yuan. The requirements may be lowered in other aspects, but safety is definitely the first priority. bit.

For example, Texila, which tried to set up a factory in Shanghai this year, was banned from setting up a factory because of brake problems.

Domestic consumers have become accustomed to new cars, and other requirements for vehicles can be reduced. The only one is safety. As long as there is a little problem, car companies will suffer heavy losses.

The revolutionary development of transportation is also reshaping the domestic and even global transportation pattern.

The light rail train leaves the flowery business district and enters a quiet, dim residential area without outdoor advertising screens or dazzling lights.

Liu Xing got off the bus at Orchid Home in the residential area and walked towards the tram stop. Many residents, most of whom were family members of employees, were strolling along the pedestrian road.

The residential area was very quiet, and none of the square dancing ladies that are common in other areas were seen, because each community has an elderly activity center, gym, and children's palace, and everyone was active in their own areas.

The property management company is a subsidiary of Feipeng Group, and its management of residents is extremely strict.

Liu Xing used his employee card to open the access control, and his body temperature and metal objects were automatically detected in the security room. If his body temperature was abnormal or he was carrying metal products with suspicious shapes, they would be marked and archived.

Suddenly Liu Xing took five or six steps, and a slight alarm sounded from behind, and two security guards stopped a young man.

Something seemed to happen on both sides, and the young people started shouting.

Liu Xing and several other residents also stopped curiously.

"Why don't you let me in?"

"That rule says you can't bring pets?"

"You guys are a bunch of rubbish who take advantage of others' power..."

The young man was agitated and yelled at the two security guards.

After a while, the security captain arrived at the scene with two other security guards. After understanding the specific situation, the security captain said very seriously:

"Sir, normal pets can enter the community, but your pet is a special animal and we are not allowed to enter."

"What's so special about groundhogs? Many of my classmates are raising them, so why aren't they allowed to enter their community?" The young man has a very grumpy temper. He looks like he is awesome, and you want to let me in.

The security captain looked at the other party's access card, found out the associated guarantor, and notified the associated guarantor to come over.

Liu Xing frowned when he saw the two prairie dogs in the cage.

The two residents on the side were a little confused and whispered about why such pets were not allowed to enter.

Looking at the old man holding the child, Liu Xing couldn't help but remind him: "Old man, don't take it lightly. Groundhogs are infected with Yersinia pestis and various parasites. Don't let children get close to groundhogs. If they are infected with plague, they will Sorry, I'm a medical student and I still have some say in this matter."

"What? Plague?" The old man was startled and hurriedly left here with his grandson in his arms.

Another old man looked angry: "Why do young people today like to raise such messy things?"

Liu Xing had no choice but to look innocent.

The tough-minded security captain called the guarantor over. It turned out that the young man was the resident's nephew and explained the problem to the resident.

"Mr. Zhao, I hope you can understand that this kind of groundhog is not allowed to enter the community. If this gentleman wants to force his way in, we can only call the police."

After hearing the security captain's explanation, the old man became furious. He turned around and scolded the young man.

Liu Xing strongly agrees with the strict management of property. Even cats and dogs that have been domesticated by humans for a long time have parasites and rabies, not to mention semi-wild animals like prairie dogs that have just entered the ranks of pets.

Many people have nothing to do and eat all day long, so they just like to raise cats and dogs. They also keep pythons, venomous snakes, spider lizards, prairie dogs and the like.

Feipeng Property Management does not allow residents to breed animals casually. Even cats and dogs have strict regulations.

For example, large dogs are not allowed to be bred in the community. Puppies must have dog tags and leashes. Pet dogs without leashes can be killed immediately upon discovery.

Without strict management, some people will like to be mean, which is also a potential threat to the personal safety of other residents.

This farce ended with the young man taking the groundhog and leaving in despair.

The old man is also more sensible. Of course, he is mainly worried about affecting his son's work. After all, the people who can live on Nanshan Island are either internal employees or relatives of employees.

If this matter gets bigger, the employees will definitely be implicated.

Liu Xing shook his head and returned to his apartment.

A 90-square-meter apartment, with no shared area, is actually very large, especially in Pengcheng, where land is at a premium.

Turning on the lights, this cozy cabin made his inner fatigue disappear.

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