The rise of nanometers

Chapter 449 Mars

North Atlantic Ocean.

In the West Indies in the Caribbean.

In this blue sky and blue sea, there is a little-known private island. This island is far away from shipping routes and has no strategic value, so it was sold to a wealthy American.

The name of the island is "Fadiabo", which comes from the ancient Inca language and means a terrifying desert island, that is, a desert island.

There are many reefs formed by coral reefs in the surrounding waters of Terror Island, and the currents are very complex. In the Age of Discovery, it was a restricted area for wooden sailing ships.

This island is not big, only 15.4 square kilometers. The terrain is triangular, with the north high and the south low, like a tilted sandwich.

Beneath the towering cliffs on the north side, daunting waves surge and currents lap against smooth rocks.

And under this cliff, there is a dark hole hidden in the sea more than two hundred meters deep.

A huge black fish slowly entered the cave entrance driven by the propeller.

After sailing for more than 500 meters, the black fish began to drain and float up. The moment the black fish emerged from the water, the sight that came into view was an underground dock.

Under the dim lighting, it can be seen that this place was once a natural cave, and the base should be transformed on the basis of the natural cave.

After Heiyu anchored, the gate dedicated to loading and unloading supplies was opened, and people in black on the dock, wearing protective clothing, drove forklifts and electric trailers to remove the contents of Heiyu.

The personnel of the secret base are uniformed in black uniforms. The only identification mark is a bald eagle armband and a small line of "NOAH" in English.

In the cockpit of Blackfish, three men in black carried a suitcase and walked onto the dock.

"Director Harlan! Welcome to the Desert Island." The speaker was a strong white man with silver hair.

Harlan is a meticulous old Mediterranean man with sharp and cunning eyes on his hooked nose. He is responsible for the overall work of the Biochemical Administration in the Noah Society.

"Ham, good news and bad news."

The silver-haired white man is the base director Ham. When he heard these words, his eyes flickered slightly: "Director, what's the bad news and the good news?"

Harlan, who was walking and talking, explained with an ugly face: "The Asia-Pacific Division's operation failed and suffered heavy losses."

"Failed? How is it possible?" Ham was stunned, and then asked: "Could it be that the intelligence was leaked?"

Harlan sighed: "I don't know. The CIA is currently investigating, but their chess piece in East Asia has lost more than 300 people and is close to paralysis."

"Oh my God! Farke!" Ham cursed with a gloomy face.

The two came deep into the base.

Harlan took the suitcase from his assistant, put it on the table, entered the password, and opened the suitcase.

Suddenly, a faint white smoke emitted from the suitcase, and the contents inside dissipated with the white mist, revealing the true face of Mount Lu.

A silver storage bottle lies quietly inside the suitcase.

"Ha! Is this what I discovered last month?" A pale man in a white coat on the side touched the cold storage bottle with trembling hands. This storage bottle, which was about the same size as an ordinary thermos cup, seemed to him like a peerless treasure.

Harlan nodded: "Yes, this is an ancient meteorite from Mars that we discovered on the ice sheet near the South Pole last month."

"I want to start research immediately." The white coat was so excited that he became incoherent.

"Dr. Brown, don't worry." After Harlan finished speaking, he took another document from his assistant and handed it to the other person: "Doctor, take a look at this document."

Dr. Brown eagerly took the document and looked through it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more excited he became, even showing a hint of madness.

"My guess was indeed correct! Have all the corpses been transported?"

Harlan nodded: "It's shipped."

"I'm going to take a look right away."

"Let's go together!"

After a while, the group changed into protective clothing and entered the heavily guarded biochemical research area.

Ham used his authority to open the top-secret A12 area. Under the pale lights, there were people wearing white protective suits, and there were silver-gray walls in all directions, giving it a creepy chill.

Coming outside a room wrapped in bulletproof glass and alloy steel mesh, you can see through the glass layer that five boxes are displayed inside.

Using a remotely controlled robotic arm, one of the boxes was opened, revealing a "weird corpse" inside.

The skin of the corpse is covered with blue. Although the body is still in human shape, there are subtle changes.

The cold liquid nitrogen is constantly watering the "corpse", seeming to prevent the "corpse" from resurrecting.

However, through the monitoring equipment in the room, it can be clearly seen that the temperature inside the body rises from time to time.

Harlan pointed to the corpse in front of him and explained:

"After this Martian fungus enters the human body, it will be combined with the human chromosomes, and then quickly transform the human body, greatly improving the human body's quality and resilience. This corpse is actually alive. When we captured it, it was treated extremely The serious gunshot wound is now being repaired bit by bit."

Dr. Brown raised his glasses and could see obvious marks of gunshot wounds on the body, chest and head.

"Have these Antarctic scientific expedition personnel lost their minds?"

Harlan nodded helplessly: "Yes, after being infected by the fungus, the early mutations fused too fast, causing the brain to be very seriously affected. These five scientific expedition members have all lost their rationality."

A biochemical researcher who followed Harlan explained to Dr. Brown in a low voice:

"When the human body is infected with fungi, the fungi will consume a lot of energy. Although the cyanobacteria-like skin they form will provide part of the energy through photosynthesis, the instinct to quickly fuse will prompt the parasitized organisms to have a strong desire to eat. "

Dr. Brown's eyes flickered: "Same as zombies."

"Yes, they are almost the same." The biochemical researcher nodded.

After thinking for a while, Dr. Brown flipped through the research report again. This fungus was temporarily named "Mars fungus."

The reason why it is classified as a fungus is because the Mars fungus is a eukaryotic organism and is also spread through spores.

However, it seems that because it was born on Mars, in order to adapt to the Martian environment, the Mars fungus itself has evolved anaerobic, UV-resistant, low-temperature dormancy, and dryness resistance.

After the meteorite fell on the Antarctic ice cap, the Mars fungus entered a dormant state due to the low temperature in Antarctica and the oxygen-rich and humid environment of Blue Star.

In other words, it is slowly adapting to the environment of Blue Star.

Although the Mars fungus is spread through spores, the characteristics inherited from the Martian environment make it not very airborne. The spores have not evolved the ability to float in the air, mainly because the atmosphere of Mars is very thin.

The way they spread is through spores and hyphae, forming a mushroom with an aerogel structure, waiting for the Martian dust storm to come and carry them far away.

In terms of infection of the human body, Mars fungus requires physical contact with the aerogel mushrooms and large-scale contact with the human body before infection occurs.

This is why, out of more than fifty people at the American Antarctic scientific research station, only five were infected with the mutation.

Aerogel mushrooms that do not come into direct contact with the Mars fungus will not become infected.

However, infection can also occur once bitten by an infected person or splashed with bodily fluids.

Just when Dr. Brown and others were preparing to study the Mars fungus in depth.

A group of uninvited guests appeared near the deserted island.

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