The rise of nanometers

Chapter 447 Alienation

"Yes, this person is one of the dark ones." After Chu Xuan finished speaking, he called up the next picture, which was the details of Kato Nobuaki.

"If the three suspects just stayed at the Kato Hotel, they wouldn't have attracted my attention. Please look here..."

The three suspects checked into the Kato Hotel on October 15, November 6, and December 12, 2012 respectively.

"...During this period, another person appeared and caught my attention."

A picture of a middle-aged white man appears on a projection screen.

Chu Xuan explained: "Philip Rojack, codenamed Mole, appears to be the boss of an investment company, but is actually a liaison team leader of the CIA. This person happened to stay at the Kato Hotel during those three days."

"It seems that these guys are behind the scenes." Qin Lizhang clenched his fists.

Chu Xuan waved his finger: "No, not only that, I also discovered something else. Philip Investment Company is most likely one of the investors behind Johnny's Agency."

"Isn't this natural?" Qin Lizhang said in confusion.

"Listen to me." Chu Xuan called up a complicated relationship diagram: "Looking at this relationship diagram and the recent movements of the mole, I found several interesting things."

An information consulting company registered in Xiangjiang appeared in front of everyone, and this information consulting company has business dealings with many large companies in the country.

Then several of these companies often cooperate with Johnny's Agency to incubate some young talents and young stars.

Qin Lizhang's eyes showed a hint of murderous intent.

"Look at these three videos again." Chu Xuan called up the three videos one by one, all of which were captured by the driving recorder and traffic surveillance camera.

Among these videos, the farthest one was taken on May 14, 2009. The protagonist of the video is the actual controller of those companies.

"Although they used Apple phones, and the CIA also borrowed Apple's backdoor to modify the call recordings, they still exposed their flaws."

Through the latest facial muscle and lip language analysis system, Chu Xuan found obvious differences between the call records and the actual call content in these three videos.

In fact, the Intelligence Department has long discovered that Apple has some backdoors that can overwrite and replace call records and cover up some real call content.

One of the more recent videos was captured by a traffic light surveillance camera on September 12, 2012.

Judging from the lip reading analysis, the other party mentioned the words Suiren Department, Huang Xiuyuan, and close contact many times.

Qin Lizhang's face was gloomy: "I knew it wouldn't be that simple without the cooperation of the mole, but I didn't expect that it was him."

Looking at the photos of those people on the projection screen, everyone fell silent.

Chu Xuan said indifferently: "There is no possibility of recovery for them. Their relationship with the Freemasons is unclear. It seems that this time, they are cooperating with the CIA behind the scenes."

"I understand." Qin Lizhang stood up with a heavy heart.

This matter is bound to cost someone their life. Just because they colluded with external forces and tried to assassinate Huang Xiuyuan, no matter who was behind it, these people would definitely die.

Huang Xiuyuan is the key to the stability of the Suiren Clan, and the Suiren Clan is related to the stability of the country. This is something that is difficult to change in a short period of time.

In fact, Qin Lizhang also knew that these people had problems, but he did not expect that they would be so bold.

Perhaps from the beginning, it was destined that the two sides were not on the same page. Many people were pawns supported by the Freemasons and Skull and Bones. These enterprises could not develop without the support from the other side of the sea.

Just like drug addicts, they may be dragged into the water for the first time, but as time goes by, they will become unable to stop and can only obediently become puppets and become the walking zombies alienated by capital.

How many dragon-slaying warriors turned into evil dragons in the end.

A week later, Huang Xiuyuan concluded a secret meeting in Peiping.

Inside the internal reception building of Time Hotel.

Huang Xiuyuan made a pot of tea nonchalantly and poured another cup for Qin Lizhang.

"We've checked it out, here's the list."

Huang Xiuyuan took it and glanced at it casually. He was not surprised at all.

Because in his future memory, except for two of these people who "died accidentally", the remaining four immigrated overseas with their families in the 1920s and 1930s.

"Drink tea!"

Qin Lizhang picked up the tea cup and asked strangely: "Why don't you ask me how to deal with them?"

"It's not necessary. I believe you will handle it well." Huang Xiuyuan smiled: "Everyone has to pay the price for their actions. Since they have chosen this road of no return, let's give them a ride!"

Taking a sip of hot tea, Qin Lizhang sighed: "Sometimes I often reflect on what kind of hatred or resentment makes them willing to be lackeys and bent on destroying the stability of their homeland."

Huang Xiuyuan smiled and shook his head: "Some are fanatical converts, some are capital alienators, and some are speculators. They don't want to destroy this place, but they want to rule here and ride on everyone's head."

"When wealth reaches a certain level, they will want to have this wealth for generations to come, and they will want to move to the next level."

Qin Lizhang was silent, just as Huang Xiuyuan said, with tens of billions of assets in hand, few people can maintain their original intentions.

From ancient times to the present, how many people can afford to take it and let it go?

When they obtain capital, it also means that capital is alienating them. Once they lose their original aspirations, their ambitions will expand.

The top rich, who already have tens of billions of wealth, are themselves the elite of society, but they know that there are threats to them above their heads.

Qin Lizhang naturally knew that the existence above the heads of the wealthy people was the Nine Cauldrons of Heaven, which prompted those wealthy people to aspire to dominate the world even if they colluded with foreign enemies.

Entrepreneurs who are as determined and calm as Huang Xiuyuan are definitely rare.

He is also the only person who has successfully conquered the world by combining technology with enterprises. However, Huang Xiuyuan himself is not a pure businessman, but more like a scientist who pursues collectivism.

Regarding the future of Suiren, the Huang family will have a profound impact on this company, but it will not become a family business. If Huang Xiuyuan's plan is followed, Suiren will become a collective enterprise.

In the future interstellar era, an era of extreme material affluence, society will definitely need to undergo a new round of changes.

At that time, various traditional organizations may be replaced by new social organizations.

Huang Xiuyuan never believed in the eternal life, and the development of society was always between fluctuations, just like the rise and fall of dynasties in a cycle of three hundred years.

Whether it is a family or a business, there is no permanent prosperity, it will always come to an end.

If you look at history, you will know how many long-lived masters are buried under the loess; how many aristocratic families have flown into the homes of ordinary people; how many empires have turned into history.

No matter how wise the founder of divine martial arts is, he will encounter unworthy descendants, and his dream of ruling the world for eternity will always be in vain.

Huang Xiuyuan has long been very open-minded. Suiren Department often does some seemingly thankless business. To put it bluntly, this is the same truth:

When running a business, you can’t be too capitalistic.

Especially after becoming bigger and stronger, if it is still like a cancer cell, it will eventually either eat it to the limit and self-destruct, or it will be eliminated by radiotherapy.

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