The rise of nanometers

Chapter 441 Draft Opinion

December 1st.

A piece of news sparked a heated discussion among the people.

The content of this news is about a draft of a bill.

The news was first reported in the legal community of Time Blog, and many professional lawyers and commentators quickly compiled a detailed interpretation of the law.

This incident then spread to the entire Time Blog and the domestic Internet.

The Time Blog put a link to the opinion draft at the top, making this matter even more lively. Even netizens who usually don't care much about these things began to notice this matter.

Comment section under the link to the opinion draft.

[It’s so sudden, why wasn’t there any news before?]——Ractopamine

[ @Ractopamine, I heard through the grapevine that it was suggested by Suiren. ]——King of Licking King

[Is this the intention to imitate North America and conduct global taxation?乛v乛Hehe]——Tea Master

[This should have been done a long time ago, support! ]——Black fertilizer does not turn gray

[Wow! If this plan is implemented, people who immigrate to foreign countries will suffer huge losses. ]——Young dream

[After a comprehensive estimate, the immigration tax actually reached a maximum of 68.4%, which is more than two-thirds, and it is even more severe than that of Lao Mi! ]——White Mountains and Black Waters

[ @White Mountains and Black Waters, this is a good thing. It is mainly aimed at wealthy people. With assets below one million, it is only about 8.4%. ]——Snail brand tractor

[Boss Huang, this is too cruel! Didn't he buy two archipelago areas himself? What will happen to him when he immigrates himself? ]——Cornworm

[When the time comes, the common people’s money will be thirty-seven cents, and the wealthy gentry will pay back all the money╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭]——Let the bullets fly

[ @Let the bullets fly, don’t be embarrassed. Boss Huang has no intention of immigrating. The nature of the Suiren family determines that it is impossible for him to immigrate. ]--dark humor

[ @Black humor, how do you know he has not immigrated? He didn't say it himself, and with the actual control of those two islands, it would not be a matter of minutes for him to immigrate himself. ]——Professional steel bars

[Haha, a dozen celebrities have just canceled their studios and companies. They must have heard some rumors. ]——Physical Transcendence

[ @Physical Surpass, my friend from Shanghai Taxation Bureau said that in the past two days, more than a dozen celebrities in the entertainment industry have paid more than 2 billion in backpay, please take a closer look. ]——Huangpu River fisherman

[ @Huangpu River fishing guy, damn! so much? ]——Yunshengsheng

This sudden announcement of the draft for comments is like a stone that stirs up a thousand waves, and is like a bolt from the blue to those in China who are trying to transfer assets.

At the same time, those who engage in yin and yang contracts, film money laundering, and scammers are also within the scope of the attack.

Judging from the rumors from various channels, this time it is not to scare people, but to be serious.

In addition to Mobei, Ellis Islands and Gilbert Islands, which are mutually exempt, a series of fees can be waived.

Immigration to other areas will impose huge fees, ranging from 8.4% to 68.4%. Anyway, the higher the assets, the higher the payment ratio.

As for why Mobei, Ellis Islands, and Gilbert Islands are exempted, the reason is very simple because these three regions signed a special agreement called the "Extradition Agreement."

In less than a week, the amount of back payment reached 57.3 billion yuan, which is enough to build three aircraft carriers or 12 Huo Qubing class nuclear submarines.

This amount of money is really not a small amount, after all, the current value of the Hua Yuan is strong.

You must know that the Ocean City project in Zhongsha Atoll only invested 18 billion in the first phase, and it is planned to be divided into five phases, with a total investment of 120 billion.

57.3 billion is enough for half a large atoll and ocean city.

It's just that there are still many people who are still taking chances, trying to get through, or delaying time.

These guys don't know it yet, but their names have already been on the internal list.

If you complete the back payment during the transitional period, you can still be open-minded; if you are not sensible and think you can get through, then you will have to wait until the autumn to settle the score.

As for taking the opportunity to transfer assets out of the country, don't even think about it. Now that foreign exchange is fully controlled, if big funds want to go out, a series of reviews can make them retreat.

Anyway, after this bombshell dropped, many demons and monsters surfaced. In the end, there will definitely be many people who will cry behind bars because of their greed.

If such drastic measures were not used in the past, other regions would not be willing to cooperate with many things, or they would deliberately open back doors, or they would deliberately make things difficult.

One moment and another, if you don't cooperate now, you may not be able to see the sun the next day.

Let alone means such as force, even the use of economic means alone can cause some small forces to be destroyed in an instant.

With good cards in energy, ore, fresh water, food, industrial products, finance, etc., facing this kind of all-round crushing, even North America and Western Europe are under great pressure.

Used to deal with those little shrimps, it is basically a rhythm of punching a child.

Therefore, all parts of the world are relatively cooperative. Even if they engage in small actions, they are done secretly and privately, and they do not dare to be as unscrupulous as before.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Huang Xiuyuan came up with this draft for comments that would only be released in 2025. Anyway, he was not afraid of slanting shadows or offending people, so he just dropped bombs from the beginning.

Time Information has launched a full-scale attack on the Internet, filming a large number of online dramas that reflect reality, and directly pulling out some bad guys to whip their corpses.

In Huang Xiuyuan's view, the country still needs to further optimize its internal affairs in order to maintain its current advantages and move towards a great renaissance.

To optimize the interior, it is natural to hunt tigers, swat flies, exterminate rats, and catch pests.

At the end of 2012, the bitter north wind in winter was like a knife, sweeping across the north and south of the country, killing and injuring countless pests wherever it went.

The first snowfall of winter in Beiping is like goose feathers flying all over the sky, covering this ancient land with a layer of silver.

The north wind is biting and the ice and snow are cold. Countless pests and insect eggs in the soil of the fields are strangled to pieces by this ruthless coldness.

Their withering will bring more organic nutrients to the next spring, allowing crops to grow healthier and stronger.

Perhaps, this is the so-called auspicious snow that heralds a good harvest.

December 28th.

Suiren Department started its annual financial statistics on the 15th of this month, preparing to distribute year-end bonuses and dividends, as well as review the number of people who have received stock incentives this year.

Huang Xiuyuan does not need to worry too much about this matter, because the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Safety and the Locust Ant will work together to do all this work.

Huang Xiuyuan had just returned to the headquarters from the scientific research base in Hongcao Town. After a busy day of scientific research, it was already sunset when he returned to the headquarters.

Inside the King of Kings and Banishers restaurant.

Huang Xiuyuan was eating dinner while listening to Xiao Yingnan's report.

After hearing relevant data, he showed that the amount of back payment by the end of the month had reached 125.6 billion, and he sneered:

"There are always people who won't cry when they see the coffin."

The Suiren Department cooperated with the Network Management Center and other departments to investigate the finances and assets of many people. The 125.6 billion was less than a quarter of the statistical amount.

Greed is a bottomless pit.

One day, he will be swallowed up too.

Thank you for your support (ω`)

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