The rise of nanometers

Chapter 430: Peeling off the cocoon

After a virtual symposium on nuclear energy.

The next day, Huang Xiuyuan participated in a virtual symposium on another scientific research direction.

The theme of this conference is about "transgenics", "gene editing", "artificial womb", "gene sequences" and so on.

Zhang Tai'an, the scientific consultant of the strategic think tank, is a scholar engaged in strategic analysis in the field of science and technology. He has participated in the formulation of the 11th and 12th Five-Year Plans.

Huang Xiuyuan participated in this meeting because he is one of the core figures in the research and development of swine fever vaccines, and Shennong Group and Fenmin Agriculture have also invested heavily in the biological field.

The two are also old acquaintances and have discussed related topics on strategic layout many times.

Zhang Tai'an turned around and whispered: "Mr. Huang, regarding artificial wombs and gene editing, I think we should increase support."

"Why?" Huang Xiuyuan asked calmly, without expressing his own views. It is not easy to express views on this kind of thing. He can only look at the situation of the meeting first.

Zhang Tai'an solemnly explained: "Internal news, Americans may be doing relevant scientific research."

"Is the information accurate?" Huang Xiuyuan frowned.

Ou Kerui, deputy director of the Intelligence Department, who was sitting in the row in front, turned around, opened a dedicated channel, and explained in a low voice:

"The intelligence is basically certain. We have used big data to target scientific researchers from all over the world. Since February this year, 57 related scholars from Western Asia, Latin America, and Australia have gathered in California, and then they were lost on the Internet. Their traces.”

After Okrui finished speaking, he shared another internal analysis document with Huang Xiuyuan.

He browsed through it carefully and found that the analysis and reasoning on the document were very reasonable. The global Internet era has brought about the interconnection of data. Time Information has previously developed related big data screening and tracking systems.

The Intelligence Division has a dedicated global data investigation center.

Although many areas prohibit access to the public Internet for scientific research projects and confidential projects, they generally have their own independent intranets.

But human beings are social animals, and each individual is closely related to the society as a whole.

Beginning in 2010, the Intelligence Department began a secret plan - the "Listen Plan", which included all important figures in various regions as surveillance targets.

For this purpose, three 10-gigabit supercomputers and ultra-large data storage libraries are specially equipped, and more than 3,000 staff monitor all parts of the world day and night.

Among them, scientific researchers in various fields are the targets of focus.

Because to study large-scale scientific research projects, the participation of scientific researchers is indispensable, and it is not just one or two scientific researchers, but hundreds or thousands of scientific researchers.

Westerners have some characteristics, such as being too free and loose. Even in secret bases, these scientific researchers will regularly go out for activities, talk to their families on the phone, and make online videos.

In this way, we can follow the clues and deduce what these scientific researchers are studying based on their majors and papers.

For example, this time, the investigation center found that a group of biological scientists, specifically scholars of artificial wombs, gene editing, and transgenics, had no records of leaving the country after being invited to California.

Based on this clue, it was investigated that five major medical groups, including Pfizer and Johnson \u0026 Johnson, transported a batch of related frozen sperm, frozen eggs and hormones to a hospital in California.

But according to data from the Intelligence Department, this hospital does not have the qualifications to do in vitro fertilization.

Behind this is definitely not only research on artificial wombs and in vitro fertilization, but most likely gene editing experiments.

There are as many as 147 eggs that have been monitored, and the number of undiscovered eggs may be even higher.

After comprehensive analysis and reasoning, the Intelligence Division concluded that the other party was most likely to have set up a secret experimental project for gene-edited babies in California.

Huang Xiuyuan's expression gradually became serious: "Professor Zhang's opinion is that we should follow up?"

"The risks of gene-edited babies are too great, and it involves the bottom line of morality and ethics. I think action must be taken. If it is left to ordinary private companies, it may cause public concern." Zhang Tai'an replied cautiously.

After taking a deep breath, Huang Xiuyuan said in a dilemma: "If we don't make gene-edited babies, it will be very difficult to measure a lot of data. This is a dilemma."

Zhang Tai'an shook his head: "No, we have another plan."

Another plan? Huang Xiuyuan raised his eyebrows: "What plan?"

"The research work on the gene-edited baby project will definitely take about 12 to 20 years before it can bear fruit." Zhang Tai'an paused and continued:

"We don't do gene-edited babies, but we can still do research, such as conducting genetic sequence testing on newborn babies and doing big data analysis."

"Is this so?" Huang Xiuyuan weighed the pros and cons.

This solution is actually possible. Although it seems inefficient, it can also determine those gene sequences in human genes that will affect IQ, immunity, physical fitness, etc.

It requires continuous observation and testing, which consumes a lot of manpower and material resources.

However, compared with directly launching gene-edited babies, the efficiency may be lower, but in terms of safety and ethics, it will not be criticized.

In addition, if experiments on gene-edited babies are not carried out, it does not mean that research on gene editing cannot be done. Humans cannot do this, but animals can.

"I would like to make a few suggestions. First, when conducting animal experiments, you must strictly manage them. You would rather kill them by mistake than allow highly intelligent genetically modified animals to leave the laboratory."

Zhang Tai'an nodded: "I agree with this. The purpose of our research is only to serve mankind, not to create a new enemy."

"Second, there must be a complete ban on companies and scientific researchers who privately study gene-edited babies. This can not only paralyze the enemy, but also avoid the pressure of public opinion."

"Third, we need to make long-term plans and plans for nationwide transformation, and prepare relevant laws to avoid the rich-poor divide in gene editing in the future."

Zhang Tai'an and several other scholars also strongly agree with these suggestions.

People are not worried about scarcity but inequality. The emergence of a technology, if it cannot be fair, will only completely separate society.

This is why Huang Xiuyuan suggested that private companies be prohibited from entering. Privatization and commercialization of such projects are absolutely not allowed, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

If it is privatized and commercialized, the descendants of the rich and powerful can use money to customize their offspring with high IQ, comprehensive physical fitness, super immunity, etc.

But the poor people at the bottom can only rely on natural reproduction and take a chance on the probability of genetic mutation.

Therefore, gene editing projects must not be left to private companies, because private companies are profit-seeking, and someone will definitely take risks and create super babies.

The discussion lasted for more than five hours, and Huang Xiuyuan, Zhang Tai'an and others also took turns to take the stage to speak.

The preliminary plan of a top-secret project called "Nuwa Project" has been officially determined. It is expected that it will take 25 years to develop a safe human evolution plan.

Although Suiren Company was invited to participate in the "Nuwa Project", it did not take the lead. It was still very cautious in this matter.

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