The rise of nanometers

Chapter 425 Compensation and Attack

After watching the concert for more than three hours, Huang Xiuyuan and Xiao Yingnan returned to the headquarters.

In the secret room.

For Huang Xiuyuan in the body sensing cabin, he pressed the close button, the body sensing cabin automatically separated, and he walked out of it.

Stretched and came to the restaurant to prepare for dinner.

Lin Baijie was also in the small private room, just about to eat something. The two of them sat down and talked about something while eating.

"Old Lin, I just read the internal magazine. Has Shennong's swine fever vaccine been approved for marketing in China?"

Picking up a piece of fried tofu, Lin Baijie nodded: "Yes, the Ministry of Health has approved it and an announcement will be made the day after tomorrow."

Huang Xiuyuan took a sip of pork rib soup and continued to ask: "Where is ABCD?"

"They can't hold on anymore and have sent a negotiation team over. They will probably compensate and purchase a batch of vaccines." Lin Baijie explained with a smile.

Huang Xiuyuan picked up the hot and sour potato shreds and laughed: "Haha, these guys just won't cry until they see the coffin."

ABCD has indeed suffered heavy losses in the past few months. Swine fever broke out in North America, destroying about 57% of their pigs.

If this is the case, ABCD, a large company with a large business, will not suffer too serious losses due to its own financial layout.

The real crisis is actually their problem feed, which has affected a large number of customers' pigs. The feed business has plummeted, and they have to face lawsuits from customers.

On the other hand, the simple and crude Maozi breeding company completed the clinical test of swine fever in August and found that the data was basically consistent with the data provided by Shennong Group, so it approved the Shennong swine fever vaccine on August 15 and launched it in Lucia.

The quick-moving Maozi has completed the vaccination of 1.73 million pigs before October and is expected to complete the vaccination of all pigs in stock before the end of this year.

Maozi, who was very economical, quickly ate cheap contaminated feed while injecting the swine fever vaccine. ABCD could only hold his nose and sell these contaminated feed to Maozi at a low price.

If not sold to Maozi, these feeds can only be destroyed or rot in the warehouse.

The Food Alliance imported a large amount of contaminated feed, but instead of feeding it to pigs, it imported it to feed chickens, ducks and geese.

Pig farms in other areas can now only purchase tested and safe pig feed at high prices, and the cost has increased a lot.

After suffering this big loss, ABCD is also strengthening the testing of feed production. It may not be so easy to plot against them next time.

However, this incident also indirectly increased the production cost of ABCD. After all, intensive testing and quality control are not free.

Global meat product prices have generally risen, but the extent of the increase varies. For example, domestic meat prices have been very stable, with an average increase of about 6 cents.

The regions with the highest increases are Korea and Japan, where local production is sparse. In particular, the price of pork in Korea has increased by 172%.

Korea was forced to purchase a batch of frozen pork from the Food Alliance.

As for the Japanese, they have invested a lot in agriculture overseas. For example, in Samba, there are many Japanese-owned industries, and the food supply can barely be maintained.

After eating for a while, Huang Xiuyuan asked again: "How does Shennong plan to deal with the ban in North America?"

Lin Baijie explained: "It's very simple. We invested in a vaccination factory in Mexico and asked ABCD to bring the pigs to Mexico for vaccination, and then transport them back."

"Mexico? That's okay." Huang Xiuyuan smiled.

Regarding this matter, on the one hand, it is the restriction of the ban, and on the other hand, Shennong Group deliberately disgusted ABCD.

If you send people to the United States, you will easily be tricked by the other party, and it will have to be reviewed and approved by the other party before it can be listed on the market. Shennong Group simply does not set up injection points in the United States. Anyway, it is not itself the troublesome one.

How the vaccinated pigs return to their homeland has nothing to do with Shennong Group. I only sell vaccines and injections, and I am not responsible for after-sales services.

After hitting a wall last time, ABCD probably gave up on the idea of ​​introducing technology and could only obediently pay for it.

The swine fever vaccine is not a one-time solution. Those pigs that have been vaccinated will breed offspring with only certain swine fever antibodies. They must be vaccinated with a re-vaccination to ensure immunity to the swine fever virus.

It will take at least 10 years to form herd immunity in pigs. In other words, if ABCD cannot develop its own swine fever vaccine in the short term, it must consider cutting off its supply.

This was also the reason why the other party did not dare to show off. He knew clearly that this swine fever feed incident was most likely caused by the Grain Alliance, but he could only swallow his anger, not to mention feeling aggrieved.

The purpose of Huang Xiuyuan's arrangement of so many things is for the rise of China. Only when China becomes stronger and does things outside can it straighten its back and speak tougher.

Just like this swine fever feed incident, it doesn't matter if the other party knows who did it, they can only keep their tail between their legs.

In this world, there is never morality, only fists and interests. As long as the fists are hard enough, interests can be fully protected.

Lin Baijie wiped his mouth and talked about another thing: "Speaking of ABCD, they seem to be planning to skip the compensation from Africa and Southeast Asia."

"As expected, the weak are destined to have no say. It is estimated that ABCD will pass on part of the losses to these areas through price increases of feed and meat products." Huang Xiuyuan is not surprised.

If all were compensated, ABCD would probably suffer a lot of bleeding. They compensated the Food Alliance because they asked for help from the Food Alliance.

As for the weak chickens in other areas, they will have to rely on ABCD for food in the future. It is estimated that they can only let it go, or pay some compensation as comfort, and perfunctory those breeding companies.

Even the breeding companies of the Xizhou Alliance can only choose to forgive.

As a Western Continental Alliance with a dense population and scarce land resources, food and food depend on ABCD to a large extent. Even though Louis Dreyfus is a Gallic enterprise, it is actually inextricably linked to the North American consortium. .

In order to stabilize the food supply, the Xizhou Alliance will most likely settle the matter.

Not to mention other regions. Among the regions that dare to confront ABCD, apart from the Food Alliance, Lucia can barely do so.

Regarding ABCD, Huang Xiuyuan had no intention of letting him go. He thought for a while and ordered:

"Old Lin, please discuss more with Hailin and Xiaojun. The agricultural layout in China, Mobei, Central Asia and Southeast Asia must be gradually expanded and deepened."

Lin Baijie raised his eyebrows: "You mean to target local regions and industries and attack ABCD's industrial chain."

"That's right!" Huang Xiuyuan nodded.

The Suiren Department's strategic think tank has analyzed ABCD's industrial chain and formulated many plans based on the Suiren Department's technology and strength.

As domestic food becomes self-sufficient, Huang Xiuyuan will naturally not wait for the enemy to collapse, but will take the initiative to attack ABCD's global industrial chain.

Without tearing apart the industrial chain of ABCD, the food and agriculture in many areas are controlled or profoundly affected by the other party.

This is not conducive to suppressing North America.

In the current global situation, in a bipolar struggle for hegemony, both sides have advantages over each other, but there is no absolute advantage.

China has risen too fast and its international influence is still relatively weak.

The influence of the United States over the past few decades has been so intertwined around the world that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and it will not fade so easily for a while.

Especially in the fields of agriculture and energy, there are still local advantages, which require targeted suppression.

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