The rise of nanometers

Chapter 282 17 minutes

Although many domestic and foreign manufacturers already knew from the previously announced spare parts that the mobile computers launched by Long Totem would be very powerful, when they faced Chengying and Tai'a mobile phones, they still felt a rush of fear. pressure.

Facing such powerful Chengying and Tai'a, that sharp edge has begun to show.

Zhang Weixin watched with a smile as Cook fled. Soon the other seven lucky spectators also left the conference stage with their own prototypes. He turned around and said to everyone present:

"The successful research and development of Chengying and Tai'a is not only due to the efforts of Long Totem Company, but also the full support of the head office, as well as the full help of all partners."

Immediately, there was thunderous applause, especially the manufacturers involved in R\u0026D and the partners in the supply chain. They were so excited that their palms turned red.

The sales of such powerful Chengying and Tai'a mobile phones in the domestic market will definitely not be that bad.

"I believe everyone wants to know the retail prices of Chengying and Tai'a. Let me reveal the answer to you now."

Suddenly all the attendees pricked up their ears.

In particular, delegations from companies such as Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Liangxiang, BlackBerry, Sony Ericsson and other companies with mobile phone businesses looked solemn.

Cook, who had just walked around the bathroom, did not bother to return to his seat. Instead, he stopped and stared at Zhang Weixin under the big screen.

"In order to repay the support of people across the country, the retail price of Chengying mobile phone is set at 2,186 yuan. Registered users of Chaoxin or Shiguang Blog can receive a 20% discount with their registration number."

"The retail price of Tai'a mobile phone is 3,199 yuan. Users of Chaoxin and Shiguang Blog also enjoy a 20% discount."

The translator beside Cook hurriedly translated the price. Due to the recent appreciation of the Chinese dollar, the current exchange rate between the rice dollar and the Chinese dollar is about 1:6.2.

In other words, the Chengying mobile phone only costs more than 300 yuan, and the Tai'a mobile phone only costs more than 500 yuan. Even if tax is included, the competitiveness is still very strong.

It may cause a fatal blow to Apple's sales in China.

"Too bad, this price..." Cook patted his forehead. The Apple 4, which was released in June last year, was sold in China for 4,999 yuan.

The performance comprehensively surpasses that of Apple 4, and the sales price is only 2186, while the more powerful Tai Ah only sells for 3199.

What's more, there are huge discounts, the price-performance ratio directly beats Apple, and other mobile phone manufacturers are expected to be directly overthrown.

Zhang Weixin said with a smile: "Technological innovation requires profits, and it also needs to serve the masses. The price of Chengying and Tai'a is to make friends with everyone, so that more friends can use smartphones."

Then he announced that Chaoxin, Time Blog, and Dragon Totem official websites would start online ordering simultaneously.

As the live broadcast footage was simultaneously uploaded to the homepage of Time Blog, it immediately aroused a huge response, and many netizens rushed directly to the three ordering websites.

Currently, Chengying Mobile Phone and Tai Ah Mobile Phone have 850,000 and 320,000 units in stock online respectively, and 500,000 and 200,000 units in offline physical stores.

The physical mobile phone store of Long Totem is located in the Good Times Mall of Time Information. It is both a national chain sales store and a national chain repair point.

Many of the first batch of netizens who rushed to the website were scalpers with a keen sense of smell, but they were quickly stumped.

Because the sales of Dragon Totem are restricted, each super signal or ID number can only purchase one mobile phone, and after purchase, the mobile phone will be bundled with the buyer's ID number by Dragon Totem.

If you want to resell your phone, you can only go to a physical store of Dragon Totem to flash it. Moreover, each user is limited to three times of resale and flashing per year, which directly hinders the scalpers.

Even with such strict restrictions, the first batch of mobile phones online were all sold out in less than 20 minutes.

Many of the rush purchasers are employees of the Suiren Department. Not only do they have discounts from Chaoxin and Shiguang Blog, but they can also stack employee discounts, which can generally reach a 30% discount.

Zhang Weixin, who was at the press conference, received a reminder from the backstage staff through his earphones, and his face suddenly lit up.

"Everyone, the first batch of 1.17 million mobile phones sold online has been sold out after 17 minutes of sales."

"Holy shit..."

"Isn't this too fierce?"

“With such a great discount, who wouldn’t grab it?”

"I just took the opportunity to grab one."

Someone opened a laptop and logged into the homepage of Dragon Totem's official website. On the sales window above, it indeed showed: [This product has been sold out]

1.17 million mobile phones were sold out in 17 minutes. Even with a very strong discount, the average selling price of each mobile phone was only about 1,734 yuan, and the total sales still reached 2.02878 billion yuan.

The total cost of mobile phone spare parts and processing only accounts for about 600 to 800 yuan, and the cost of additional intellectual property rights is about 400 to 500 yuan.

After deducting sales expenses and taxes, even at the current price, Long Totem can still have a net profit of about 400 yuan on each mobile phone.

This is also one of the great advantages of the entire industry chain. There is no need to worry about sudden price increases or bottlenecks in foreign spare parts.

Zhang Weixin said excitedly: "In order to allow more friends to experience the new mobile phone, our company has decided to open the pre-sale of 1.5 million mobile phones."

1.5 million mobile phones is the maximum output of Long Toteng’s two mobile phone assembly plants in one month.

Soon the Long Totem official website, Chaoxin, and Time Blog will open the pre-sale windows prepared in advance.

When Huang Xiuyuan told them to prepare the pre-sale window, Zhang Weixin and the others were still a little doubtful whether they could sell millions of mobile phones in a short period of time.

However, the actual situation proved that Huang Xiuyuan's preparation was not wrong at all. Zhang Weixin underestimated the enthusiasm of the domestic people, and the Suiren Department's own large number of employees, as one of the top high-income groups in the country, coupled with the explosive economy in recent years Growth, people generally have a lot of savings, and the consumer electronics market is definitely more powerful than the year 2011 in Huang Xiuyuan’s memory.

In box zero.

Huawei and ZTE, which have mobile phone businesses, are naturally jealous. When cooperating to develop new semiconductor systems, each company signed a memorandum of cooperation, that is, before 2018, each company shall not cut off the supply of spare parts for any reason. supply.

Therefore, Huawei and ZTE can also purchase Dragon Totem screens, CPUs and flash memory.

In fact, with the completion of joint GPU research and development, various cooperative companies have also taken the opportunity to accumulate some design experience. For example, Huawei has recently begun to project Kirin CPU chips, and ZTE is also promoting its own CPU.

Datang, which gave up its controlling stake in SMIC, poached a large number of cronies from SMIC to form Datang Semiconductor, which focused on chip foundry and GPU chips.

In the market segment of the chip industry, various domestic semiconductor companies have begun to look for their own products and professional positioning to promote the overall rise of Huaguo Semiconductor.

The success of the Dragon Totem mobile phone in its first battle has enhanced the confidence of all partners.

They can already foresee that the changes in the domestic mobile phone market will start with the Dragon Totem mobile phone.

The decline of feature phone manufacturers such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and Heimei has become a foregone conclusion; the next market will be a fierce battle between the Fuxi series, Apple series, and Android series.

After Zhang Weixin announced the pre-sale, he began to introduce Dragon Totem’s upcoming computers.

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