The rise of nanometers

Chapter 269 Helan Mountain

Ning District, Shizuishan City.

The awakening of insects in March brings all things to life.

A rare spring rain moistened the Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall.

Not far from Shizuishan City, there is Helan Mountain, which blocks the eastward invasion of the Tengger Desert. However, the current Helan Mountain has long been riddled with holes due to years of mining activities.

In the Rujigou Coal Mine deep in the Helan Mountains, Li Mingsheng, the dark and stocky mine manager, took a dozen young people to visit the inside of the mining area.

The dust inside the mining area is flying and the sound of machinery is like a sledgehammer hitting the heart, making people easily exhausted physically and mentally.

Everyone wears gas helmets, and employees in the mining area are equipped with gas helmets. This customized version of the gas helmet effectively blocks pollutants and dust.

The young man in charge, looking at the mine in front of him and the miners working in helmets, suddenly felt sad and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Brother Liu, what's wrong?" the tall man on the side asked at a loss.

After taking off his gas helmet and wiping his tears, he replied in a daze: "Seeing these miners, I suddenly thought of my father and how I wish I could go back in time."

Many of his companions knew about Liu Xin's family. His father was a coal miner. Because he had been mining underground for many years, he finally contracted pneumoconiosis and died.

After adjusting her mood, Liu Xin turned to the mine manager Li Mingsheng and said, "Mine manager Li, we are conducting experiments in Rujigou Coal Mine. Could you please take us to the spontaneous ignition point of the coal seam?"

"No problem." Li Mingsheng did not dare to offend people from the Suiren Department. After all, he was the boss of Guoneng Ningmei Group and personally explained the matter. He was very cooperative with Liu Xin and others' experiments.

Sitting in a broken pickup truck, we staggered into a bare mountainous area.

Li Mingsheng spread out an exploration map, which was covered with dense exploration information. Part of the area painted in red was the spontaneous combustion point in the Helan Mountain coal mine belt.

"Researcher Liu, the small ravine in front is one of the spontaneous combustion points. It used to be a small private coal mine, but it is now basically abandoned."

After getting off the car, Liu Xin took off his gas helmet, and a pungent smell of incomplete combustion of coal hit his face. Although he did not see an open flame, he was basically sure that there was spontaneous combustion of coal seams in the strata under his feet.

After putting on his helmet, he shouted loudly: "Dashan, release the airship."

The tall researcher nodded, walked to the back of a large pickup truck in the convoy, turned on the helium air pump, and a small airship suddenly expanded.

Gao Shan controlled the small airship and floated slowly in the air. Another girl opened the suitcase and antenna. Inside the suitcase was a special computer.

After the girl inputs a line of instructions, the airship's infrared sensors and cameras analyze the nearby surface temperature and formation temperature.

Liu Xin took a look at the stratigraphic simulation layer and quickly determined the area, area and depth of spontaneous combustion of the coal seam.

"The depth is about 57 to 124 meters, and the burning area has reached 0.7 square kilometers."

"Brother Liu, this location on the north side is suitable for drilling."

Liu Xin nodded, but did not jump to a conclusion. Instead, he turned his head and pointed at the position of the simulation layer: "Mine Manager Li, do you think this position is suitable for drilling?"

Li Mingsheng looked at the position of the simulated layer, then at the actual position, and finally nodded: "It's basically OK. The thickness and structure of the rock formations here are suitable and will not cause landslides."

"Okay, let's drill the hole at this location."

However, Li Mingsheng hesitated and reminded: "Researcher Liu, there is spontaneous combustion in the coal seam. The drilling equipment may need to be paid attention to. In addition, there is a lot of gas in the underground coal seam."

Liu Xin smiled and replied: "Thank you for reminding me, I have already prepared for this."

The group set up the special drilling machine they brought with them at the predetermined drilling point. After four days of busy work, they finally drilled a hole.

This borehole, only 16 centimeters in diameter, leads directly from the surface to the spontaneous combustion area of ​​the coal seam. Special high-temperature-resistant pipes and drill bits were used to successfully open the borehole.

The exhaust pipe mouth of the borehole was directly ignited, and the gas sprayed from the underground coal seam was burning continuously.

Liu Xin looked at the infrared detection data of the small airship again, and then told Gao Shan: "Da Shan, start the injection test."

"Received." Gao Shan pulled down a gate, and an engineering vehicle similar to a tanker drove a specially made powder into the underground coal seam through the acceleration of high-pressure airflow.

After the specially prepared dust enters the underground coal seam, due to the very high temperature during the spontaneous combustion of the underground coal seam, a violent chemical reaction occurs between the powder and the nitrogen in the air.

Soon, a stream of dark green crystals clung to the surrounding coal and rocks, like tangerines with mold.

Dark green crystals spread rapidly, and the coal covered by the crystals seemed to lose the ability to spontaneously ignite in an instant.

As time went by, the engineering vehicle blew a continuous stream of special powder into the underground coal seam, and the girl responsible for monitoring the infrared data shouted excitedly: "The temperature around the borehole is dropping."

However, Liu Xin was not too excited. He had to wait for the final results to come out.

Two hours later, Gaoshan shut down the powder blowing, because according to their calculations, the underground coal seams at this time were already covered with flame-retardant crystals. They used twice the dose of flame-retardant powder to ensure that the flame-retardant effect was foolproof.

Mine manager Li Mingsheng, who happened to be at the test site, didn't take it seriously at first, but soon he lost his composure. Although he couldn't see the underground coal seam, the flame in the exhaust pipe became weaker and weaker as time went by.

Until Gaoshan closed the gate, the burning flames in the exhaust pipe had turned into a candle in the wind.

"Incredible!" He stared blankly at the flames a hundred meters away and muttered involuntarily.

Another two hours passed, and the flames in the exhaust pipe were completely extinguished. According to the infrared feedback data of the small airship, the temperature of the underground coal seam had dropped to a stable range.

However, due to the thermal insulation capabilities of underground coal seams, the temperature below is still extremely high.

Liu Xin took the time: "Check the gas composition of the exhaust hole."

"Okay, Brother Liu."

After intense and rapid testing, it was found that the gases discharged from the exhaust pipe were mainly carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen and a small amount of water vapor, with no gas such as methane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

Liu Xin then ordered: "Start ventilation and cooling."


Large amounts of dry ice and frozen nitrogen were blown into underground coal seams.

As the sun sets in the west, Helan Mountain looks desolate and lonely in the afterglow of the setting sun, but in a small ravine in Rujigou Coal Mine, bursts of cheers can be heard.

The cooled underground coal seam has returned to normal temperature, which means that the spontaneous combustion point of the coal seam there has been successfully extinguished.

Liu Xin ate her lunch in a hurry, and Gao Shan ran over from a short distance away with some samples: "Brother Liu, I just dug some samples up from under the pipe, take a look."

The dark green crystals cover the coal and rocks, and under the light, they look like green emeralds.

This is a special crystal formed by a chemical reaction between sodium chloride and silicon 12 nanometer powder and nitrogen at high temperatures.

This crystal has several characteristics. In a high temperature and high pressure environment, the formation process is very rapid and accompanied by heat absorption. Moreover, this crystal is high temperature resistant and can withstand extreme temperatures of nearly 1735 degrees Celsius.

Thank you all for your support (ω`), and thank you to my book friends for "Darkness has no light", "Bookworm Chong Chong T", "Cold words and cold feelings", "Just a salted fish", "I just keep sleeping in my dream", Rewards for "The person who has been reading books for two and a half years", "I walk alone in the world 3687", "Lazy Fish Cat", "Bingqi with Fire", "I wish I could have you by my side all my life"!

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